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valla aslanım, havalı falan da değilim

Barathrum said:

Kova benim antim ya.kuzenim ve en yakın arkadaşım kova.Bukadar vurdumduymaz,iplemez,aşk sevgi nedir bilmez,çabuk sıkılır vs tipler görmedim.Hepsi aynı bu kovaların

kız arkadaşım da kova, daha önce daha ilgili veya daha duygusalını görmemiştim

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keşke aslan burcu, çin'de de ejderha olaymışım.

ejderha ve aslan

Dragon – (Yang, 1st Trine, Fixed Element Wood): Magnanimous, stately, vigorous, strong, self-assured, proud, noble, direct, dignified, eccentric, intellectual, fiery, passionate, decisive, pioneering, artistic, generous, loyal. Can be tactless, arrogant, imperious, tyrannical, demanding, intolerant, dogmatic, violent, impetuous, brash.

Zodiac Location: 5th
Ruling hours: 7am-9am
Direction: East-southeast
Motto: “I Reign”
Season and month: Spring, April
Fixed element: Water
Stem: Positive
Lunar Month Dates: April 5 – May 4
Birthstone: Ruby
Colors: Red

Tree, traditionally translated as Wood, is the growing of the matter, or the matter's growing stage. Tree is the first phase of Wu Xing. Tree is yang in character. It stands for springtime, the east, the planet Jupiter, the color blue, green, wind, and the Azure Dragon (Qing Long) in Four Symbols.

In Chinese Taoist thought, Wood attributes are considered to be strength and flexibility, as with bamboo. It is also associated with qualities of warmth, generosity, co-operation and idealism. The Wood person will be expansive, outgoing and socially conscious. The wood element is one that seeks always to grow and expand. Wood heralds the beginning of life, springtime and buds, sensuality and fecundity. Wood needs moisture to thrive.

In Chinese medicine, wood is associated with negative feelings of anger, and positive feelings of patience and altruism. Organs associated with this element are the liver (yin) and the gall bladder (yang), the eyes and the tendons.

Leo (♌) is the fifth astrological sign of the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Leo. In astrology, Leo is considered to be a "masculine", positive (extrovert) sign. It is also considered a fire sign and is one of four fixed signs ruled by the Sun.

The people under this sign are considered by most modern astrologers as natural leaders. They are also considered as outgoing, proud, warm-hearted, loyal, and from their wish to excel in all they do. Leo personalities are known to love those they are close with and they wish to protect and defend all those that need it. They are people that enjoy flattery and attention from others but when not loved or when they are not reciprocated they become depressed, self-pitying and self-destructive.

Individuals in this sign need love and recognition from others to boost their ego. People born under this sign are also invariably materialistic, they set a great value to material boons and strive to financial success. They are known to have plenty of worshippers but also many hidden enemies and they are normally recognized by their self-absorbed personality and their big ego.

Leo keywords: Vanity, stubbornness, melodrama, loyalty, pride, generosity, self-satisfaction, philanthropy, warmth, immodesty, promiscuity, narcissism

Glyph meaning: (♌) Often represents the lions tail, or head and Mane. The two valves of the heart.
Quality Positive: outwardly expressive, extrovert.
Mode (quadruplicity) Fixed: the element in its least changeable form - associated with stability or stubbornness.
Element (triplicity) Fire: energy, warmth, vision, intuition.
Traditional definitions Bestial - the signs symbolised by four-footed animals (also called quadrupedian 'four-footed'). These can lack in social graces and sometimes indicate coarseness and a poor appreciation for 'niceties' and polite manners. They can also be a little inarticulate, caring more about making their point, than the elegance of the style in which it is made.

bi de benimkine bak... akrep ve fare. ne leş bi kombinasyon.

fare ve akrep

Rat – (Yang, 1st Trine, Fixed Element Water): Forthright, tenacious, intense, meticulous, charismatic, sensitive, intellectual, industrious, charming, eloquent, sociable, artistic, and shrewd. Can be manipulative, vindictive, self-destructive, envious, mendacious, venal, obstinate, critical, over-ambitious, ruthless, intolerant, and scheming.

Zodiac Location: 1st
Ruling hours: 11pm-1am
Direction: North
Motto: "I Rule"
Season and month: Winter, December
Fixed element: Water
Stem: Positive
Lunar Month Dates: December 6 – January 6
Gemstone: Garnet
Colours: Black

Water, is the low point of the matter, or the matter's dying or hiding stage. Water is the fifth stage of Wu Xing.
Water is the most yin in character of the Five elements. Its motion is downward and inward and its energy is stillness and conserving. It is associated with the Winter, the North, the planet Mercury, the color black, cold weather, night, and the Black Tortoise (Xuan Wu) in Four Symbols.

It is also associated with the moon, which was believed to cause the dew to fall at night.

In Chinese Taoist thought, water is representative of intelligence and wisdom, flexibility, softness and pliancy; however, an over-abundance of the element is said to cause difficulty in choosing something and sticking to it. In the same way, Water can be fluid and weak, but can also wield great power when it floods and overwhelms the land. Water governs the Kidney and Urinary bladder and is associated with the ears and bones. The negative emotion associated with water is fear/anxiety, while the positive emotion is calmness.
Grey and Blue colours also represent Water.

Scorpio (♏) is the eighth astrological sign in the Zodiac, which spans the zodiac between the 210th and 239th degree of celestial longitude. Generally, the Sun transits this area of the zodiac between 23 October and 21 November each year (sometimes the dates vary slightly). Individuals born during these dates, whilst the Sun is within this sign are called Scorpios.

People born with the sun in Scorpio are very determined, reserved, tenacious and secretive. They are firm and somewhat proud, and capable of unmistakable traits of character that cause them to be either very much liked or very much disliked. Their somewhat suspicious nature causes them to be distrustful, but amidst all their apparent evil traits of character, they have that grit and backbone which enables them to make higher attainments than those born in the other signs ; For the "wisdom of the Serpent" lies concealed in this sign, and they become so discreet. wise and prudent as to display extraordinary genius. It has been said "the greater the animal the greater the man," and it may be that in the animal passions there lie the germs of the spiritual force, which, when sent upwards, may achieve great and mighty things. That which seemed latent will and desire in the sign Taurus becomes, in this sign, expressed energy. The Scorpio desires are potent and charged with the power to attain the object of their desires; but when their desires are subservient to the will, there are none more powerful or determined. In conclusion, it may be said that the Scorpio individuals that have reached the point that they decide their own future, progress.

Scorpio Keywords: Intensity, determination, magnetism, powerfulness, emotion, intuition, secretness, self-reliance, rebirth, penetration, jealousy, introvertion, resourcefulness.

Glyph meaning: (♏) Stinger of a scorpion.
Quality Negative (feminine/passive): inwardly reflective, introvert.
Element (triplicity) Water: sensitivity, feelings, instincts.
Mode (quadruplicity) Fixed: the element in its least changeable form - associated with stability or stubbornness.
Body part Genitals.
Direction North by east
Traditional definitions Fruitful: Unless afflicted, Scorpio shows a propensity for large families, many children or easy pregnancy. Scorpio is the least promising of the fruitful (or 'fertile') signs however because where it is afflicted, it can indicate many pregnancies that fail.
Mute (or slow of voice): Scorpio is not known for verbal dexterity, and suffers from an inability to communicate openly and freely.

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