Lethbrika Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Light Side Of The Moon Guild Sitesi : Tıkla Bu site geçicidir.En yakın zamanda bir host kiralayıp asıl sitenin yapımına başlıyoruz. Guildimiz Avrupa sunucularındaki tek Rp/Pvp serverında açılacaktır.Tam bir Türk guildi olmayıp international bir guild olarak yolumuza devam edeceğiz.Rp ağırlıklı pvp ve pve ögelerinede önem veren bir guildiz.Türkçeye çevirip uzun uzun yazmak istemiyorum guildde belirttiklerimiz burayada direk kopyalıyorum.Bize katılmak isteyen ve kriterlerimize uyan herkezi bekleriz... Light Side Of The Moon is a friendly social rp/pvp guild that works together to enjoy the rich storyline of Swtor both in pve and pvp...All Republic classes and races are welcome to join our guild. For every organization in which you are in there are limitations and borders for behaving; some organize them as rules or as a code of conduct. This guild follows this in the respect that we make clear our standards of conduct within the game and among members of the guild. However, these are not rules themselves, but more explanations of what is and is not tolerated in the guild. They are best defined in three statements: 1. We need you all. In order to succeed, the guild needs members, and every one of those members has to work as a part of it to be functional and useful to it. That means that members should be present when they say they're going to be, or they communicate issues or problems they may have with the rest of us. It also means, however, that you're not the only one we need. Sometimes you're going to have to give up a little in order to get a little (or a lot as it often turns out). Resisting this fact will put you at odds with the group, and trying to get around that will be a massive problem between us and you, because you are definitely not one of us at that point. 2. This is a game. Don't kid yourselves, this is easy to forget in almost every game we play. Keep a close track of how you treat the game. There is plenty outside of it that's just as, if not more, important than the game. If you've got pressing issues, talk to us, we'll help you to overcome it.. Also, you need to keep your cool when things get frustrating. It's one thing for a group to be dealing with the challenges of the game, it's another to for it to deal with it and your pissy attitude because this didn't go how you wanted. If you need a moment to cool off, ask. It's more helpful than you think to simply "keep calm and respawn." 3. You're playing with other people. It's easy to forget this when all you may see of these people are the pixels on the screen, but like it or not, they're people just like you and you still ought to treat them that way. Just like you don't like being used or abused, they don't. Any treatment that is seen as abuse, griefing, or outright criminal will be met with immediate removal from the guild. We won't tolerate it. This doesn't just go for behavior within the guild, but also outside it. Other players are all people, treat them the way you should. However, for that matter, look to statement 2 and realize that they're characters are not people. As a consuquance, our time has come.Eternal saga of War shall began at 20th of December.Will you miss this chance? Or do you feel that you were meant for something better? Something Special? Enlist in Light Side of the Moon and feel balls to bones entire saga with us.Elimate your enemies,bring balance to force.Become a power itself.
tiLi Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2011 güzel duruyor. guildim olmasa gelebilirdim o derece. başarılar dilerim
DeviantSun Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2011 Hepinize başarılar, saygın, kalite bir guild gibi duruyor.
RRa Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2011 hey hey hey, my english is broken. brain is burn. can u recruit me or my their god? internasyonel bir guild olarak bence chattede ingilizce konuşmanız lazım artık. ahmet welcome hun. r u coming to raid? - coming? cumming? lan ahmet raide gel - ha ok geldim geldim omw aq
pcguru Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2011 merak etme oraya öyle tipler girmez :D
Lethbrika Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2011 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2011 Yorumlarınız için teşekkürler.
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