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PvP başlığı iyi olur diye düşündüm.

Will there be PvP-oriented builds?

Yes, there will be builds that focus more on PvP in every Advanced Class (AC), offering roughly a 2% competitive edge in PvP.

Will PvP be Skill Based or Gear Based?

Bioware strongly state that with the dynamic matching and bolstering system players should always be on a competitive playing field. Both Skill and Gear will have parts to play in encounters, but the gear portion will never give more than a 10% edge, leaving player skill as the overriding factor in the majority of encounters.

What is the resolve bar?

Bioware are introducing a Resolve Bar which fills as a player is subjected to CC abilities, and subsides over time. Currently 1 second of CC will increase your resolve count by 100, once it reaches 800 you will be immune to CC.

And as far as crowd control goes, there is ‘Resolve.’ Every time a player is crowd controlled they build up Resolve, which is pictured as a bar over the characters head (below the health bar). Once a player’s Resolve Bar is full it changes colors and starts to decay over time, during this they are immune to crowd control. The visual element helps with PvP accessibility, and tuning the Resolve values allows us to achieve a fun tempo ensuring crowd control as its place but isn’t the end all be all of PvP. source

What's is PvP Normalization and how it's implemented by game?

You will not see ridiculously high critical hits, ones that can decimate a player in mere seconds. One-on-ones will be a tense affair, requiring player skill, intelligent ability combinations and tactics to overcome an opponent. Team battles will see the need for smart target selection, coupled with co-ordinated and focused attacks, and on-the-fly tactical changes in order to bring enemy players players down.

Does Tank's Guard ability works in PvP?

Yes. All tanks will be able to place a guard on any teammate, this transfers 50% of the damage from the teammate to the tank as long as they remain with 15m of each other.

Will be Taunt's working in PvP?

Taunts for tanks will reduce the damage the target player does on everyone else except the tank. De-taunts for classes with weaker armor and less hitpoints will reduce damage they take for a certain period of time (as long as the don’t attack).

Can I level through PvP?

You will gain experience towards your standard level while participating in PvP. Leveling solely in PvP related activities is completely viable.

What is Valor?

SWTOR has a Valor ranking system (similar to Renown rank in WAR) that runs along side your normal level rank. You will gain Valor XP which increases your Valor level as you participate in PvP, giving you access to more titles and other PvP privileges. The example given is that the player with the highest Valor rank in a Warzone would be the leader, having access to mark targets etc.

Is there a PvP currency system in the game?

Yes, you will earn Valor tokens to purchase PvP armor, PvP consumables, and other types of PvP items. Bioware have stressed the majority of these will not be restricted by Valor rank – meaning if you can buy it you can wear it.

What are Commendations?

Bioware have introduced something unique here. Basically at the end of a Warzone everyone will be able to place a “commendation” on another player which will increase their Valor rewards.

What are Badges?

Players will be rewarded badges for acts of skill and achievements within PvP – i.e. kill “n” players, get multi-kills, survive overwhelming odds, defend players, capture/defend objectives, badge streaks and so on. As badges or streaks are awarded they will be posted in game to notify teammates of your success and highlighting you as a target for the enemy. Badges will also increase Valor rewards.

What Level You Can Join Warzones

ALL Warzones can be joined when you reach level 10

Do Different Warzones Carry Level Requirements

No, once you reach level 10 you will have access to all Warzones.

Can Players with Large Level Gaps Join Warzones Together

Yes, a level 10 and 30 (or any combination) could join up together – the level 10 player would get bolstered.

With No Level restrictions How Will Players be Matched and Balanced?

Bioware have stated they will be using dynamic matching calculations that pit matching level ranges against each other, premades against premades, number of healers against number of healers, half-premades against half-premades, solos and half-solos and the bolster system, among others.

How Bolster Will Work

After the above matching criteria has been met, players are bolstered. Bolstering will always increase a players power to 80% of a higher level player with better gear. The remaining 20% is divided equally between gear and level.

What is warzone stat tracking?

Bioware have introduced a highly detailed stat tracking system, one that will reward all archetypes for excelling with their class. The tracked stats include Commendations, Damage Done, Kills, Killing Blows, Defense, Deaths, Healing, Objectives, and Badges.

Each of these top level stats will house further stats. Highlight “Damage Done” for example and you will also see the largest hit, DPS, and more – really giving players a everything they need to assess their own performance, their teammates performance, their opponents performance and award a deserved commendation.

[*] CC ability listesi
[*] Class PvP gameplay videoları
Mesaj tarihi:
Sith Marauder'a buff lazım charge deadzone'u çok geniş. Ayrıca Nerf Bounty Hunter kitelaya kitelaya kesiyorlar.

Sage de ölmüyor, pillara yapışıp 2 tuş spam tavaf ediyor.

He bir de ,

/summon random pvpfag from wow pvp başlığı

Mesaj tarihi:
deadwoll said:

Sith Marauder'a buff lazım charge deadzone'u çok geniş. Ayrıca Nerf Bounty Hunter kitelaya kitelaya kesiyorlar.

Sage de ölmüyor, pillara yapışıp 2 tuş spam tavaf ediyor.

He bir de ,

/summon random pvpfag from wow pvp başlığı


lvl 20 iken warzoneda 2 kisi tel aldıgım oldu sagele, kendi zırhımı yapıyodum 4 tanede epic zırh parcası vardı :) early de sage e yanasmayın, yada stun manyagı edin nooluyo diyene kadar yatsın :)

ama adamların implement ettigi seyler guzelmis hosuma gitti, warrior taunt falan falan :)
Mesaj tarihi:
deadwoll said:

Sith Marauder'a buff lazım charge deadzone'u çok geniş

bunu ben ilk oynadığımda söyledim. cidden aşırı bayıyor şu oyunda melee oynamak

pvp si pek bişeye benzemiyor ama oyunun. waru kopyalamışlar. ee war zaten kötüydü. bu oyun meleeleri iyice öldürüp, zaten metası komple ranged olan oyunun daha extreme hali olmuş
Mesaj tarihi:
Kaede said:

pvp si pek bişeye benzemiyor ama oyunun. waru kopyalamışlar. ee war zaten kötüydü. bu oyun meleeleri iyice öldürüp, zaten metası komple ranged olan oyunun daha extreme hali olmuş

lawl.sen çok yanlış geldin hocam ya.Warı kopyalasalardı tam anlamıyla bu kadar cc based bi oyun olmazdı.Sadece Class immunitysi var.War daki sistemi yapsalardı class ayrımı olmaksızın 30 saniye cclere immundun.
Yani tam tersi wardaki sistemi direk kopyalasalardı meleler için iyi bi oyundu olurdu.
Fazla derine inmek istemiyorum ama war da melelerde cc immun olabildiğin abilityler de vardı neyse.
Wardan etkilendiği tek önemli nokta tankların belli radius icinde guard-bot luk yaparak gruptaki toptargetların %50 az dmg alması olayı.
Zaten battlezone da meletrain organize bi guild üzerinizden gecerse %60 war guildidir.Guard switch , guardla beraber range de kalma işleri biraz alışması zaman alan Sergen Yalçın'la sıkıntı var işler.
Mesaj tarihi:
valla ben oynadığım sürece bw ın oyundaki en op class olduğunu inkar eden kimse olmadı. kendimde mara oynadığım için meleenin ne kadar işkence olduğunu çok iyi biliyordum
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