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Ebay/Amazon sorunlarına çözüm

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Sizi bilememde Ebaydeki gıcık satıcılar (uluslarası yollarım ama türkiye yollamam), Amazonun kimi materyalleri Türkiyeye yollama geyiğinden sıkıldım. http://www.viaddress.com 'da bedava bir Ameriakda adres alma hizmeti buldum, aynı hizmeti sunan diğer sitelere göre bedava olmasıda benim için bonus oldu. herkeze tavsiye ediyorum.
Mesaj tarihi:
aklınız varsa viaddress'den uzak durun, kindle'ımı zor kurtardım bu heriflerden..

BBB'ye yaptığım başvuru sonucunda gelen son mail;

Complaint ID#: 26034873
Business Name: Viaddress

BBB has made several attempts to contact the business regarding the above referenced complaint. We regret to inform you that we have not received a response from the company.

BBB develops and maintains Reliability Reports on companies in our service area. This information is available to the public and is frequently used by potential customers. In the case of your complaint, the company's failure to promptly give attention to the matter will be reflected in the report we give to consumers about them.

If the company has contacted you in the interim, please notify BBB immediately.

You may want to contact the Attorney General office at 1.800.382.5516 or www.in.gov/attorneygeneral.


Susie Firestine
Dispute Resolution/Business Review Specialist
BBB of Northern Indiana
[email protected]

aha buda beylerin Better Business Bureau sayfası; http://www.bbb.org/northernindiana/business-reviews/mailing-services/viaddress-in-elkhart-in-90055684 = F
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