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The Repopulation

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non combat özellikleri fena değil.

-Entertain others through music, dance, or storytelling.
-Utilize your diplomacy or intimidation skills and inquiries to manipulate NPCs, revealing hidden opportunities.
-Survival skills include trapping, tracking, and the ability to set up camps or scrounge for materials.
-Rogue skills including thievery, stealth, hacking, and acrobatics.
-Tame animals when they are young, then have them slowly grow into fully matured pets if they receive proper care and feeding.
-Genetically engineer species and hybrids by splicing DNA and -Tissue from different species.
-Customize your vehicles and robotic pets.
-Build your home or player city and showcase it to other players.

tam sayfayı incelemekte fayda var: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/therepopulation/the-repopulation-a-sandbox-mmorpg?ref=discovery

kuşatma sistemi: https://www.therepopulation.com/index.php/game-features/siege-system
Mesaj tarihi:
linkleri okumakta üşenenler için kısa bir özet geçeyim.

oyunun yapısı bilim kurgu tarzında bir mmorpg.

craft ve gather yaparken zorla bir savaşa girmek zorunda değilsin.
kendi evini kurabilirsin. bu evler instanced bir bölgeye değil oyun dünyası üzerine kurulabiliyor. evinin içerisine istediğin gibi dekorasyon yapabiliyorsun. bu dekorasyon kozmetik eşyalardan, craft yapmak için gerekli istasyonlara kadar değişkenlik gösteriyor.
3 çeşit farklı ev sistemi var ve istediğine göre birisine yerleşebiliyorsun.
instanced housing
dünya üzerine kurulu evler
player city housing

instanced housing: küçük alanlara kurulabildiği için pek fazla ev kurulamıyor ve bu sebepten yeteri kadar sosyal bir ortam sağlamıyor.

dünya üzerine kurulu evler: adından anlaşıldığı üzere instanced alanlara değil herkesin erişebileceği dünya üstündeki alanlara kurulan evler. pve bölgelerine ve pve şehirlerinin yakınlarına kurulabiliyor. instanced evlerin tersine daha geniş alanlara, daha geniş evler kurulabiliyor. daha geniş evler kurulabildiği için buraların plotları instanced olanlara göre çok daha değerli.

player city housing: dünya üzerine kurulu ev sisteminden farklı bir kaç ayrıntısı var. bu tür bölgelere kurulan evler şehirin belediye başkanının belirlediği kurallara tabii oluyor. eğer başkan bir faction'a üye olmayı seçtiyse senin evin'de o factionı destekleyen ev statüsü alıyor.

evler tamamiyle güvenli yerler. birisi senin iznin olmadan evine girip eşyalarını çalamıyor. evini bir kere dizayn edip, plot'a yerleştirdikten sonra eğer başka bir yere geçirmek istersen blueprint haline getirip aynı dizayn ile başka bir yere kurulabiliyor. eğer player city'deki bir ev ise ve başka bir faction oraya gelip istila ederse evini çalamıyorlar. ev sana geri dönüyor ama o plotu kaybediyorsun.

koltukların yönünü istediğin gibi belirleyebiliyorsun. duvarlar tablolar asayabiliyorsun, keyfine göre çiçeklerle süsleyebiliyorsun.

oyunda oyuncuların kullanabildiği araçlar var. bu araçların tiplerine göre koltuk sayısı artabiliyor. kimisi taşıma amaçlı kullanılırken, kimisi saldırma veya savunma amaçlı kullanılıyor.

araçların içerisindeki oyuncuların çeşitli görevleri var.
sürücü: aracı sürüyor.
gunner: araca monte edilmiş silahı kullanıyor.
topçu: aracın üstündeki topu kullanıyor.
yolcu: bir yerden, başka bir yere gitmek istenildiğinde yolcu olarak oturulabiliyor araçlara.

çok geniş bir crafting sistemi var. isteyenler spoilerdan okuyabilir.


Crafting As A Primary Game Type

Trade Skills have always been an important part of MMORPGs. Most games tie them into combat though, and the higher end boss drops are usually more desirable than crafted items. Throw in the auction system and increasing those crafting skills is often just an unnecessary time sink. Many level based titles also tie combat levels into crafting levels, and then restrict how many trade skills you can have on a single character.

A goal of ours from the very beginning was to provide the opportunity for crafters to be productive, without forcing them into combat roles. Ultima Online, Star Wars Galaxies (pre-CU), and Vanguard are great examples of this. Players were able to exist completely as a crafter, harvesting their own materials and then using them to create things. We have designed our system in a mold similar to those games. If players do not wish to partake in combat, they can still be a successful crafter.

Crafting and Recipe Basics

The bedrock which our system lies on is the grade system. Every single item used in crafting or resulting from a crafting recipe has a grade attached to it. Grades range from F (worst) to A (best) and also have a sub-grade ranging from 0 to 9. Combining both of these values you get a Grade value from F0 to A9. If the end result is something that can be used, such as a Fitting, it impacts the actual stats on that object, as well. If you are just beginning to make a certain recipe you will find yourself creating F to C grade results based on the ingredients. As you increase your skill level, you'll achieve better results. Additionally, everytime you create an object through a recipe you also have a chance to increase your mastery of that recipe. Receiving the higher grade results will require both high quality components, and much practice with that particular recipe. We hope that this system rewards specialty crafters.

An important part, as mentioned before, is the quality of the ingredients in the recipe. If you use poor quality ingredients the result is going to be poor itself. Ingredients come from sub component recipes, store purchased ingredients, and extracted resources.

Crafting Process

In most MMOs crafting is done by selecting a recipe, hitting a button, waiting on the progress bar, and then collecting your result. Since you must increase skill by doing easier recipes, you generally produce many of the same items repeatedly. Because these items do not have much demand, they wind up getting sold to a vendor, or even destroyed. While a typical crafting tree might have 100 recipes in most games, most of those recipes are the same as the previous tier, just with a higher tier ingredient. For example, rather than using Copper Ore and a Pants Pattern you now use Silver Ore and a Pants pattern.

Our goal was to provide a robust crafting process that is easy to learn, but at the same time allows crafters to differentiate themselves from one another. You may obtain a recipe within your first few minutes of gameplay, and that same recipe could still be useful two years down the road. This works by requiring a generic ingredient such as Tissue, and then allowing players to fill its requirement with any of dozens of types of Tissues, each producing different results. The recipe might focus on creating a damage fitting, but based on the ingredients it could adjust how balanced the fitting is, add certain types of damage, or adjust the level required to use the fitting. Results can also change based on the grade result, allowing for a totally different result from C to B, or B to A as well.

Recipes are made up of one or more Ingredients and one or more Agents. Ingredients are the main "filters" for creating a recipe. The result of the recipe can change based on the Ingredients used. Ingredients are not consumed until after the whole process is finished. Agents have a smaller role in the process, but are burned through on each step. Agents primarily impact the quality of the end result in a minor fashion, where ingredients have a larger effect. Each recipe has a set number of steps, and during each step there is a chance for an event.

Events occur randomly during a crafting session and can have a positive or negative affect. You can alter the result based on how you respond to these events. Crafting tools come into play here. Crafting tools impact which events will occur, and how you can respond to them. All events have a 'no consumption' option where no item is consumed and the event is skipped over. Each event has at least one other option that requires an item to be consumed. This will produce two different results based on if it succeeds or fails. Some options require a specific tool of a certain quality to successfully chosen, as well. Crafting events can be positive (such as an increase in total grade), or negative (reduction, lost a step, or even a total failure). Players are presented with risk/reward options, and can make their own decisions on if the rewards outweight the risk.

Crafting Missions

Great crafters aren't born overnigh, and there is a need to hone your skill, just like any other game. People may not be lining up to purchase your D grade results, and that's where crafting missions come in. Crafting missions allow you to fill work orders from NPCs by crafting the items they require. Your reward for the mission will vary based on how difficult the recipe was to create.

As mentioned in our mission system overview, tasks can be generated based on your skills levels, and this includes your trade skills. Crafting missions can be tailored to your specific skill set. This is a good way to learn how to create different recipe results, and get a little more out of your sub-par results while you skill up. These missions are completely optional.

Crafting Board

The crafting board can be best thought of as a reverse auction system. Instead of putting your results up on the auction house, someone places a request for a certain result along with a level and grade restriction and sets a price. Once the request is placed, everyone gets a fair chance to fulfill the order. By providing an option like this we can allow 'on demand' needs of resources to be posted and hopefully filled in quickly by someone in game that has the appropriate materials and skill to do so.


Crafting itself is kind of pointless if you don't have materials to feed into the recipe. Harvesting is the common process of getting resources and it comes from both combat and non combat oriented interactions.

Manual Harvesting

This is the most effective form of harvesting and requires the player to go into the world and interact with harvesting nodes in order to extract their resources. An example of this is using a Spear Gun on a fish, or a Power Saw on a tree. It should be noted that only objects marked as resources can be harvested in this manner.

Harvestable nodes spawn in harvesting regions, which are located throughout the world. Each region has a supply base of harvesting nodes. Nodes will respawn at a faster pace when an area has been underharvested and at a slower pace when it has been overharvested. If the supply becomes depleted then no new resources will respawn until an area has a chance to replenish. The hope is that this mechanic will reward players for seeking out more remote locations.

Manual harvesting is the most effective form of harvesting for two reasons. First is that the harvesting speed is limited by the number of resource nodes available. If one can find a large supply of resource nodes they can amass resources quickly. Most importantly though, manual harvesting of nodes is the only way that you can receive Rare harvests. These resources are rare and are very valuable because of that. Some of these resources are required for advanced Recipes or can be used in Missions or Bounties.

Materials gathered from manual harvesting also have a wide range of quality values based on random chance. Sometimes you might find some C grade results and other times you might get lucky and get A grade results that are going to be sought after by veteran crafters looking to make high quality products.

Structure Based Harvesting

There are numerous types of harvesting structures. These structures will extract resources in an automated fashion and the player will receive these resources each day, so long as the harvester remains operational. Structure based harvesting provides a slow, steady supply of resources to a player with a hands off approach. The main downfall of this method is that you cannot receive Rare harvests. Finally, the quality of the harvests is based on the area where the resources are being pulled from and higher quality harvesting areas will, of course, be in higher demand.


In most MMOGs, crafting components such as blood, skin or pelts are often looted from the corpses of monsters. In Repop, you do this with the Corpse Extraction system. Every time you kill a certain species or extract from it's corpse, you gain knowledge of that species, which we refer to as Species Mastery. You have a separate mastery level of each of the species in the game. This mastery level affects the grade of the components you can extract from their corpses, the type of materials you can extract, as well as giving you a bonus against that species in combat. If you aren't very skilled yet, you will only obtain low quality resources. As your skill increases you will gain higher grade components.

warhammer online ve rift teki gibi public quest sistemi var. takım oyununa dayalı bu questlere girerek çeşitli ünvanlar kazanılıyor. bu public questler zincirleme şeklinde işliyor. kazanılması ve kaybedilmesi bölgedeki habitatı bir şekilde etkiliyor. kaybedilen bir public questten sonra savaşılan yaratıkların popülasyonu artmaya başlıyor. çok güçlenirlerse yakındaki pve kasabalarına saldırıp npcleri katletmeye başlıyorlar. kazanılırsa eğer bir sonraki aşamaya geçiliyor. senaryolara bağlı bosslar ve mini bosslar çıkıyor. public questlerin başarısız olması demek aynı zamanda orada ev kurmuş kişilerin de huzursuz olması veya player citylerin yolunu kapatmış agresif yaratıklar demek.

gem ve rünlerin kombinasyonları ile soketlere çeşitli taşlar eklenebiliyor.

swg tarzında mission sistemi var. üç çeşit mission sistemi var.
static missions
one time missions
generated missions

static missions: klasik şu malzemeden şu kadar topla, git şu yaratıktan bir kaç tane öldür tarzında questler.

one time missions: zor ve nadir görevler. çeşitli npcler spawn olduğunda çıkıyor ve sadece görevi ilk tamamlayan bitirebiliyor, diğer almış kişilerin fail oluyor.

generated missions: o anda üretilmiş mission. oyuncu kendisini lfw(looking for work) olarak gösterdiği zaman bir npc mail atıp ihtiyacı olan bir konuda yardım istiyor. adı gibi tamamiyle o anki koşullarına göre verilen bir quest. npc ye yardım edebilecek skillere sahipsen ve diğer skillerin de hesaba katılarak ona uygun bir mission veriliyor. npc'lere bu questler sonucunda npc'lere nasıl davrandıysan ona göre tepki alıyorsun. eğer bir generated mission sırasında bir şekilde bir npc'ye zarar verecek bir hareket yapmışsan bir dahakine seni gördüğünde yerden taş alıp sana atıyor. eğer bir npc'ye öncesinden yardım etmişsen çevrede senden bahsediyor. her npc'nin bir kişiliği, modu ve ırkının getirdiği özellikler var. bunlar hesaplandığında npc'lerin verdiği görevler sıradan görevlerden, epic görevlere kadar değişim içerisine giriyor. görevleri çözmenin bir çok yolu var. bir npc'ye dayılanıp istediğini elde edebilirsin veya diplomacy yeteneğini kullanıp etkileyebilirsin. hacking skilli ile bir yerin güvenlik sistemini çökertebilirsin. skillin yetmezse görev tam tersi şekilde de bitebilir.

oyunda uluslar yer alıyor. guildlerin genişletilmiş hali denebilir. yeni arkadaşlar edinmek, yeni insanlarla tanışmak ve başka insanlarla beraber zaman geçirmek için iyi bir yol. her ulusun çeşitli amaçları var. bunlar raid yapmak, crafting, pvp, şehirleşmek, kuşatma, epic missionları yapma ve public questler.

faction sistemi de var. iki büyük faction var. OWON (One World, One Nation) ve FPR (Free People’s Republic). RP olarak bu iki faction birbirinden fikirsel olarak ayrılmış aynı UO'daki order ve chaos gibi. herkes karakter yaratırken bir faction'a katılmak zorunda ancak oyuncular kendi factionlarını da yaratabiliyorlar ve bunlara oyun içinde rogue factions deniyor. rogue factionlar liderlerinin vereceği karara göre owon, fpr ve diğer rogue factionlarla ilişkilerini belirleyebiliyor.

eğer bir player city bir nationu desteklemeye başladıysa o nationa özel binaları kullanabiliyor. bunlar binalar, duvarlar, dekorasyon eşyaları ve benzeri şeyler. eğer şehir bir kuşatma altına girdiyse düşmanın kuşatma silahları bu duvarları, binaları yıkabiliyor.

nation binalarını dikebilmek için çeşitli gereksinimler var. bunlardan bazıları oyun içi para ile, bazıları ise nation resources ile alınıyor. bazılarını yapabilmek için nation resources + craftların üretebildiği malzemeler gerekiyor.

nation binalarından bazıları:
barracks(guardlar spawn oluyor şehirde), clone facilites(öldükten sonra spawn olmak için), shops(player vendor ve npc konuyor), defensive structure( turret vb.), harvesters(nation resource topluyor), workshoplar ve daha bir sürü bina var.

şehirler büyüdükçe çeşitli ihtiyaçları oluyor, güvenlik ve mutluluk bunlardan birisi. şehir yeni yeni büyürken bazı ihtiyaçlar kolaylıkla karşılanabiliyor. temiz su kaynağı çıkartma ve hem npclerin hem de oyuncuların beslenebilmeleri için besinler. ancak şehirler büyüdükçe bu kaynaklara olan ihtiyaç daha da artıyor ve insanlar daha lüks içerisinde yaşamak istiyorlar. daha fazla insana yemek sağlamak için çeşitli araştırmalar yapmak gerekiyor, örneğin sentetik protein daha fazla insanın yaşamasını sağlayabilir ama organik bir besin kadar sağlıklı ve doyurucu değildir.

her şehirin mutluluğunun artması için kazanılan şehir puanlarını ihtiyacı duyulan özelliklere vermek gerekiyor. her bir verilen puan, oyuncuların ihtiyaç duyduğu farklı gereksinimleri karşılıyor. şehirler bu yönleriyle bilinebiliyor. kimi oyuncu şehiri craftlar için daha yaşanabilir bir yer haline gelmişken, bir diğeri ise dost olduğunuz faction'ın en sağlam kalelerinden birisi haline gelmiş olabilir.

şehir puanlarından bazıları: construction, electronics, fortification, hospital, industrial, laboratories, markets, military.

nation sistemi içerisinde kendi nationına yardım ettikçe puan kazanıyorsun ve bunun üst limiti 99. rank arttıkça yeni titlelar kazanılıyor ve bazı nation özelliklerinden yararlanabilmek için rank gerekliliği var.

oyunda tamer olunabiliyor. genetic engineering skilli kullanılarak genetik mühendislik ile üretilmiş petler üretilebiliyor. bunun dışında tamamiyle elektronik olan robotlar ve bunlar kullanılabiliyor. animal taming skilli yeterli olanlar doğada buldukları petleri tame edebiliyorlar. ilk tame edildiklerinde yavru oluyorlar ve zaman içerisinde büyüyorlar. eğer veterinary medicine yeteneğiniz yoksa kalıcı olarak ölebiliyorlar. veterinary medicine aynı zamanda petleri cure etmek, heallamak gibi kabiliyetler kazandırıyor.

toplamda 75 tane benzersiz skill var. bunlar skill ağacında 12 farklı parçaya bölünmüş durumda.

armor skills
energy tank tactics, light armor tactics, medium armor tactics, heavy armor tactics, shield tactics.

beneficial skills
animal handling, diplomacy, entertainment, first aid, intimidation, leadership, veterinary medicine

combat skills
aerosol tactics, assasination, automatic weaponary tactics, axe fighting, bladed weapon tactics, blunt weapon tactics, combat knowledge, counter-attack, dirty fighting, dual wielding, handgun tactics, protection, rifle tactics, shotgun tactics, siege tactics, thrown weapon tactics, unarmed tactics

defensive skills
aerosol defense, automatic weaponary defense, axe defense, bladed weapon defense, blunt weapon defense, defensive knowledge, defensive tactics, dodging, handgun defense, parrying, rifle defense, shotgun defense, thrown weapon defense

general skills
acrobatics, concentration, disguse, stealth, survival, swimming, thievery, tracking, vehicle control

trade skills
armor crafting, artillery, carpentry, chemistry, cosmetic styling, culinary arts, cybernetics, firearms crafting, fishing, foresting, genetic engineering, hacking, horticulture, installations, melee weapon crafting, mining, pharmaceuticals, repairing, robotics, tailoring, trap knowledge, vehicle engineering, wilderness gathering.

kuşatma sistemi çok detaylı ve biraz zaman ayırıp okunması gerekiyor. onu olduğu gibi kopyalayacağım heyecanı azalmasın diye.

siege system

Sieging is a complex and important mechanic in The Repopulation. Games that allow players to attack and potentially take cities from one another are rare, but we believe that this risk, coupled with the rewards that come with a city, will enhance the sandbox gameplay experience by establishing the importance of a nation's reputation. Those who wish to do business in peace will work to form solid alliances with other nations, and will avoid garnering a negative reputation with the hopes of avoiding sieges as well. Consequences are an important aspect of player cities, but solid siege mechanics that prevent cities from turning into worthless war camps, yet provide a fun PvP experience are crucial. We want to see cities turn into majestic hubs that both PvE and PvP focused players will enjoy. This consideration was foremost in our minds as we designed the mechanics for sieging in The Repopulation.

There are many other things to consider when looking at a sieging system including numbers, timing, and frequency. Zerging is a common tactic, because numbers tend to matter greatly. The frequency of sieging is an important aspect, as you have to design around it being a common or uncommon experience in running a city. Other people have concerns about waking up the next day to find their city has been taken over in the middle of the night with little to no warning. We took all of these things into consideration when designing our siege system.

In order to address most of the concerns above, we have to assign some kind of cost to sieging. If a congregation of players can just show up and lay waste to everything, it will quickly turn into a numbers game, and whomever can recruit the larger collection of players is going to quickly find themselves miles ahead. While you cannot completely get around this issue, adding a cost that is not measured in body count count will help. Also, having sieges impacted by other material costs puts significant impact onto the frequency of siege attempts, forcing it into something more than a numbers game. An organized group with flawless strategy will have the advantage over a mindless zerg, but for either side allies can make or break the siege. This cost also puts a heavy burden on conducting city sieges as they will often take away from the ability to invest in your own city or protect it from others looking to siege you. This makes sieges a risky proposition for attackers, and makes it extremely complicated to do it on more than one front.

The other primary concern a lot of people have is in their ability to defend their city if it is attacked during off-peak hours. Our design allows for strategic planning for both the attacker and defender. You simply cannot roll into a city and take it over. The process laid out below takes around 3 days and allows for plenty of confrontation and negotiations during the process. These mechanics give the defender a lot of control over when the siege happens, but the attacker has a few available options that can give them a leg up.

Another common concern is the general “safety” of a city when it is not being sieged. Part of our design is to allow smaller defense options such as turrets and armed guards to help police the city. The mayor of the city has control over these automated defenses, and can even allow unfriendly people in if desired. Another major part of the defense that ties into sieging is the energy grid for the city. Instead of having walls and other barriers as the primary form of protection for a city, we will be implementing an energy grid around the city. In and out of sieging it can be used for defense to keep hostile people out. While we realize that walls and other barriers are important, if we allow too much reliance on these as the primary method of defense, we will see cities that are nothing but mazes of walls and this entirely defeats their purpose.

During the sieging process, the energy grid needs to be depleted before the city can be attacked. It will be important to keep the grid stocked and ready just in case there is an attack. In order to attack the city, siege units will need to be created to drain down the grid along with help from players and vehicles. The siege units have a resource cost, and those resources are ones that might be needed to help defend your own city from a siege. It will require the help of these units to successfully take down a well prepared city, and there will also be the burden of getting resources to the siege to fuel these siege units.

Now that a lot of the precursory information has been covered, here is how the sieging process works. It is broken up over a 3 day process with the hours listed for each process. A mock example of the process will be listed after the details.

Siege Windows

Declaration Phase - Day 1 - 0:00 - 24:00

Attacking Nation places Siege camp starting the declaration phase.
Siege camp is vulnerable for 2 hours and can be destroyed.
Destruction of the Siege camp automatically triggers the “Partial Successful Defense” Protection. This grants a 3 day window of protection from the attacking nation only.
Hour 2:00 - Siege camp becomes invulnerable
“Withdraw Declaration” button becomes active till the end of the day.
Only the leadership of the attacking nation can choose to do this. It triggers a “Partial Successful Defense” Protection
Any resources held by the siege camps are returned in full if a withdrawal is made.
Resources to drop siege camp (production cost) will not be returned
Kill or Capture Siege choice pops for the attacking leadership. They have till the end of the day to choose. It defaults to Kill and can only be changed once.
City is locked down. No new non-siege related structures/units can be placed.
Siege camp acts as a cloning facility for the attackers and can be upgraded to provide additional options.
Hour 2:00 - Energy Field is placed around the city.
Siege camp forces the field to come up, enemy players will not be able to enter the city till it is down.
Hour 2:01 - Siege camp can be used to stockpile resources
Players can transport materials in to use for creating the units. Materials cannot be destroyed or stolen, but players can be killed before they can transfer the materials.
Hour 2:01 - Additional Siege camps can be dropped by any nation (Support for friendly, Siege by enemies).
They are vulnerable for 2 hours and can be destroyed.
At the end of 2 hours they can stockpile resources as well.
Hour 12:00 - Ability to set Siege And Persecution Window Opens.
Hour 24:00 - Declaration Phase Ends
Build-up Phase Begins - Day 2 - 24:00 to 46:00

Hour 24:00 - Build-up Phase Begins
Unit production opens for Primary Siege/Support Camps
Units cannot be damaged/destroyed until the Persecution Phase or War Phase. The units are in standby as well and cannot cause any damage.
Players transporting goods or helping out around camp are still/always targets.
Attackers may now set the Persecution Window between Day 2 - 46:00 to Day 3 - 50:00.
Defenders may set the Siege Window between 54:00 on Day 3 to 66:00 on Day 3.
Hour 24:00 - Forfeit Declaration is available for all attackers.
All resources held by the camps are lost along with the units already built. If the leadership backs out, leadership is passed down to the 2nd successfully placed nation. If no enemy camps remain it triggers a “Successful Defense”. This grants 7 day siege protection for the city, 3 for the nation.
Hour 24:00 - Surrender Declaration is available to the city.
At any time the defenders can surrender the city instead of fighting it out; this option cedes the city to the attackers completely intact.
Hour 36:00 - Ability to set/change Persecution and Siege Window Ends.
If not selected the Siege window is set to D3 at 66:00.
If not selected the Persecution window is skipped.
Persecution Phase Begins (Day 2 46:00 to Day 3 50:00)

Phase is 2 hours long and the time is determined by the attacker. They can also choose the skip the Persecution phase by not setting a start time.
Defense can deploy their units to destroy the Attacker’s units or damage any siege camp by a total of 30% of their health
Attackers can deploy their units to deplete the Defense’s grid by 30%, destroy any enemy unit, or damage support camps by 30%
At the end of this phase attacking units/camps/grid is restricted.
Forfeit for attackers now despawns everything and no resources are returned.
Standoff Phase Begins (End of Persecution Phase)

New units may continue to be produced until the War Phase Begins.
Units may be repaired if they survived the Persecution phase. Camps and grids may not be repaired until the war phase begins.
War Phase Begins - 54:00 on Day 3 to 66:00 on Day 3

War Phase Opens with both sides up to attack. Camps and Control centers can be damaged and repaired at this time. This is the official start of the siege endgame process.
Destruction or forfeit of all Enemy Siege camps initiates the “Successful Defense” protection.
Destruction of the Control Center for a Kill siege grants victory leaving the city with no owner.
Area is placed under war-torn status. In a random time between 24 and 48 hours the city will become available for control. Whichever nation can place a control center and control it for 5 minutes wins the area. If the control center is destroyed the process begins again at some point 30 to 60 minutes later.
Capturing the Control Center for a Capture Siege grants victory.
After 4 hours if the city is not successfully seized the defense is successful and the siege ends.
Example Siege

Day 1 - Wednesday 6:00 PM
Nation A places down a siege camp at 6:00 PM on a Wednesday and successfully defends it from Nation B for 2 hours. At 8:00 PM the camp becomes invulnerable and the energy field is placed about the city protecting it from anyone coming in.
Nation A and Nation B sit down to talk about terms at 9:00 PM. Nothing is reached. Nation A declared the siege as a capture siege after the talk.
Nation C comes to the aid of Nation A and lays down a siege camp at 9:30 PM. It is destroyed at 10:30 PM by Nation B.
Nation A transports materials into their siege camp. Nation B sends out players to help disrupt this process by killing them as they come in. This continues well into the evening and during the early part of Thursday.
Day 2 - Thursday - 6:00 PM
The Build-up Phase begins and both sides can start building siege units. The defense can build units to help strengthen the grid or to attack back. The attackers build their siege units to help weaken down the grid so they can get in. Production starts on both and the fighting continues as Nation A tries to bring in more resources.
Nation A has an option to forfeit, has no plan on doing that. Nation B can now surrender, but has no plans of that either.
Nation A decides to set the Persecution Window and chooses 8:00 PM on Friday from the options of 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Shortly after Nation B decides the Siege will start at 11:00 AM on Saturday from the given range of Midnight to Noon on Saturday. If this was a weekday the time would most likely not of been good for either nation.
Day 3 - Friday - 8 PM
The Persecution Phase begins at 8:00 PM and both sides clash. Nation A loses 2 out of the 5 siege units it has, has their camp loses the max 30% of its health and manages to destroy 1 of Nation B’s units and deplete the grid by 12%. The Phase ends at 10:00 PM after 2 hours passes and the units/grid/camps are once again invulnerable.
Both sides get ready for the actual siege repairing surviving units and try to produce new units.
Day 3 - Saturday - 11 AM
The siege officially begins. 1 Hour into the fight Nation B routes all of Nation A’s units and destroyed their Siege camp leading to a “Successful Defense” protection and the end of the siege.
Alternative 2: Nation A successfully breaks down the grid shortly after 3 hours in the the fight but is unable to capture the control center after being repelled twice by Nation B and the siege ends after 4 hours passes.
Alternative 3: Nation A successfully breaks down the grid and takes control of the control center with 1 hour to spare. Control of the city is passed over to Nation A and all housing/shops are packed up and sent to the players of the city to be deployed elsewhere. The local city, its bank of resources, and public structures and buildings are now under control of Nation A.

şimdilik dilim döndüğünce bir kaç sistemi anlatmaya çalıştım. umarım anlaşılabilir şekilde aktarabilmişimdir. hatam varsa aralarda kusura bakmayın anladığım kadarıyla yazmaya çalıştım. aslında bu sistemler çok daha ayrıntılı ben sadece değinmek istedim. bunların dışında siege sistemi, gizli görevler, özel yaratıklar, skillerin açıklamaları, mayorların görevi, factionların ve nationların yapabilecekleri gibi bir sürü ayrıntı var. oyun şu anda private alpha durumunda ve mart ayında 50$ kickstarlamış kişilere alpha versiyonu olarak açılacak. oyunun çıkış tarihi 2014 kasım. f2p olarak geliyor ancak oyunda 3 farklı subscription bulunacak. bronze, silver ve platinum. bronze ile player city deki şehir meclisine girilebilecek, silver ile belediye başkanı olunabilecek, platinum ile yeni bir faction kurulabilecek.

Mesaj tarihi:

oyun free to play olarak çıkacak. eğer kickstarter sayfalarına destek olursan premium membership ve store credit veriyor. p2w item satmayacaklarını açıkladılar, store credit ile kozmetik item satılacak.

premium membership

Membership Package

We are what is called in the industry a Free to Play (F2P) title. We distribute the game for free and you can play it at no continuing cost. Obviously, the game will not last very long if no one pays any money so we sell memberships with additional perks.

We currently plan on offering 3 memberships with each membership including the previous membership’s offerings. The memberships are a one time purchase much like paying a box fee for a game compared to a subscription that is paid every month. The currently planned offerings for each membership is as follows.

Silver Membership

Additional Character, Inventory, Bank, Shared Bank, Mission, and Auction Slots.
Access to City Council and Nation Leadership options.
Gold Membership

More Character, Inventory, Bank, Shared Bank, Mission, and Auction Slots.
Ability become a city mayor and run a player city.
Platinum Membership

More Character, Inventory, Bank, Shared Bank, Mission, and Auction Slots.
Ability to create a new nation.
Memberships are offered as part of packages now, but will be available for future purchase upon release. You will be able to upgrade your membership as well with your existing store credit or newly purchased credit once the game is released.

Store Credit

Part of being F2P is having a cash shop where players can purchase in-game items. We do not sell what are considered Pay to Win (P2W) items that require players to spend money in hopes to compete in the game; instead, we sell cosmetic items that players can use in-game along with a small variety of time saving options such as Items commonly referred to as experience potions. Store Credit can also be used to purchase or upgrade a membership if you don’t have all of the levels. We understand the value of both paying and non paying customers and want to provide incentives to paying customers without non paying customers feeling like they are playing a demo. Store Credit will be given at release and is non refundable.

Mesaj tarihi:
Mortis said:

yani tamam da kalitesiz gözükmüyor mu çok ya :(

Bazı Themepark MMO'lar gibi 100-200 milyon dolara yapılmıyor ki, Crysis 3 grafikleriyle yapsınlar. Adamların elindeki bütçe sınırlı, Kickstarter'da bile 50bin dolar istemişler. Blizzard gibi geniş imkanlara sahip firmalar Sandbox MMO yapmaktan korkunca ancak küçük gruplar hazırlıyor.
Mesaj tarihi:
bakmıştım listeye de 50 dolara kadar düzgün bir şey vermiyor. daha oynayıp oynamayacağımı bilmediğim bir oyunda cosmetic için kredi almaya gerek. kombat çok kötü olduğu içinde destekleme gereği duymuyorum. çıktığı gün dener, eğer seversem store'dan bir şeyler satın alır destek veririm. zaten 3 çeşit membership olması bile beni düşündürdü. inventory kısıtlı, storage kısıtlı falan olursa hiç çekilmez.

release için hala tarih yok di mi ortada?
Mesaj tarihi:
closed alpha round 3 - 3 mart / 250$ lık paket
closed beta round 1 plus - 17 mart / 100$ lık paket
closed beta round 1 - 24 mart / 75$ lık paket
closed beta round 2 - 1 nisan / 50$ lık paket
closed beta round 3 - 8 nisan / 25$ lık paket

bundan sonra beta kasıma kadar sürecek.

release date - kasım

oyunun aylık ödemesi olmayacak. bir kere premium paketi aldığınızda artık o hesap ömür boyu satın alınan pakete sahip olacak.

örneğin 25$ lık paketi aldınız ve silver premium oldunuz, daha sonra oyun çıktığında bunu gold ve premium'a çıkartabiliyorsunuz.
Mesaj tarihi:
Oyun, şu vaad ettikleriyle mükemmele yakın görünüyor.

Çıkışını beklemek zor olacak.

Edit: Bu arada Certhas'a toplağı bu yayı için teşekkür ederim. Emeğe saygı...
Mesaj tarihi:
Exodous said:

Oyun, şu vaad ettikleriyle mükemmele yakın görünüyor.

Çıkışını beklemek zor olacak.

Edit: Bu arada Certhas'a toplağı bu yayı için teşekkür ederim. Emeğe saygı...

boyle edit mi olur yaw :D hic yakistiramadim (td)

ciksa da denesek, bakalim yazilip cizilenler gibi mi olacak :)
Mesaj tarihi:
25$ gömdüm bakalım.

releaseden sonra beğenirsem gold a geçerim.

dark and light'dan kötü olamaz herhalde.

aklıma gelmişken sitelerine baktım hala kapatmamışlar utanmazlar

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