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Londra yanıyor

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Mesaj tarihi:

I walked in to work last night as usual. With­out know­ing what had hap­pend in the evening. My col­leagues were all dis­cussing the events that were tak­ing place in cer­tain areas of Lon­don. They were all com­ment­ing on the behav­ior of the Turks within those areas. Just as I was about to dive in and get more detail, one of the lads turned the TV on.

“This is just in… The group seem to be mov­ing towards .…. street. They are burn­ing what­ever they get their hands on. This is out of control. ”

Com­men­ta­tor 2: “Jane, are you sure they are mov­ing towards … street? That is a Turk­ish neigh­bour­hood! Some­one needs to warn them! Turks won’t have any of this!” [Laughing]

Com­men­ta­tor 1: “Yes, Rick, they seem to be head­ing towards … street.”

Chop­per pilot : “They have just entered the Turk­ish neigh­bour­hood!, and the Turks…are.…ready!”

Com­men­ta­tor 2: “This is incredible. They have bar­ri­cated their stores and seem to have armed them­selves. what is that?”

Com­men­ta­tor 2: “They seem to have armed them­selves with doner knives!, Jane. The loot­ing mob is about to make a big mis­take, I tell you.”

Chop­per pilot: ” OMG, the Turks are charg­ing the looters! Looter are run­ning away in panic. I bet they did not expect this” [Laughing]

Moral of the story… don’t fuck with Turks!
Mesaj tarihi:
Quote Originally Posted by Greystones View Post
Fair play to them chasing off the scum

I think that might be wannabe gangsters running into real ones ;-)
Mesaj tarihi:

Mesaj tarihi:
A key driver behind the locals' response was the strong sense of communal identity among Turkish and Kurdish residents of Dalston, who saw the rioters as a kind of alien invasion.

Mesaj tarihi:
Myshkin said:

A key driver behind the locals' response was the strong sense of communal identity among Turkish and Kurdish residents of Dalston, who saw the rioters as a kind of alien invasion.


soda burnumdan çıktı ya of
Mesaj tarihi:
Ama bu adamlar da çok gazoz. Bu ne lan?



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