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[signature][hline]I dream of sweet dreams. I need to sleep. I just want to sleeeeeeeep..
-Houston. Bi sorunumuz var.
-Nedir yiğidim.
-Uyumam lazım houston ama uyuyamıyorum.
-Bi ayran yapıyım yiğidim uyursun Teknodermafasikülastik ayran magnifallkompressörleri çalıştırın. Yiğidime kendi sinyallerimle ayran yapcam
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Your Inner Dragon is the true draconic magic-user. Tans have been all but forgotten in popular literature, but that suits them just fine. They're slightly shy and spend most of their time in impassable mountain valleys. When feeling brave or adventurous, Tans use their shape-shifting ability to blend in with society. Given a choice, however, Tans still much prefer to be left to their own devices.

You like to spend time devising new and interesting spells and potions, and counting and hoarding your gigantic treasure. Your favorable attributes are longevity, security, magic, and reverence for life. To top it off, your breath weapon is a curious mix of Fire and Air. Just tell folks to watch out, as a Tan you've got a seriously short temper!
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Yerim hepinizi, nihohoy.
Bu arada test çok saçma, iyi ejder mi olurmuş. Hangi renk kendersiniz diye sorsalardı pembe olurdum her halde :).[signature][hline]Silphatos Iceheart
Synthetic Intelligent Lifeform Programmed for Harm/Android Trained for Observation and Sabotage
(a.k.a : Grynn , Botanika)
-Est Sularus oth Mithas-

[Bu mesaj SilphatosIce_ tarafından 01 Eylül 2004 20:06 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
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As the Day that cleanses and gives Life, your Dragon color is...

If there ever was an apparition of balance, power and reclusive intelligence, your Inner Dragon is it. Whites are a fairly common dragon and are considered one of two harmonious dragons. Your antithesis is the evil Black Dragon. Together, you two embody the Yin and Yang concept of eastern religions (especially Taoism).

Though you might find that neat in passing, it's not really what a White is all about. You like to think things out, plot against enemies, and look down upon the world from the highest mountain peaks. Your favorable attributes are the Day, the Sun, reaching for spirituality, truth, a positive attitude, and helpful magic. Humans only need fear you when they stray into your domain without proper payment for passage. Of course, that payment would probably be a cake the size of a Volkswagen, but hey, if they wanted to move through your turf they should have brought it, right? If someone ever threatens you, your Inner Dragon would likely tell you to hit and run, or just plain run. If they really wanted a fight you'd be an impressive opponent, considering you pack a breath weapon combination of Fire and Lightning. Even the nicest dragons can do some serious damage[signature][hline]duty ... honor ... courage... *cough* semper fiiiii....

[Bu mesaj Disappear tarafından 01 Eylül 2004 21:42 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]

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As the mighty Blades of old, your Dragon color is...

Your Inner Dragon is the mighty warrior of dragon-kind. It's just that simple. Coppers show up when someone's about to die. Usually they just go ahead and take out his best friends too, just so he won't be lonely in the afterlife. Coppers don't mess around, and they don't play evil games like Red Dragons. They don't bother with magic, like Gold Dragons. They don't run and hide like White Dragons. They're there to do a job, and they do it well. (Think Special Forces...)

But what sort of a dragon would you be if that really was the whole story? You also like to stomp your enemies, incite human rebellions, start the occasional war, and spend lazy hours preening your battle aura. Your favorable attributes are strength, physical abilities, thriftiness, warmth, and longevity in battle. Just in case some puny human (or conniving Red Dragon) thinks they can get the drop on you, you've got a concealed breath weapon - gigantic masses of Fire. Hey, it's the tried and true way to cook a cow in 0.75 seconds. Use it well, my friend

walla guzel ya, bide en kotuyu deniyim dedim red cıktı :) ama bu benim copper[signature][hline]We Must Be The Ones Who Believe Illiuvatar
But In Fact There'sn't An Illiuvatar, So Resume Your Believes, Don't Be Astonished At Your Thoughts
Yeniden Baslasak , Patates mi yesek?
Delirtmeyin Beni
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Silver oldum valla. Bütün sorulara doğru cevap verdim ama insanların Ranger'ı gibi bir şey olduğumu söyledi. Eh Silver olduk. Kırmızı gibi çirkin bir şeyde çıkabilirdi. :)[signature][hline]Ne hasta bekler sabahı,Ne taze ölüyü mezar, Ne de şeytan bir günahı,Seni beklediğim kadar.
Geçti, istemem gelmeni,Yokluğunda buldum seni; Bırak vehmimde gölgeni, Gelme, artık neye yarar?..
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