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Mesaj tarihi:
Blizz said:

Official Blizzard Quote:
[Blizzard Source]

Q. What have you learned from the inclusion of Wintergrasp in Wrath of the Lich King?
A. We learned a lot from Wintergrasp. I think our biggest takeaway is that we do not want to create such a technical strain on the servers like that ever again. We are pretty happy with the way that the gameplay worked out overall and are looking to grow and improve upon it with Tol Barad in Cataclysm. Tol Barad is going to have similarities to Wintergrasp, but the gameplay will be very different. We are still working out the details, but one thing I can say is that we want to reduce the overall amount of vehicle combat and get players back into the action using their own actions bars in pvp combat.
Mesaj tarihi:
Allaha şükür, baydım motorlu alet kullanmaktan. Unreal Tournament'a Halo'ya döndü oyun. WG'ye giresim yok artık, haftalardır da girmiyorum. AV bile pvpden çıktı, boss kesme yarışına döndü. AB ve EoTS şu an en güzel pvp sanırım.
Mesaj tarihi:
Stamina - Because of the way we will be assigning Strength, Agility, and Intellect, non-plate wearers will end up with more Stamina than before. Health pools will be much closer between plate-wearers and other classes.

Spirit - Come Cataclysm, this stat should only be found on healing gear. Non-healing casters will have other systems in place to regenerate mana, and we are designing special solutions for Elemental shaman and Balance druids who often share gear with healers (more on this below). Raid buffs that currently boost Spirit (such as Blessing of Kings) will only boost the primary stats of Stamina, Strength, Agility, and Intellect. We are also likely changing the five-second rule and other quirks of the current regen system.

Intellect - Intellect will now grant Spell Power (more on this below). Intellect will also provide less mana than it currently does.

Haste - Haste will become more attractive for melee classes by allowing them to recover resources such as energy and runes more quickly. Our intention is for Haste to let you "do stuff" more often.

Block Rating - Block is being redesigned to scale better. Blocked attacks will simply hit for 30% less damage. Block rating will improve your chance to block, though overall block chances will be lower than they are today.

Parry - Parry no longer provides 100% avoidance and no longer speeds up attacks. Instead, when you parry an attack, it and the next attack will each hit for 50% damage (assuming they hit at all). In other words, Dodge is a chance to avoid 100% of the damage from one attack, Parry is a chance to avoid 50% of the damage from two attacks, and Block is a chance to avoid 30% of the damage from one attack.

Mastery - This is a new stat that will allow players to become better at whatever makes their chosen talent tree cool or unique. It's directly tied to talents, so what you gain from improving this stat is entirely dependent upon your class and the talent specialization you choose. We’ll talk more about specific Mastery benefits in the future.

Armor - The way Armor mitigates damage is not changing, but the Armor stat has been rebalanced to mirror changes to the armor curve in Cataclysm. As a result, bonus Armor will go down slightly overall. We are also changing the mitigation difference among armor types so that plate doesn’t offer so much more protection than mail, leather, and cloth.

Resilience - This will only affect damage done by players and critical damage done by players. It will not impact crit chance, mana drains, or other such effects.

Strength, Agility, Hit Rating, Expertise, and Critical Strike Rating - These will all still appear on gear as well. Aside from situations mentioned elsewhere in this list, in general these will function similarly to how they do now, though the details -- such as how much Hit Rating you might need to effectively combat high-level creatures (more on this below) -- are likely to change
Mesaj tarihi:
bare undead petleri normal hunterların alamadığı o tirisfaldaki yarasa yada hell hounda benzer köpeciklerden falan olsa lan normal hayvanın ne işi var ceset adamın yanında
Mesaj tarihi:
human hunter bende taa 5 sene önce ilk oyuna girdiğimde ( o zamanlar eu yok B)- ) ilk açmak istediğim karakterdi o niye yok diye üzülmüştüm. onun dışında bir iki tane şey de normal hani olabilir trollere bu kadar senedir druidlik yapacak adam yetişmiştir taurenlerden öğretiyi öğrenip falan filan gibi ama saçma yani nelf mage falan
Mesaj tarihi:
aslında sacma değil, büyü yapmayı red etmiyolar, büyü yapan herkezi dövüyoalr öldürüyo falan adamlar.

Bi kez büyü yapan gnome'ların humanların arasına karıstıktan sonra, eskisi kadar kafayı takmadıkalrı belli konuya
Mesaj tarihi:
Cuce said:

onu bloodlefler uyduruyo, delikanlı olmıyanları zamanında ayıklayıp gondermıs iste NE ler

Alt-text Night elf'ler gay değil, belfler gay mi ben mi yanlış algılıyorum?
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