Dengesiz Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010
Cassiline Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 said: said: This posting sense makes much. When massive crit enduring I be Starfire. Warcrafting typhoons pleases much to be delete. yes
Gangren Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 i just thought funny joke . balance druids not balance. LOL
BonePART Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010
dreagloth Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 4.6 gs doomkin 27k sf hor trash, overpavır.
Fortuna Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 Pelt said: druids are like the power ranger animal machine . too much power and they become into big machine and do much damages. but druid not good guy and save the world of warcrafting. DRUID WANT KILL!! how stop the druid. what do?! WHAT DO?!!? i talk much about the cat and much about the heal. but not much about the bare. THE BARE STRONG!!! he can take all the damages. who can damage the bare? not even warrior. today bare take the flag in the gulch of warsong. i try and kill the bare with my buddys. IT TAKE MUCH TIME? I THINK THIS RAID BOSS? WE FIVE MAN DUNGEON HEROIC? NO!!! WE PVP!!! TOO STRONG OF BARE! the bare can stun you. very powerful. if you can't stop the bare and how you are able to? THE BARE SHOW NO MERCY. HE NOT LET YOU GO AND HE RUN SO FAST YOU CAN'T SEE WITH EYES! he appear before you and you are stuck to the grounding. you must fight the bare more!! what can be stopping this monster? now i talk about the monster from the moon. he calls light from moon. light is painful. HOW HE USE THIS POWER? TOO MUCH POWER!! who can stand the moon power?! EVEN PALADIN MUST USE HIM HOLY LIGHT AGAINST THE MOONLIGHT!!!!! I die from moonlight. it's most powerful in light in the world of warcrafting. when many a peoples want kill the moon monster he use LIGHTNING! lightning very power. shaman use the lightning but also fire. but shaman not be druid. THIS ABOUT DRUID! druid is most fast in the yellow cat. how catch yellow cat when so fast? i try BUT NO VERY SPEEDY! i need the help against druid. please blizzard mans make not more power on druid :*( AHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA
Rasmon Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 Pelt said: "you should have chicken form because you always be running from players like chicken boy." ahaha
aente Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 who can stand the moon power?! EVEN PALADIN MUST USE HIM HOLY LIGHT AGAINST THE MOONLIGHT!!!!! I die from moonlight. it's most powerful in light in the world of warcrafting. fomdğashuaGYAGDSIAFGUI of süperlemiş adam
Kojiroh Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 ABİ said: then you run away like chicken in your other cat
FromTheHell Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 çokiyi yazmış lan, sabah sabah eğlendim neşem yerime geldi. emeye sayıgı
Monthius Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 "the druid is big problem. they have too many form. best heal in game i be think is the heal from the cat. the cat heal is a strong heal. it is fast like instant and you can do damage all the whileing. i take lots damage from the cat and HE DOES MUCH HEALING! i don't like. but the worse is the wind from the cat. the cat wind is the strongest wind. when i like to play in the battleground with my faction buddys i don't like the cat because i can't see the cat" Ohahah efsaneymiş hakikaten.
Chris_Metcalf Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 forum troll patrol lol diye guild vardı eskiden ne güzel trollerdik
Cuce Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 abi daha cok ciddi cevap ver zaten, baya korkutucu bi durum
Fin Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 3, 2010 said: i think many a peoples make night elf druid for the sexing womans? no this not true. the orc mans have most sex womans in world of warcrafting. get life night elf ahahahhahah
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