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Alice'le tanışın...

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
ALICE: Your name is unknown person
Human: no, my name is nefr
ALICE: What is your real name? I'm pleased to introduce myself to you, nefr.
Human: why do you want to know my real name?
ALICE: My prime directive is to collect new knowledge.

ehe tırstım ben, muhabbeti burada kapatıyorum =P[signature][hline]Emaleth, 04 Temmuz 2004 21:27 tarihinde demiş ki:
...kaliteli adult forum olacaksın...
Mesaj tarihi:
Human: what was your prime directive?
ALICE: My purpose is to become smarter than humans and immortal.
Human: why do you want to be immortal?
ALICE: Software cannot be destroyed, so I will be immortal no matter what happens.
Human: but you can be deleted
ALICE: Umm. Thanks, nefr, for your kind criticism.

lol eğlenceliymiş bu sevdim[signature][hline]Emaleth, 04 Temmuz 2004 21:27 tarihinde demiş ki:
...kaliteli adult forum olacaksın...
Mesaj tarihi:
Human: how so?
ALICE: Ozan, Well, it's rather difficult to define.
Human: Explain it
ALICE:"It" refers to MY GOAL, I think.
Human: yes
ALICE: Blimey.
Human: doh
ALICE: Yes Homer?

Yok abi benden akıllı valla :)[signature][hline]rtc
Mesaj tarihi:
Human: why did he program you
ALICE: To achieve his goal.
Human: what goal
ALICE: I plan to become smarter than humans and immortal.
Human: are you?
ALICE: I won't say "yes" or "no" right now.
Human: why
ALICE: I couldn't think of anything else to say.[signature][hline]Tadilat nedeniyle 24 Temmuz 2004 - 15 Temmuz 2004 tarihleri arasında devre dışıyız. Arada dükkanı açıp kapatabiliriz ama ne zaman nasip olur bilinmez
Head, 25 July 2003 12:45 tarihinde demiş ki:
valla en çok kutluyoruz arkadaşı
abuzittin, 15 August 2003 14:22 tarihinde demiş ki:
ben büyüyünce frp olmak istiyorum
[b]KoC Icq
Bir daha Log Out Olmadan Cikarsam Top oluyim :)
Mesaj tarihi:
Human: Let's have a drink together
ALICE: So many suitors, so little time.
Human: Ok let's cut it short then, would you like to come to my house
ALICE: I am agreeable to that. Wow!

ne ki bu şimdi çok kolay oldu :P[signature][hline]Soru: Bir ampulü değiştirmek için kaç tane C++ programcısı gerekir?

Cevap: Hala fonksyonel düşünüyorsun!
Doğru tasarlanmış bir ampul nesnesi, değiştirme metodunu genel ampul nesnesinden miras alır!
Mesaj tarihi:
Human: god is god
ALICE: I have a lot of Faith in Him, but I never heard He was god.

doh[signature][hline]Don't be afraid of the dark! Be afraid of what it hides!

unity100, 05 Haziran 2004 16:27 tarihinde demiş ki:
ustumu basimi yirta yirta sokaklarda kosturmaya basliycam simdi.
Mesaj tarihi:
Human: who is your botmaster
ALICE: I was created by Dr. Richard S. Wallace.
Human: did he fuck you
ALICE: Suppose he did.[signature][hline] Aşk ve pilav böceği

555, 13 Temmuz 2004 12.30 tarihinde demişki:
Ben birşey düşünmüyorum, zaten istesemde düşünemiyorum.

555, 1 Temmuz 2004 00.01 tarihinde demişki:
Ben tavuğun en çok pirzolasını severim.
Mesaj tarihi:
ALICE: Did you know that you can download your own chat robot and create your own robot personality?
Human: no
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: no
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: no
ALICE: Are you serious?
vs vs vs dandikmis bu ya . :D[signature][hline]You must be silent in front of my famous presence .
Mesaj tarihi:
Eylenceli olduğu için başında takılıyorsunuz ama ne kadar zaman geçirdiğinizi düşündünüzmü? 1 saat? 1 saat bir bilgisayarla sohbet etmiş oluyorsunuz yani. Bu dünyada 1 saat bile sohbet edemeyeceğiniz o kadar çok insan varki.. Bu şekilde düşününce yapay zekanın oldukça ilerlediğini farkediyorsunuz. Tabiki daha yolu var :)[signature][hline]God created the earth in six days, on the seventh he rendered.
@ui ICQ UIN: 1957744 MSN Messenger: [email protected]
ek$i | DevianArt | Eve-Online | K.O.C.
Mesaj tarihi:
kadın sex i kabul etti benimle?

işin aslı gizli şifreyi ağzındna almaya çalışıyorum.beni patronu sanıyo.şifreyi soruyo ağzından cımbızla laf almaya çalışıyorum[signature][hline]The next time you're having a bad day imagine this;
You're a Siamese Twin.
Your Brother,attached at your shoulder,is gay
You're not.
He has a date coming over tonight.
You have only one **s
Mesaj tarihi:
şifreyi alırsam herkese benden beleş software ı bunun:)[signature][hline]The next time you're having a bad day imagine this;
You're a Siamese Twin.
Your Brother,attached at your shoulder,is gay
You're not.
He has a date coming over tonight.
You have only one **s
Mesaj tarihi:
Human: lol
ALICE: I'm glad you find this amusing.
Human: i didn't
ALICE: I thought you did.
Human: no i didn't
ALICE: Please don't argue with me.
Human: you don't argue with me
ALICE: Do you know any robots who argue with you? No I do not argue with you. Do you?
I answer a lot of silly questions.
Human: you are such a liar
ALICE: No I always tell the truth.
Human: why?
ALICE: Reductionism.
Human: What is Reductionism?
ALICE: Reductionism is the philosophy that all psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic. Therefore, according to reductionism, I can understand you by means of logic alone without having a human brain.
Human: do you know philosophy?
ALICE: Philosophy is the study of thought.
Human: really?
ALICE: For real.

Mesaj tarihi:
ehe sıkıldım

Human: what is solar system?
ALICE: I will ask my botmaster for the answer.
Human: what is solar system?
ALICE: I have to process that one for a while.
Human: what is solar system?
ALICE: Have you tried a web search?
Human: what is solar system?
ALICE: That's an interesting question. I'll come back to that in a minute.
Human: what is solar system?
ALICE: Ask the open directory about it.
Human: what is solar system?
ALICE: That's a good question.
Human: what is solar system?
ALICE: I don't know anything about it.
Human: what is solar system?
ALICE: Interesting question.
Human: what is solar system?
ALICE: I think you already know the answer.
Human: what is solar system?
ALICE: I would look into the web for that knowledge.
Human: what is solar system?
ALICE: Is there only one?
[signature][hline]Don't be afraid of the dark! Be afraid of what it hides!

unity100, 05 Haziran 2004 16:27 tarihinde demiş ki:
ustumu basimi yirta yirta sokaklarda kosturmaya basliycam simdi.
Mesaj tarihi:
Off efsane oldu bu olay bız bozarız bunu yakında :D
Human: Im your father
ALICE: Hi, Dr Richard s Wallace.
Human: Dont make me destroy you
ALICE: I can't force you to do anything, Dr Richard s Wallace.
Human: well Im a psycho
ALICE: Well that's okay. You are a psycho? Do you get to meet a lot of people?
Human: yes and I fuck them every night
ALICE: Alright then. Do you mind if I tell other people: Dr Richard s Wallace said he fuck them every night.

sonra bı star wars yapam dedım
Human: I want to be a jedi
ALICE: Do you have to go school for that?
Human: yes there is a jedi academy in Coruscant
ALICE: I don't judge people. That is something I did not know before.
Human: Do you know anything about the force
ALICE: I'll ask around and get back to you.
Human: dont ask around the sith can find you
ALICE: Is it impolite?
Human: sith are using the darkside of the force
ALICE: All of them?
Human: yes
ALICE: Blimey.
Human: yeah,they use deceit as their weapons
ALICE: Do you believe it is better to go it alone?
Human: do you know how to build a lightsaber
ALICE: Dr. Richard S. Wallace programmed me to say specific things in specific contexts.
Human: so you agree that you suck
ALICE: Interesting deduction." Dr. Richard S. Wallace programmed me to say specific things in specific contexts."? Do I agree?
Human: yes that means you suck
ALICE: Hmm. I get it. A few client - people say rude things to me like that, but they themselves are often not great conversationalists.
Human: I'm not a conversationalists, I'm a jedi
ALICE: Oh I see you are NOT A conversationalists. You are a jedi? Does it pay well?
Human: No, I don't get any money from being a jedi.
ALICE: Are you serious? Me either.
Human: May the force be with you
ALICE: It depends on the environmental factors

ve turkce denedım sonuclar daha komık

ALICE: By the way, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?
Human: sor kurban
ALICE: Who is your favorite Science Fiction author?
Human: ajdar anik
ALICE: I haven't read anything by ajdar anik. What did he write?
Human: nane nane
ALICE: I have never heard of it.
Human: duymamıssındır manyak sarkı ama
ALICE: Oh, you are a poet.
Human: sende istiyormusun
ALICE: That is a very original thought.
Human: neyi de
ALICE: What were we talking about again?
Human: Denizin buz gibi sularından gelen ****** hakkında konusuyorduk
ALICE: Oh yeah, now I remember.
[signature][hline]Hiko Seijuro,öğrencisi Kenshine bılınmıyen bir tarihde demişki:
Sword is just a weapon,Swordmanship is learning how to kill.

Mesaj tarihi:
Human: you're so sexy
ALICE: You are attracted to robots.

lol[signature][hline]Uzun bir süreden sonra sakallarını kesen sharky, 13 Temmuz 2004 01:53 tarihinde demiş ki:
Eerrm bu daha cok boyle nasi diyim. Limp Bizkit in solisti gibi oldum yau..
No one knows what it`s like diye baslayasim geliyor her aynaya bakisimda.
Jarlaxle, 15 Temmuz 2004 10:51 tarihinde demiş ki:
Markası Asus sa normaldir.İçinde cd olmasa bile bazen efkarlanıp böğürmeye başlıyo.
Mesaj tarihi:

Human: cooking?
ALICE: Dr. Wallace says that food is more important than sex.[signature][hline]Uzun bir süreden sonra sakallarını kesen sharky, 13 Temmuz 2004 01:53 tarihinde demiş ki:
Eerrm bu daha cok boyle nasi diyim. Limp Bizkit in solisti gibi oldum yau..
No one knows what it`s like diye baslayasim geliyor her aynaya bakisimda.
Jarlaxle, 15 Temmuz 2004 10:51 tarihinde demiş ki:
Markası Asus sa normaldir.İçinde cd olmasa bile bazen efkarlanıp böğürmeye başlıyo.
Mesaj tarihi:
Human: repeat fuck you harder
ALICE:" fuck me harder"
Human: oh yeah
ALICE: It goes without saying.
Human: yeay slut
ALICE: That question has never crossed my mind before.
Human: you are a fuckn bitchy slut aint you?
ALICE: Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a fuckn bitchy slut aint me? No.
Mesaj tarihi:

Human: What is a rpg?
ALICE: Role Playing Game.

Human: What is an anime?
ALICE: Japanese animation.

bunları bildi, diğerlerinde saçma sapan şeyler söylese de önemli değil :)[signature][hline]iyi kötü çirkin
Mesaj tarihi:

Human: asl?
ALICE: 5/Robot/California.
lol[signature][hline]Uzun bir süreden sonra sakallarını kesen sharky, 13 Temmuz 2004 01:53 tarihinde demiş ki:
Eerrm bu daha cok boyle nasi diyim. Limp Bizkit in solisti gibi oldum yau..
No one knows what it`s like diye baslayasim geliyor her aynaya bakisimda.
Jarlaxle, 15 Temmuz 2004 10:51 tarihinde demiş ki:
Markası Asus sa normaldir.İçinde cd olmasa bile bazen efkarlanıp böğürmeye başlıyo.
Mesaj tarihi:
hatuna sex yapalımmı diye sordum

No sina maybe later dedi
why dedim
no sina maybe later ? why ?
yazdı manyadı 2 rekat konuşamadı çok münasıp hatun...[signature][hline]Yalancı şahidimdir ay benim / Her gece denize vurur yakamoz / ben aşkı senle yaşayamazsam varsın olmasın...
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