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Pilotun gözüne lazer tutan türkler tutuklandı


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AHAHAH. baskasından beklemezdim zaten. pilotun gözüne lazer tutmuş 2 türk.Pilot geçici kör olmuş.


A FORMER Turkish soldier living in South Australia on a student visa allegedly has shone a laser pointer at a Qantas jet above Willunga, temporarily blinding its pilot.

Irfan Bozan, 26, appeared in the Christies Beach Magistrates Court today charged with endangering life, prejudicing the safe operation of an aircraft and carrying an offensive weapon.

Outside court, police told AdelaideNow that Bozan had caused temporary blindness to the pilot at about 7.40pm last night as he was coming in to land at Adelaide Airport.

The pilot was flying at 7000ft above Willunga when the beam was directed at the plane's cockpit.

Police will allege in court that Bozan, who came to Australia eight months ago, was shining the light while a passenger in a car driven by his co-defendant, Mehmet Akyildiz.

They will allege he served with the Turkish army reserves for 15 months while living in Turkey.

Speaking outside court, Akyildiz told AdelaideNow he had bought the laser while in Thailand and did not realise it was considered an offensive weapon in Australia.

"We didn't know that it was illegal... we thought it was a toy," Akyildiz said.

"I know it can burn through eyes... we were just pointing it at trees and stuff.

"We didn't point it at no planes or cars, we just pointed it at the open air, trees and signs.

"I don't know what's going to happen to him. I don't know what to do."

In court John Mattner, for Bozan, said his client did not realise the laser would cause any harm.

"He thought it was a toy and he didn't think he was doing any harm."

He said due to the serious nature of the charges and the need for a Turkish interpreter, it would be more appropriate for Bozan to access Legal Aid before applying for bail.

Magistrate Simon Milazzo remanded Bozan in custody until September.

Akyildiz faces the same charges as Bozan, but was given police bail to first appear in court on a separate date in September.

AdelaideNow is unable to publish comment on this story for legal reasons.

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Sosyal ağlarda paylaş

adam eski asker mi yoksa sadece askerlik mi yapmış acaba. yani öyle bi abanmışlar ki o ayrıntıya sanki adam ajan da orduda göze lazer tutma eğitimi almış gibi. bi de tutanların bu olduğunu nasıl anlamışlar ki.

The pilot was flying at 7000ft above Willunga when the beam was directed at the plane's cockpit.

7000feet ulan! yannız bizimkilerin o an düşündüklerini de tahmin edebiliyorum. ehehe uçağa tutsana lağ uçağa tutsana ehehehe. yannız o nasıl bi lazermiş. blaster mı lan o kadar mesafeden nasıl etkilemiş adamı.
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Sosyal ağlarda paylaş

ilerde bi savaşta kullanırız bu tekniği:

"onlarca düşman savaş jeti bombalamak için türk topraklarına ulaştıktan kısa bir süre kayboldu"

"olayın şahitlerinden ahmet adanalı uçakların türk tarafına geçtikten hemen sonra garip bir ışık hüzmesine girip kalbolduğunu anlattı"

"düşman uçaklarına emir veren ilgili üst düzey askeri yetkili istifasını sundu. başbakan, "türkiyenin teknolojisiyle yarışamayız, teslim oluyoruz" diye açıklama yaptı."
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