Laurelin Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 5, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 5, 2009 bence wow un en basarili machinimalarindan biridir ama baya eski oldugu icin izlemiyenler olabilir yeniden koyalim
Kenu Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 5, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 5, 2009 Woot ... woot.....woot...woot.... I'd just ding'd nine when she looked to me, but her quest was green I said I don't mind but what do you mean I am the one Who will quest, in a mine, underground She said I am the one Who will quest, in a mine, underground She said go talk to Billy Maclure By the field manure The stench hung heavy as I knew now I was the one Who will quest, in a mine, underground My peeps had just slash told me WTF are you? I said: i've got to track this young brat down he replied too quick and asked me what quest I gotta do I said Bernice had lost her jewels, And now I've got to pwn goldtooth, hey-ey Billy Maclure has got some trouble He's just a kid a kid who's gonna confess That he stole bernice's necklace I killed whole legions of hogs and swine For his damned pork pies Because it seems when it's almost done the drops just won't come On the corpse, of the boar, on the ground So take my carving knife Just remember to always swing twice He told me he'd dropped her jewlery down in fargodeep, a gold-toothed kobold Had picked it up and ran down the line Hence the quest, in a mine, underground Fargodeep had always scared me, ever since I was a noob Don't go around stealing gray mob's loot When I decended in that cavern To the smell of Kobold puke I knew what I had to do To be the hand of Goldtooth's doom, hey-ey! Billy Maclure has got some trouble He's just a kid a kid who's gonna confess That he stone bernice's necklace Billy Maclure has got some trouble .... Billy Maclure has got some trouble .... Woot! I'm gonna ding 10 in just three more bubbles ... Come back at 60 and reduce this place to rubble ... My elf don't shave but he ain't got no stubble ... logged off for an hour now my XP's doubled ... That princess pig caused me so damn much trouble ... You know night elves can't hearthstone bubble ... I think hogger kinda looks like Barney Rubble ...
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