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beyaz converse nasıl temizlenir ?

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
biraz önce mini programda makinaya attım çıktı hiç bi değişiklik yok elimle temizleyim dedim lekeler çıkmıyor.. hanii bölee toz lekesi gibi, ayakabbı bembeyaz olmuyo..
nası yapcaz bilen varmı?
Mesaj tarihi:
1 Un-lace the shoes. You can still wash the laces if you wish, but it will be much easier to get to the middle section of the shoes if you remove these first. Also, if you have any charms or dangles, or anything else on the shoe, take them off, too, because they are probably not washable.

2 Fill up your kitchen sink with water. Don't use hot water because that may end up fading the shoes, especially if they are a dark color or pattern. You may use cold or lukewarm water because that will keep the color bright and you won't burn your hands in super-hot water.

3 Put the shoes all of the way into the water, don't be afraid to get them wet, they are meant to get wet.
Use a toothbrush and a washcloth to get all of the dirt off of the shoes. If the shoes are really dirty, there may be stains in some places that you can't get off of them. That's OK, because these shoes look great distressed, too!

4 To dry the shoes, put them somewhere that's room temperature, away from sunlight. Sunlight may fade the shoes a lot, especially if they are a dark color. Do not put your Converse in the dryer because they may fade or shrink. The same goes for putting them outside to dry on the front porch or the driveway because the sun will fade them.

5 Let the shoes dry for a few days. Even if your Converse feel dry to the touch, the inside of the shoe will still be wet.

Now your Converse are all clean and ready to go!
Mesaj tarihi:
ben giymiyorum converse ama, benim bildiim converseler kirli giyilmiyomu zaten? bi arakdaşım yeni converse almıştı (metalci, solcu, özgürlükçü bi tip/kişilikti neyse) ayakkabının burnu çok beyaz diye gidip duvara ağaca sürtüp çamura sokmuştu..
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