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Mesaj tarihi:
Spidee said:


Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello
Stranger: pleased you could make it
You: Yeah me
You: too
You: It was hard to find
Stranger: it's a struggle, isn't it
You: Well yeah, but lets get to the point
Stranger: frankly i don't know why we bother
You: Do you have it?
Stranger: yeah, i have
You: Let me see
Stranger: whoa whoa whoa
Stranger: the ducks?
You: Yeah, isn't that our deal?
Stranger: i need to see them first
You: Hmm
You: Ok
You: =o=
Stranger: i'd like to avoid the complications that happened last time
You: That's a part of it
You: Now we're cool?
Stranger: no....no no no!
Stranger: these are mallards!
Stranger: what kind of chump do you take me for?
You: Look
You: Do you want it or not?
Stranger: these aren't the ducks!
Stranger: you said you had the paradis shelducks
Stranger: *paradise
You: I didn't said it will be ducks
You: I said it'll look like ducks
Stranger: that was the agreement!
Stranger: sorry, no deal
You: Well if you don't want them
You: I can find others
Stranger: good! i'm glad
Stranger: but you won't be getting the million dollar reward
Stranger: for my lose paradise shelducks
You: I don't want the money
Stranger: that you claim to have found
You: I want glory
Stranger: well...
Stranger: ...then find the right fucking ducks
You: These are the ducks!
Stranger: yes, they ARE ducks
You: No they're not ducks
Stranger: but you seem to be missing the point
You: They are THE ducks
You: You're hurting them
You: Really
Stranger: you can't just grab some mallards and pass them off as my ducks
You: They don't want you anymore
Stranger: i'm not a fool
You: Well, apparently you're not
You: But they are sensitivite ducks
Stranger: i don't give a flying toss about their personal problems
Stranger: i have my own ducks to worry about
You: Do NOT use that words about them!
Stranger: incidentally, i almost thought my worrying was over
You: You are being rude
You: They'll hunt you down you know
Stranger: hey, *I* didn't bring them here!
You: And they are everywhere
You: They'll find you
You: And tell cuss words to you
Stranger: fucking mallards..
You: They'll piss on your rug too
Stranger: couple of skanky mallards by the look of it
You: You can't avoid them
You: This deal is OVER
You: Even if I don't end it
You: They won't come with you
You: Steve will want them
You: He's good guy
Stranger: steve?
Stranger: who the fuck is steve
You: He can take care of them
You: Don't you Steve?
You: THE Steve?
Stranger: good for him
You: The duck guy?
Stranger: i know plenty of steves
Stranger: noooooooo
Stranger: not THAT duck guy?
You: Yes he is!
Stranger: how could you?!
You: You made me to
You: I don't want that either
You: But you leave me no choice
Stranger: he doesn't just "take care" of them....
Stranger: he....he...
You: That's not my problem
Stranger: oh god, i think i'm going to be sick...
Stranger: oh, i don't know...
You: Well do you want any monkeys?
Stranger: once you get involved with steve...
You: They can cook too
Stranger: sure, i'll take some monkeys
You: Let me check my stuff
You: AHA
Stranger: what?
You: What do you thing about that one?
You: It's green but whatever
Stranger: that one's okay...
You: Still a monkey right?
Stranger: i don't get why you put them all in those dresses
You: Presentation
You: It's important
Stranger: that one has a corset...!
Stranger: where do you even FIND that?
You: My mom made it
You: Isn't that nice ^^
Stranger: i...i...
Stranger: i dunno, this is kinda weird
You: You have to see it with his hat
Stranger: really, i'm a little freaked out
Stranger: this one's throwing shit at me
You: He does that sometimes
You: Just ignore him
Stranger: yeah, but...
Stranger: look at me
You: Well you are a duck guy
You: You have to learn living with it
You: Ducks are worse
Stranger: a duck guy covered in monkey shit
You: It looks good on you
You: Really
Stranger: i'm heading straight to a duck convention
Stranger: if arrive all covered in monkey shit, i'm finished
You: Well I gotta go
Stranger: that's it for me
You: Here's your monkey
Stranger: no more duck grantd
Stranger: *grants
You: You want the mallards as well?
Stranger: fuck your monkeys!
Stranger: i want nothing to do with you!
You: Well
You: Steve will
Stranger: nooooooooooo
You: Yes
You: Sorry
Stranger: it's......it's out of my hands now
You: Life is not fair
You: You'll get over it
You: Now I've gotta go
Stranger: i wish i never met you! (sob)
You: Hmph
You: Nice to meet you too buddy
You: Ducky days to you
You have disconnected.

Lan keşke MSN falan isteseydim ehah.

ohahaha snatch - big lebovski arası bi tat aldım huahauh
Mesaj tarihi:
Kıza bak ya 12 yaşında gitmiş :D

You: thank you so much
Stranger: are you a virgin?
You: nope sure :)
You: u ?
You: i said im 21 years old :))
Stranger: nope
Stranger: when was your first time?
You: when i was 15
You: ur ?
Stranger: 12 ;)
You: :))
You: i thing its too young for sex :)
Stranger: yeah, ah well :)
Stranger: who was your first time with?
You: he was my school friend
You: and ur ?
Stranger: cousin ;)
Mesaj tarihi:
Tripling said:
Kıza bak ya 12 yaşında gitmiş :D

You: thank you so much
Stranger: are you a virgin?
You: nope sure :)
You: u ?
You: i said im 21 years old :))
Stranger: nope
Stranger: when was your first time?
You: when i was 15
You: ur ?
Stranger: 12 ;)
You: :))
You: i thing its too young for sex :)
Stranger: yeah, ah well :)
Stranger: who was your first time with?
You: he was my school friend
You: and ur ?
Stranger: cousin ;)


kuzen. (tu)
Mesaj tarihi:
Masquerade said:
Tripling said:
Kıza bak ya 12 yaşında gitmiş :D

You: thank you so much
Stranger: are you a virgin?
You: nope sure :)
You: u ?
You: i said im 21 years old :))
Stranger: nope
Stranger: when was your first time?
You: when i was 15
You: ur ?
Stranger: 12 ;)
You: :))
You: i thing its too young for sex :)
Stranger: yeah, ah well :)
Stranger: who was your first time with?
You: he was my school friend
You: and ur ?
Stranger: cousin ;)


kuzen. (tu)

ensestmisin diye geldi bana direkt
Mesaj tarihi:

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: tell me something secret and fantastic about yourself.
Stranger: everything about me is fantastic
You: ooov
You: nice reply
You: i like that
You: you are now the top on the list lol
Stranger: ow thank u :D
Stranger: what kind of list is it ? :D
Stranger: lol
You: %90 percent of the people in this site
You: says im gay lol
You: or bisexual
Stranger: lol
Stranger: asl?
You: 20 f usa
You: u?
Stranger: 21 m turkey
Stranger: what is ur name?
You: chrissa
You: ur?
Stranger: kamil
Stranger: nice to meet you
You: nice name
You: how do u find this site
Stranger: i found this site 10 minutes a go and joined,
Stranger: found that a forum
You: nice which forum
You: global forum or
You: your country?
Stranger: forum my county
Stranger: a turkish forum
You: oo can you give me the link
You: i want to join that
Stranger: yeah i can, but you cant write something without Turkish
You: hmm the language in the forum is turkish?
Stranger: yes
You: isnt it new topic or sth?
Stranger: it was random topic, talking about this site
Stranger: i wondered and joined
You: owner of this site is my friend
You: im asking this questions because of that :]
You: can you say me which forum is that?
Stranger: hımm.. i understood
Stranger: http://forum.donanimhaber.com/forumid_12/p_/tmode_1/smode_1/tt.htm
You: thank you
You: for your answers
You: you help this site
Stranger: no problem..
You: c u
Stranger: c u?
You: it means im leaving now
You: goodbye

sonunda dh den biri geldi. konu nerden nereye bağlandı ahah.
Mesaj tarihi:
Birkaç saat bıraktık siteyi, artık asl'de İstanbul yazınca direkt disco yapıyor elemanlar. asl'nin l sini yazmamaya başladım, ısrarla from diye sordular, PLANET EARTH dedim, yine disco.

Naptınız lan siteye.
Mesaj tarihi:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hello, this is Mike from Omegle customer support, we have had recent complaints of abuse of this website by your IP address. Your address is currently logged and we will be reporting you to the appropriate authorities.

We have reason to believe you are grooming minors in an attempt to solicit indecent pictures and/or video of them. The Police have been alerted and should contact you within 24 hours. If you fail to receive this call then a warrant for your arrest will be immediately posted nationwide
You: yes.
Mesaj tarihi:

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: nolur bu akşam maç
Stranger: hi
Stranger: kuk fitta knulla?
You: mamochi mamochi
Stranger: du o jag imorrn på hotellet?
You: vidi vidi vinci
You: meaise vadaa
You: ?
Stranger: kuk kuki kuk
Stranger: slicka fitaah
You: damanayaro ayarooo
You: neoluar rsana oyinea gelena
You: witeher ehusu?
Stranger: fitta ihuset?
You: dimisnet uaranas
You: fitta mikumena?
Stranger: kuken rullar på asfalten
You: diyosaan mikellos mucos kiko
You: vada ni vüet du mondieu?
Stranger: mycket kuk?
Stranger: jag vet mycket
You: arigato moshi moshi
Stranger: homosexuell muffi muffi
You: muffi muffi topanus
Stranger: top of the anus
Stranger: muffin in my anus
Stranger: hård kuk i munnen
You: anus mokeiane tasmus erasmus?
Stranger: anus mucho va är mus en rasmus
Stranger: kuk
You: kuky anus ur awsomenka
Stranger: asl??
You: you first lol
Stranger: swe 13 male roflmao
You: nice conversation
You have disconnected.

anlam yüklü bir diyalog.
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