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3.1 PTR Boss Testing


Öne çıkan mesajlar

ptr'yi kurcam kuramadım, şöyle ki;

This update does not need to be applied. It requires a version of "WoW.exe" older than, but you already have version

önce wow.exe'yi bulamadım 0_o dedi kuramadı şimdide bunu diyor, ne ki bu ki nasıl çözerim?
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Şu test olayı herşeyin bütün gizeminin içine ediyor hiç sevemedim, bıraksalar keşif etmesi çözmesi bulması bize kalsa, PTR de olmasa bile istemeden insan okuyor.Ayarlasa blizz kendi kadrosundan bir test ekibi, kıyrık pitiler ya bak gıcık oldum
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Dworgian said:
Nomak said:
Şu test olayı herşeyin bütün gizeminin içine ediyor hiç sevemedim, bıraksalar keşif etmesi çözmesi bulması bize kalsa, PTR de olmasa bile istemeden insan okuyor.Ayarlasa blizz kendi kadrosundan bir test ekibi, kıyrık pitiler ya bak gıcık oldum


test edilmeden girdiginde ise bircok bug,exploit cikiyor ortaya. Adamlarin aciklamasi da bu yonde zaten, onlar da cok sevmiyor yani ptr a sokmayi ama mecburlar.
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Blizzard'ın internal bir ekibi var zaten bu testleri yapan. Adamlar geliştirdikleri yenilikleri falan direkt olarak oyunculara PTR'da test etsinler diye sunmuyorlar yani.

12 milyona yakın bir oyuncu kitlesi olan oyunun yeniliklerini, sadece 20 (hadi bilemedin 50) kişiye test ettirip piyasa sürerse mutlaka sorunlar çıkar. O kadar çok PC konfigürasyonu, oyuncu yeteneklerinin farklılığı, oyuncu beğenilerinin farklılığı söz konusu ki..
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- World of Warcraft Client Patch (2004-11-07)

Racial Traits
Racial traits are now available for all races. Each race receives at
least 4 traits (several passive and at least one active trait per
race). Undead racial traits have changed to be more consistent with
the new traits and Undead players are now considered Humanoid targets
rather than Undead targets. The following is a full list of traits:

Stoneform: Activate to gain immunity to poison, disease, and bleed
Gun Specialization: Increase Gun Skill
Frost Resistance: Increase Cold Resistance
Treasure Finding: Activate to see treasure chests on mini map -
lasts until canceled - no cooldown

Escape Artist: Activate to break out of a Root or Snare effect
Expansive Mind: Increase Intelligence
Arcane Resistance: Increase Arcane Resistance
Engineering Specialist: Increase skill bonus to Engineering

Perception: Activate to increase stealth detection radius
The Human Spirit: Increase Spirit
Diplomacy: Bonus to faction point gain
Sword Specialization: Increase Sword skill

Night Elf
Shadowmeld: Activate while immobile and out of combat to enter
stealth mode
Quickness: Dodge chance increased
Wisp Spirit: Become a wisp when dead with movement speed increase
Nature Resistance: Increase Nature Resistance

Blood Fury: Activate to increase Strength
Hardiness: Increase resistance to stun & knockout effects
Command: Pet melee damage increased
Axe Specialization: Increase to Axe skill

War Stomp: Activate to stun opponents
Endurance: Max Health increased
Cultivation: Increase skill bonus to Herbalism
Nature Resistance: Increase Nature Resistance

Berserking: Activate when "Wounded" to increase melee &
spellcasting speed
Regeneration: Increase health regen bonus
Beast Slaying: Increase damage bonus to Beasts
Throwing Weapon Specialization: Increase Throwing Weapon skill.

Will of the Forsaken: Activate to become immune to fear, sleep,
and charm effects
Cannibalize: Increase health regeneration while consuming a corpse
Underwater Breathing: Underwater breath increased
Shadow Resistance: Increase Shadow Resistance

New Raid Encounters
Rumors of Onyxia, an enormous black dragon, have been heard through
out Azeroth. Be sure to bring many brave warriors for she won’t
take kindly to intruders in her lair. Both factions will need to
complete unique, and challenging quests to gain access to the
Onyxia encounter. **During the beta testing there will be a
temporary placeholder vendor who sells keys to Onyxia’s lair for
testing purposes.

Discovered in the heart of Blackrock Mountain beyond the Depths,
lies the Molten Core. Within the Molten Core lives a multitude of
ancient and powerful evil. Adventurers be ware, for the dangers found
within the Molten Core are many and takes many forms.

**Raid loot is being worked on and temporary loot has been placed in
raid encounters
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