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Bonepartin kalp ameliyati

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
bu arada bu adamın rekorunu çinli bi adam 4 günle geçti, patlasınn
o mankenlerle gezerken öbürki meditasyon yapıp çalıştı tabii..[signature][hline]Sam, 18 Ocak 2003 06:32 tarihinde demiş ki:
süperdi ilk red alert'teki mammoth tank biriktirip kafadan dalma olayı

Strateji Anlayışım Mammoth'tur
Mesaj tarihi:
organ çıkartabilirmi sence ? :D eheu gayet basit bi numara işte sahte bi deri var onu soyuyo orada :P[signature][hline]Yukarıdaki yazıların yarısı yalandır...
Mesaj tarihi:
aa geberdi:)[signature][hline]And there's a million of us just like me who react like me, burn, smell, explode like me glow like me, periodical like me and just might be a piece uranium, but they are just isotopes of me!
I'm Chemical. Yes, I'm the pure Chemical
All other isotope Chemicals can't react forever. So won't the pure Chemical please meltdown please meltdown please meltdown...
Mesaj tarihi:
Kaburga diye bi olay yok heralde adamda vıjt diye çıkarıo direk kalbi aradan:)[signature][hline]And there's a million of us just like me who react like me, burn, smell, explode like me glow like me, periodical like me and just might be a piece uranium, but they are just isotopes of me!
I'm Chemical. Yes, I'm the pure Chemical
All other isotope Chemicals can't react forever. So won't the pure Chemical please meltdown please meltdown please meltdown...
Mesaj tarihi:
zuuzuz[signature][hline]''İktidar her yerdedir,direnişte...''Michel Foucault
Bir Ülkede Küçük İnsanların Gölgeleri Büyüyorsa,O Ülkenin Güneşi Batıyor Demektir...
Mesaj tarihi:

"Bonepartın kalp ameliyatı " diip konu açmışsın bi yanına
Gülen surat koy dil çıkaran surat koy
korktum adama bişey oldu die ya..[signature][hline]Fear.. Fear attracts the fearful
The Strong. The Weak. The Innocent.
The Corrupt.

Fear.. Fear is my Ally!
Mesaj tarihi:
tahmin edim açmadan
bonepart kıznlara naptı topici dimi
mauhauha[signature][hline]And there's a million of us just like me who react like me, burn, smell, explode like me glow like me, periodical like me and just might be a piece uranium, but they are just isotopes of me!
I'm Chemical. Yes, I'm the pure Chemical
All other isotope Chemicals can't react forever. So won't the pure Chemical please meltdown please meltdown please meltdown...
Mesaj tarihi:
niye izliemionki[signature][hline]And there's a million of us just like me who react like me, burn, smell, explode like me glow like me, periodical like me and just might be a piece uranium, but they are just isotopes of me!
I'm Chemical. Yes, I'm the pure Chemical
All other isotope Chemicals can't react forever. So won't the pure Chemical please meltdown please meltdown please meltdown...
Mesaj tarihi:
sonra kızlara atıo kalbini dimi[signature][hline]And there's a million of us just like me who react like me, burn, smell, explode like me glow like me, periodical like me and just might be a piece uranium, but they are just isotopes of me!
I'm Chemical. Yes, I'm the pure Chemical
All other isotope Chemicals can't react forever. So won't the pure Chemical please meltdown please meltdown please meltdown...
Mesaj tarihi:
benim verdiğim topicte link bozuk sanırsam ordaki videoyu izleyemessiniz..
evet mumiye dönüyoruz
"evet mumi, bonepart kızlara naptı videoyu tekrar koyabilir misin?" :-P[signature][hline]Vote Mr. Bilbo For President
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