peder zickler Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 27, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 27, 2009 soveringe ufo uzmanı title verilsin
Sovereign Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2009 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2009 haftalar dedim yakın zamanda bekliyorum demek o. Yılbaşına kadar birşey olmayacak. Ayrıca hiçbir şekilde ne tarih verebilirim ne de belirli bir süre zarfı verebilirim. Sadece çok yakında olacağını biliyorum. Daha detaylı bilgi için:
LathspeLL Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2009 Sovereign said: Sana saçma gelmiş olabilir, başkalarının fikirlerine karışmayalım. Bana sacma gelmis diye bisey yok, direk sacma ve bunu bulgulariyla sana gosterdim, adam bilmemne sitesinde ki ay yuzeginin renk kodu goruntusunu alip, kraterleri paintte ters cevirip bakin ufo diyor.
aquila Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2009 lathspell yeterince acikfikirli olmadigin icin sana sacma gelmis olabilir.
Laorx Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2009 Arkansis said: nuclear launch detected !!! *asker kaçır asker kaçır asker kaçır*
dasaaa Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2009 said: haftalar dedim yakın zamanda bekliyorum demek o ne bekliyoruz?
dasaaa Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2009 memur maaşları bu haldeyken daha çooook et beklersiniz siz.
Tenekeadam Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2009 Bu başlığı trollemek,yeni alınan ayakkabıyı hayırlamak gibi geleneksel bir hal almış.
ShadowFury Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2009 Tabii ki. Geleneksel Paticik Troll Şenliklerinin gözdesi bu topik.
peder zickler Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2009 bu başlık baya güzel bi arşiv oldu , trollemeyin sevabına lan
Economics Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2009 abi bende bu dünya dışı varlıklar konusuna kafa yormak istiyorum ama sonra kafayı yerim filmlerde barın en ücra köşesinde oturan deli adam olurum fln diye uğraşmıyorum
Sovereign Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 2, 2010 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 2, 2010 güzel hazırlanmış video bulduğum zaman koymaya devam edicem: Yıllar boyu resmi NASA televizyonundan kaydedilmiş görüntüler:
Sovereign Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 2, 2010 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 2, 2010 "I Know What I Saw" belgeselinin trailer'ı. Bu belgesel çıkalı birkaç ay oldu, isteyen arkadaşlar internette bulabilir.
paspatur Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2010 Sovereign said: güzel hazırlanmış video bulduğum zaman koymaya devam edicem: Yıllar boyu resmi NASA televizyonundan kaydedilmiş görüntüler: 09:10 da başlayan "The tether" ın olayını anlayamadım. bide çok anlamlı görüntüler göremedim yani oha dedirtecek
Sovereign Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2010 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2010 İzlediğin şeyin ne olduğunu anlamazsan, görüntü hiçbir şey ifade etmez. Daha iyi anlayabilmeniz için buraya açıklamasını yazacağım. Merak edenler araştırmaya devam ederler, etmeyenlerin topiği kirletmemesini rica ediyorum. Görüntülerin hepsi NASA'nın Amerika'daki resmi televizyon kanalından alınmıştır. NASA yörüngeye gönderdiği mekiklerin yaptıkları görevlerden sık sık canlı görüntüler gösterir bu kanalda. Bu canlı görüntüler genellikle mekiğin etrafında bulunan kameraların kaydettikleridir. Yukardaki videoda gördüğün görüntülerde yuvarlak içine alınmış objelere dikkat etmen lazım. Bu objelerin çoğundaki anormallik birçok kez ani hız ve yön değiştirmeleridir. Ani hız ve yön değiştirmeyen herhangi bir obje "meteor/yörünge çöpü" gibi uzayda zaten varolan cisimlerin üzerine ışık yansıması olarak açıklanabilir. Ama birçok kez görüntülenen videodaki objeler hiçbir şekilde açıklanamaz. Kısacası yörüngemizin "uzay otoyolu"'ndan farkı yoktur.
nameless Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2010 Ben bu konuya şüpheli yaklaşıyorum. kendim herhangi bir tecrübe yaşamadıktan sonra başkalarının yazdıklarına ya da kaydettiği görüntülere inanmam mümkün değil; görsel verilerin üzerinde çok rahat oynanabileceği bir teknolojiye sahibiz bildiğimiz gibi. şimdi sözüm Sove'ye. herşeyi okudum ve sana laflar hazırladım (bunu yazmasam olmazdı sadf): bir sürü trolle maruz kaldın, fikilerini savunmaya çalıştın ama şu mesajın gerçekten baya komik olmuş... Sovereign said: OK, konuyu bir nokta daha ileri götürüyorum. Konuya tekrar dönmemin sebebi de buydu zaten. Bu spiral mpiral falan kafanızı öyle şeylere yormayın. Video falan da koymaya gerek yok artık. Yazıcaklarıma inanmanız çok zor, inanmanızı istemiyorum zaten. 1 seneyi aşkın araştırmalarım sonucunda vardığım son noktadır. Önümüzdeki haftalar içerisinde gerçekleşecek insanlık tarihinin gelmiş geçmiş en büyük transformasyonu geliyor. Özetlemek gerekirse ilk önce anons yapılıyor ve IMF/IRS/US intelligence/EU gibi büyük organizasyonların hepsinin AĞIR yolsuzluk içerisinde bütün dünyayı kandırdıkları ortaya çıkıyor. NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act) ilan ediliyor. Amerika dahil hükümetleri bu yolsuzluklara bulaşmış olan büyük hükümetlerin hepsi görevinden alınıp yerine geçici hükümetler getiriliyor. (Amerika'nın dünyadaki 800+ askeri üssü kapatılıyor) Geçici hükümetler devreye girdikten sonra insanlardan saklanan bütün gerçekler birer birer açıklanmaya başlıyor. UFO Disclosure bunların başında. Çoktan bulunmuş ve bütün dünyaya açıklanacak olan teknolojiler arasında sonsuz/temiz enerji, anti-gravity, ve günümüzün en ciddi hastalıklarına kesin çözümler geliyor. Daha bir detaylı anlatımı için bknz: Benjamin F. The ongoing global financial war is reaching its final stages. Multiple reliable sources in three continents are all now reporting that a major breakthrough in the financial logjam is imminent. We can confirm from our own sources (including MI6 and Japanese military intelligence) that a large delegation descended on Washington last week and read the riot act to the Washington D.C. establishment. They have been informed the Federal Reserve Board must be shut down immediately and the new financial system must be implemented or else the United States would be totally cut off from the world. The military is also close to open revolt with more than half of the military supporting a total clean up of Washington D.C., according to a CIA source. The Washington establishment therefore faces a choice between stepping aside and facing a truth commission or else arrest, civil war,chaos and eventual death for all members of the ruling cabal. We believe that sane minds will prevail in such a situation and that a peaceful resolution is imminent. However, it is not over until it is over. Last week the Chinese were on the verge of helping the US government kill the supporters of the new financial system in Washington until the Japanese government intervened to provide protection. There were then discussions with the Chinese where they were given an explanation of the inner workings of the international financial system. They were also made an offer. What was told to them was that over 90% of the dollars ever created were not owned by Americans. The people who own those dollars do not want them to become worthless paper when the Federal Reserve Board implodes. Instead, all dollars earned through honest work (i.e. not through derivates and other types of fraud) would be backed by gold. These gold backed dollars would then be renamed. The Chinese want to call it the Renminbi. The Rothschilds want to call it the Hong Kong dollar. Our proposal is to call it the Hong Kong yen (pronounced yuan in Chinese). Many details will have to be worked out by experts. However, it is certain that never again will it be possible for private individuals to manipulate the world through the creation of money. The Chinese insist the creation of new money should be a job run by the government and this was agreed to by the concerned parties. A high powered Japanese government delegation will be going to the Philippines towards the end of the year to deliver Chinese gold taken there in the 1930’s to China to be used for the purposes of backing up their dollar holdings. The Japanese delegation, led by the Japanese government& rsquo;s number two man, Hajime Ishii will also be given presentations about suppressed technology. I will also be going there to give them some ideas about a new structure of global governance. The Chinese want to move the UN headquarters to Laos because it is the site of some of the most ancient and pristine Asian culture. This seems like a nice idea. Of course the UN is now an extremely dysfunctional organization and will have to be totally revamped. It now serves as a global control mechanism for the victors of World War 2. This will be fundamentally changed. In addition, the functions of the World Bank will be moved to China, probably to Hong Kong. All current World Bank employees will have their track records examined and only those who have contributed positively to the planet will be re-employed. The IMF will be disbanded because it has only caused misery and poverty throughout the world. It has functioned mainly to steal resources and property from the people of the world. In its place the Japanese will set up a new institution that will function to ensure the safety and stability of the global financial system. Hopefully it will be headquartered in Osaka. All of these institutions will be set up as meritocracies. Anybody will be allowed to take the exam to join them. In addition, there will no longer be places at the top reserved for people of specific ethnic backgrounds. The new organizations will all be very busy because the entire commercial structure of the planet will be changed. The industries that are expected to vanish or shrink dramatically include: petroleum, war, nuclear power and pharmaceuticals and automobiles. Companies in these industries will need substantial help to transform themselves. The petroleum industry, for example, could be changed into a geo-engineering industry. The armaments folk will move into space exploration. The automobile industry will start to manufacture anti-gravity scooters. The transformation of all the obsolete industries needs to be carried out in a manner that causes as little social disruption and dislocation as possible. In addition all countries will have to agree to submit to the international court of Justice. Disputes between countries should be settled through negotiations or else in court. However, it might be possible for countries to also agree to settle disputes through ritual warfare. They could, for example, each send 10 of their best martial artists to a desert island to duel it out but no killing will be allowed. The winning country will then get a more advantageous settlement of whatever the dispute was. In any case, humanity is about to be freed from the grips of a horrific cult that has killed hundreds of millions of people over the years. Most of the 800 US military bases world-wide may well be shut down. The US military will have to be transformed into an entirely different organization dedicated to planetary defense and big projects for humanity. We are headed for an unprecedented historical transformation. Hang on to your hats.
Sovereign Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2010 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2010 Dediğim gibi başkalarının mesajlarım hakkında ne düşündüğü beni ilgilendirmez. Yazdıklarımdan istediğinizi alın. Kimseyi inandırmaya da çalışmıyorum.
nameless Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2010 trolleme dışında düşünceler seni ilgilendirmiyorsa büyük yanlış yapıyorsun. bu yazdığıma da aynı tepkiyi verirsin büyük ihtimalle. aynen devam...
Arkansis Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2010 birisi tether olayını sormuştu said: One of the most controversial segments of video footage in the NASA archives is the TSS-1R "tether incident" footage, shot back in early 1996 during shuttle mission STS-75. As compelling as that original raw video is however, the addition of flightpath/velocity tracking plots and the application of Image-Stabilization/Shake-Reduction techniques can provide a new and more revealing way of analyzing what is considered by many to already be some rather impressive evidence. This is not a full forensic analysis of the STS-75 tether incident footage. I have not included any descriptions, explanations, or supporting documentation in this presentation, but rather I merely show various enhancements of the raw footage here for the viewer to analyze for themselves. All three stable sequences with their associated flightpath/velocity tracks are shown, as well as several shake sequences and their motion-stabilized enhancements. Due to YouTube time-limit considerations however, I was unable to include a couple shake sequences in this particular presentation. For a brief description of the Flightpath/Velocity animations shown, please refer to the write-up I did that is attached to the earlier short demo version located here - IMAGE STABILIZATION/SHAKE-REDUCTION In addition to the three flightpath/velocity "stable sequences" analyzed in this presentation, I have also included several pan/tilt/zoom "shake sequences" from the raw flyby footage as well, showing those segments with "Image-Stabilization/Shake-Reduction" applied in an effort to make them easier to interpret. In those motion-corrected examples, I elected to use the highly visible 19695-meter-long free-drifting tether as the target feature to match and mount each successive frame of raw footage to. Unfortunately, there are several negative factors related to the camera system employed to shoot this footage, and together those issues serve to make these scenes rather difficult to properly stabilize. Firstly, any pan or tilt commands sent to the camera's two-axis PTU (Pan/Tilt Unit) result in very abrupt shifts to the FOV which are immediately followed by a brief period of servo/clutch bouncing. This bouncing effect is caused by the PTU having to absorb the inertial forces generated when the mass of the camera body (mounted to the PTU) was rapidly panned and/or tilted. The lack of positive control where the camera struggles to return the scene to a normal stable state is most obvious in the higher magnification sequences, with the "bouncing" effect appearing to be due to the astronauts sending the camera movement commands to the PTU using what was called HIGH-RATE control mode (12 degrees of camera movement per second) rather than the far-less-abrupt LOW-RATE movement setting (1.2 degrees per second) that should have been employed. Stabilization of these shake sequences is further complicated by the gamma, gain and iris (f-stop) control settings of the camera, which during the tether flyby appears to have been set in what was called "Black Stretch" (or "night") mode. "Black Stretch" provided the astronauts and MCC an additional gain output capability that improved the camera's low-light viewing characteristics, but an undesired consequence was that whenever the rapid (HIGH-RATE) camera movement occurs and the FOV bounces, it results in rather severe contrast trailing effects (residual ghosting) that bleeds light off each visible object in a direction 180-degrees opposite of the camera movement. This obfuscates the scene by significantly lowering the number of stable (or near-stable) frames available for inclusion in the shake-corrected sequences. Making matters even worse is the fact that we are forced to contend with an absolutely brutal contrast gradient/reflection that reveals itself across the full FOV during each of the zoomed-in sequences. The appearance of this gradient and its effect on the scene during stabilization can be seen quite readily in the sequence I show starting at the 2:15 mark. When the initial camera movement and follow-on bouncing occurs in the raw footage, the gradient remains essentially stable while the objects in the FOV move around. When the scene is stabilized however, the camera movement is effectively canceled out but the once-stable gradient/reflection, because it is a product of the camera/lens system, now appears to bounce in the FOV instead, with the gradient divide crossing back and forth over the relevant objects in frame and blurring them further. Still, even with all those negatives working against us, these motion-corrected sequences do provide a different and slightly cleaner look at the tether footage, so I felt they were worthy of inclusion here. Hope you enjoy! Cheers! LC türkçeye çeviremedim =/
Sovereign Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2010 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2010 biliyorum bu açıklamayı da, farkketiyseniz bu tür açıklamalar sadece birkaç tane kaydedilmiş görüntülere getiriliyor. Ayrıca "tether olayı"'nda aniden yer veya hız değiştiren bir cisim gözükmüyor.
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