Masquerade Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 30, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 30, 2009 darkfall topici ninjalanıp uo oldu. :)
Masquerade Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 30, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 30, 2009 anarchy online ? hiç fırsat olmadı onu denemeye wow yüzünden. hep merak etmiştim, ediyorum. xD
Xenocide Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 30, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 30, 2009 Masquerade said: anarchy online ? hiç fırsat olmadı onu denemeye wow yüzünden. hep merak etmiştim, ediyorum. xD aynen. UO 'mu AO'mu :) ya da hem UO hem AO lol.
Masquerade Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 30, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 30, 2009 AO oynayalım, indireyim ben de öğreneyim sizle. Naab title'ı verin bana, dalga geçin, ezin. hadi. bu RoM da inmek bilmedi
fenris Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 30, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 30, 2009 güzel oyun ao. nette eski oyuncular çok eziyo yenileri filan diyolar ama bana baya yardımcı olmuşlardı. çok oynamadım gerçi (froob tshirt ümle dolanıyodum :P) endgame e doğru nasıldır bilmem. ama oyum uo ya. :P
Xenocide Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 30, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 30, 2009 ozaman sorular peş peşe gelir: AO bedavaydı galiba en son doğru mudur? WASD kullanabiliyor muyuz? yoksa Click to move 'mu? (n'olur 1. de) zıplama falan gibi özellikler var mı? bide sanırsam ortaçağ temalı oyun değildi bu daha bi sci-fi havası vardı yamuluyor muyum?
Sufi Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 30, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 30, 2009 Xenocide said: AO bedavaydı galiba en son doğru mudur? ao'da hep f2p seçeneği olmuştur ama üye olmanın avantajları var doğal olarak, f2p oyuncuların giremeyeceği alanlar gibi. free oyunculara froob deniyor ao'da. said: WASD kullanabiliyor muyuz? yoksa Click to move 'mu? (n'olur 1. de)cidden hatırlamıyorum çok zaman oldu ama move için klavye kontrolü olması lazım, hiç şikayet ettiğimi hatırlamıyorum çünkü. said: zıplama falan gibi özellikler var mı? e tabi. sadece zıplanarak gidilen yerler bile var. (edit:ekleme) üstelik world gerçek anlamda 3 boyutlu. sanırım gerçek 3 boyutlu ortamın kullanıldığı ilk mmo. said: bide sanırsam ortaçağ temalı oyun değildi bu daha bi sci-fi havası vardı yamuluyor muyum? sci-fi havası var demek yetmez. oyun bildiğin sci-fi. büyü olayı bilie dayalı. nano technology ürünü nano botlar sayesinde hazır scriptlerin çalıştırılmasına dayalı bir büyü sistemi var.
Gladmir Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 30, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 30, 2009 Önce UO ardından AO, gaz üstüne gaz hadi bakalım
D@rkwish Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 30, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 30, 2009 said: Hi everyone, First I want to thank everyone for helping us test Darkfall and making it ready for release. Your interest and passion for the game is very humbling to us, and we do not take it for granted. We understand that it is frustrating with the constant server shut downs, but they are necessary and extremely helpful to us at this stage. We read the beta boards carefully, and listen to everything you have to say. While we can't respond to every post or thread individually, rest assured that everything is read and considered by us. Now I want to touch on some of the things discussed here as far as design issues go: World Map The current ingame world map is a placeholder map, and will be replaced soon. The new and improved world map will feature a zoom function and functionality to turn annotations on or off. Regeneration We believe that the current regeneration rates are good. While significantly slower than some popular PvE based MMOs, we think that a reasonably slow natural regeneration is helpful in rewarding good realtime PvP decisions. We believe that this is one of the fundamentals in making actual player skill stand out in combat. Having said that, we have decided to implement three new skills, which default characters will start with. These skills will help the natural regeneration of health, mana and stamina. The adjustments are small, but they will help you regenerate slightly faster. We recommend eating food, drinking potions and using the rest skill to decrease your downtime. Melee Damage We have decided to increase the melee damage slightly. It's a very small boost, but it brings it more in line with our plans for combat dynamics. Melee damage output is based on several factors, such as skill level, strength and weapon. We have added a slight damage increase to each of these components. Run Speed Agon is such a huge world, that moving around may seem a lot slower than it really is. You only get a feel for the real speed if you are inside buildings or running next to small houses. If the movement speed becomes too fast, it becomes a compounding problem; ping times become increasingly important to the outcome of a fight, aiming spells, bows, cannons becomes harder, prediction becomes less reliable etc. We are considering making run a skill that raises by use, which will increase your overall speed slightly, and we are running some internal tests to calculate the impact of it. Sprint There has been a lot of feedback about sprinting. We are not entirely happy with how it works on the live servers, and are considering several options. One of the options we are evaluating was suggested by Osium on these boards, and involves two separate forms of stamina - one for sprinting and one for other tasks. If we do change how sprinting works however, it is likely to be sometime after release. Darkfall is not for everyone, and we are fine with it. Our plan has always been to make a game for players that want something different than the mainstream games, and we feel we are close to having something really special here. No MMO in history has been perfect at release, and Darkfall probably won't be either. Our main focus is to get the very core of the game as good as possible, and then build on it from there. Our plan is to continue to work with you guys, and keep building on Darkfall aggressively after launch. Thanks again for all the help so far, and keep the constructive feedback coming. This is from Claus. If you were wondering what he was referring to when he said about the idea from Osium, here you go: Sprint would function essentially the same way. However instead of having 3 to 3 and a half minutes of constant sprint, the sprinting stamina would quickly drain over a period of seconds, and quickly regenerate. Allowing for frequent bursts of speed. The sprinting stamina would also drain the regular stamina as well while it was being used. In essence the change would change the frequency of sprinting rather than how much you can sprint.
D@rkwish Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 30, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 30, 2009 said: Quote: They need to redo the gathering and crafting system. If not, I'm bracing for epic failure. In 3 hours, I created 50 arrows. I'm not shitting you, devs can check the logs. And I dídn't go afk or anything. Pure grinding. I started by purchasing the bowyering skill and some tools, for about 600 gold total I believe. Then, I spent about an hour and a half, close to two hours, gathering ore and wood. This was so immensly boring and tedious due to the amount of fail rates at the start, which was also the reason it took so long. Either way, moving on. I went into Sanguine in order to turn my timber into wood and iron ore into ingots. This process failed a total of three times, which is pretty much the only thing in this entire process that works fine to me. That was about 15 minutes further. There I was, I had to go back and harvest additional wood and stone to make up for it. So I did and another 30-20 minutes later I managed to gather back what I had lost in 3 failures. I crafted it into the building blocks once more, which went well this time. Now, crafting the arrows, I failed three times as well. There I went, I had to go back and do over the entire process again, wasting another 45 minutes or so in total. And finally, after about 3 hours, I got my 50 arrows! I didn't even get PK'ed. Which would make it take even more time. But I guess that was because I gathered all my wood inside Sanguine from one tree. Now, I know there's lots of complaining about the crafting system, mainly arrows, but honestly this is quite ridiculous. If you don't take time to adjust your economy, I don't really see this "player economy" feature taking off. And this will piss off many many players, making the game an even bigger grind then it already is. Crafting of 50 arrows from the bottom up (Buying skills and tools included) took me about 650 gold in total and around 3 hours of boring and tedious "gameplay". Essentially, harvesting and crafting failure rates seems to not go down as you level up the skill. Quote: Actually, I GMed mining in some earlier builds when nodes had infinite resources (macroing for about 50 straight hours GMs it, if you're curious). I noticed that there was exactly 0% improvement on failure rates from 1.0 to 99.9 skill, but the success rate went from 40% to 80% after reaching 100.0 skill. The same was the case for fishing. I only got lumberjacking up to the 70s though. Fishing does have the added "benefit" of producing more lobster as your skill rate goes up, though, it seems. However, since Lobster costs 10g to cook (and 75 cooking skill, when I tested it) and produces an effect that is identical to bread (can be made with 1.0 cooking skill, and costs 8g to BUY the resources to make it) it was impractical and useless. Useless because grinding it's (again!) the fastest, the easiest and the most funny way to obtain what you need: Quote: Lets see... Goblins... 3 arrows each... so 16 goblins total... say about 4 goblins every half hour (probally quicker). You have about.. 1 1/2 hours. Half the time it takes to craft them, and at no cost.
D@rkwish Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 30, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 30, 2009 Üstteki leaklere ek olarak spell listesi
Xenocide Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2009 D@rkwish said: said: Lets see... Goblins... 3 arrows each... so 16 goblins total... say about 4 goblins every half hour (probally quicker). You have about.. 1 1/2 hours. Half the time it takes to craft them, and at no cost. bide üstüne goblinden çıkan paralarıda alıyor. hay aassını ya.
axedice Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2009 Yalnız bunlar herkesin görebileceği çok bariz hatalar değil mi? Azmo da aynı şeylerden bahsediyor. Skilllerin combata ve gather-craft yieldlara etkisini arttırmak çok zor olmasa gerek? Devler ne diyor bu eleştirilere? Bide bişey farkettim, hiç UO oynayacak havada değilim. Başlasam bile 2 hafta bakar bırakırım herkes gibi heh. Yeni bi heyecan lazım bize.
Xenocide Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2009 Anarchy Online dendi. ben hiç oynamadım AO ve merakta etmiyor değilim aslında. O da olabilir.
Mortis Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2009 ya abi şu oynıcağınız AO bilmeme Darkfall dan daha mı ii olacak zannediosunuz abarttınız , UO artık eski zevki veremez tükketik uoyu kimse kasıp da o eski şeyleri yaşamaz artık girersin biraz oynarsın koşturuz 1 hafta geçer bayarsın eski community yok eski heyecan yok. Bekleyin işte ya bi 2 hafta daha .
Nefr Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2009 ben tankadinimden sonra dk mi da 80ledim bugun, dknin itemlarinin pesindeyim, paladinimle raidden raide kosuyorum, dk ile dpste costukca cosuyorum, egleniyorum oneririm dfo beklerken
axedice Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2009 Nefr eğer ally değilsen, yüreğinde bi horde ateşi yanıyorsa seni gerçek bi VAY AK nefiri yapalım. Gazabınla değil ama seviyesizliğinle düşmanlarının kalplerine korku sal
Xenocide Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2009 meraktan dolayı şu anarchy online 'ya bakayım dedim. tee 2005'te yaratmış olduğum accountu buldum ve şöyle bişeyle karşılaştım. status durumunda şu yazıyor; Status Cancelled by user (2009-01-15 00:15:57) This account is playable until the end of your current subscription cycle (2010-01-15 00:00:00) (Reactivate now to continue playing) Reactivate tuşuna basınca kredi kartı bilgisi doldurma hedesi geliyor. şimdi anlamadığım nokta, cancelled by user diyor, ama bir yandanda bu hesap 2010 tarihine kadar oynanabilir diyor. zönk?
cengizhan66 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2009 ne ao su ben yanlis mi hatirliyom yoksa ao yu orda 200-300 e kadar lvl vardi neyse hadi bu arada guild ao guilde dondumu?
D@rkwish Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2009 Bence artık konuya sadık kalalım dfo beğenmeyen uo vs oynayacam diyen gitsin o forumlarda konuşsun ne konuşacaksa iyi kötü dfo forumundayız dfo bekliyoruz :)
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