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Legal MP3 Siteleri

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Eski napster o. 2003 ten beri Napster Roxio Inc. e ait yasal, ücretli hizmet veren bir online müzik firması.

Hatta hizmetleri:
Napster Services

Napster, the basic subscription tier, offers unlimited listening for $12.95 per month (£9.95 per month in the UK). Members may also purchase DRM-free MP3 downloads at a discount.

Napster To Go, the company's portable subscription tier, allows unlimited transfer of music for $14.95 per month (£14.95 per month in the UK) Users may transfer to their choice of PlaysForSure-compatible digital audio players, cell phones and PDAs in addition to unlimited streaming. Members may also purchase DRM-free MP3 downloads at a discount.

Napster also offers an MP3 store, a pay-per-track store which does not require a monthly subscription fee.

In May 2006, Napster launched Free Napster (Free.Napster.com), a free, advertising-supported Web experience which enables music fans to stream full-length versions of all the songs in Napster's catalog of over 6 million tracks three times each, without downloading any software or making any service commitment. Visitors may also purchase DRM-free MP3 downloads.

Napster also offers a mobile music service, Napster Mobile, which enables users to search and browse Napster’s music catalog and preview, purchase and play songs on their mobile handset through an integrated music player. Napster Mobile is a fully-integrated, dual-delivery service available to wireless operators across the globe.

Ücretsiz bölümü de var tabii :)
Mesaj tarihi:
napster'da da mp3.com'da da bulamadım aradığım albümleri. musicmp3.ru çok kral site. 0.80 euro'ya eski albümleri falan indirmek mümkün. para yatırma da kolay bi bit yeniği çıkmaz umarım.
Mesaj tarihi:
grooveshark.com ya da deezer.com gibi siteler legal mi? Bazı yerlerinde legal yazıyordu sanki ama bilmiyorum değilse adresleri kaldırayım hemen.
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