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Honor Reset

Draco Mortis

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Upcoming Honor Items and Honor Reset
As many of you know we will be featuring a new Battleground, a dedicated world PvP zone and all new PvP items in Wrath of the Lich King. In order to make the transition from The Burning Crusade to Wrath of the Lich King flow as smoothly as possible, all accrued honor points will be reset at the launch of the expansion. We do this to ensure select players do not have an unfair advantage at level 80 from stockpiling honor to instantly purchase the newest Wrath of the Lich King PvP rewards. For those with unspent honor points prior to the release of the expansion, we will be offering a few upgrades and special rewards in next content patch solely for purchase via the honor system.

Marks of Honor will be wiped as well.

Yanisi Honor puanlarınıza ve PVP marklara yeni exp ile elveda diyeceğiz arkadaşlar. Sebep de çok enteresan emek harcayıp puan biriktirenler diğerlerine bir üstünlük sağlamasın diye. Artık eşeğin kulağına su kaçtı be Blizz.
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Bornakk said:
We had hoped that the introduction of some new Honor rewards in the upcoming patch would give players a great opportunity to spend any of their remaining Honor. However, many players would still be surprised by an Honor and token reset as it isn’t something we’ve done in the past. As such, we've decided to not reset Honor or tokens upon the release of Wrath of the Lich King. Players who save their Honor will be able to spend it on level 80 rewards, although those rewards will be significantly more expensive than their level 70 counterparts.

Bu da postu :)
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Bende bütün markları kullandım.Item aldım, kalanları da atmıştım.Bugün silinmeyeceğini okuyunca ticket açtım.."önce böyle dediniz şimdi böyle diyorsunuz..nesiniz siz" dedim gm de bütün itemları geri aldı honor ve marklarımı geri verdi :D



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