Riverwind Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 20, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 20, 2008 if you ARE lucky enough to be an Irish.Then you are lucky enough
Ardeth Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 20, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 20, 2008 st. patricks day mi geldi yoksa ne zamandı o?
Xaenin Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 20, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 20, 2008 Seçme şansım olsa Irish gelirdim yemin ederim.
Admin DynamicK Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 20, 2008 Admin Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 20, 2008 In Dublin's fair city, where the girls are so pretty, I first set my eyes on sweet Molly Malone, As she wheeled her wheel-barrow, Through streets broad and narrow, Crying, "Cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh!" ayrıca, irish olmak kolay şu alttaki şarkıyı ezbere soyleyin ve uygulayın direk irish siniz :) seven drunken nights As I went home on Monday night as drunk as drunk could be I saw a horse outside the door where my old horse should be Well, I called me wife and I said to her: Will you kindly tell to me Who owns that horse outside the door where my old horse should be? Ah, you're drunk, you're drunk you silly old fool, still you can not see That's a lovely sow that me mother sent to me Well, it's many a day I've travelled a hundred miles or more But a saddle on a sow sure I never saw before And as I went home on Tuesday night as drunk as drunk could be I saw a coat behind the door where my old coat should be Well, I called me wife and I said to her: Will you kindly tell to me Who owns that coat behind the door where my old coat should be Ah, you're drunk, you're drunk you silly old fool, still you can not see That's a woollen blanket that me mother sent to me Well, it's many a day I've travelled a hundred miles or more But buttons in a blanket sure I never saw before And as I went home on Wednesday night as drunk as drunk could be I saw a pipe up on the chair where my old pipe should be Well, I called me wife and I said to her: Will you kindly tell to me Who owns that pipe up on the chair where my old pipe should be Ah, you're drunk, you're drunk you silly old fool, still you can not see That's a lovely tin whistle that me mother sent to me Well, it's many a day I've travelled a hundred miles or more But tobacco in a tin whistle sure I never saw before And as I went home on Thursday night as drunk as drunk could be I saw two boots beneath the bed where my old boots should be Well, I called me wife and I said to her: Will you kindly tell to me Who owns them boots beneath the bed where my old boots should be Ah, you're drunk, you're drunk you silly old fool, still you can not see They're two lovely Geranium pots me mother sent to me Well, it's many a day I've travelled a hundred miles or more But laces in Geranium pots I never saw before And as I went home on Friday night as drunk as drunk could be I saw a head upon the bed where my old head should be Well, I called me wife and I said to her: Will you kindly tell to me Who owns that head upon the bed where my old head should be Ah, you're drunk, you're drunk you silly old fool, still you can not see That's a baby boy that me mother sent to me Well, it's many a day I've travelled a hundred miles or more But a baby boy with his whiskers on sure I never saw before And as I went home on Saturday night as drunk as drunk could be I saw two hands upon her breasts where my old hands should be Well, I called me wife and I said to her: Will you kindly tell to me Who owns them hands upon your breasts where my old hands should be Ah, you're drunk, you're drunk you silly old fool, still you can not see That's a lovely night gown that me mother sent to me Well, it's many a day I've travelled a hundred miles or more But fingers in a night gown sure I never saw before As I went home on Sunday night as drunk as drunk could be I saw a thing in her thing where my old thing should be Well, I called me wife and I said to her: Will you kindly tell to me Who owns that thing in your thing where my old thing should be Ah, you're drunk, you're drunk you silly old fool, still you can not see That's a lovely tin whistle that me mother sent to me Well, it's many a day I've travelled a hundred miles or more But hair on a tin whistle sure I never saw before
nileppezdel Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 20, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 20, 2008 Link isterük nasıl anlayacağız melodiyi :D
Riverwind Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 21, 2008 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 21, 2008 When we drink, we get drunk. When we get drunk, we fall asleep. When we fall asleep, we commit no sin. When we commit no sin, we go to Heaven. So, let's all get drunk and go to heaven. May your glass be ever full, May the roof over your head be always strong, And may you be in heaven Half an hour before the devil knows you're dead. Drink is the curse of the land. It makes you fight with your neighbor. It makes you shoot at your landlord and it makes you miss him
BonePART Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 21, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 21, 2008 irish olmak pek guzel bisi deil dunyanin en bahtsiz insannari kendilerini kandiriyolar sansliyiz diye
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