25 man raid and class composition (src)
Ideally around 2 of each class should be in a raid. It can't be 2.5 because most raids require 7-8 healers and not 5. Changing this would be pretty difficult as it would mean adding stiffer enrage timers and other penalties for bringing too many healers. Shamans, paladins and druids (and maybe priests) are probably going to be closer to 3 per raid because their specs are so different and one of them can heal. The question remains of who goes home if the DK comes in? Though a just as valid question is who goes home if the moonkin comes.
abi kim konuşuo böle bu blizzardda dövesim gelio kim nan bu bulun şu adamı bana :D
moonkinler kovalasın seni eşşolusu dalga geçio bide ;p
Creatures that used to "Frenzy" like Magmadar, Gluth, Princess Huhuran, Halazzi, etc. now "Enrage" instead. Tranquilizing Shot has been changed to dispel Enrage effects, and the wording on all those spells and associated emotes has been changed to reflect the name change to Enrage.
Creatures that used to "Enrage", now "Frenzy" instead. This is the type of effect that typically happened at low health or some other combat trigger. Examples of this would be all the Blackrock Orcs in Redridge, Jan'alai's low health/timed increase in damage, Maexxna at low health, etc. These effects are not dispellable, you are meant to deal with the increased damage as part of the fight.
Many of our boss encounters have timers where if you do not defeat the encounter within the allotted time, the boss will suddenly do RADICALLY more damage. Players are not intended to be able to deal with the damage dealt by a Berserk boss, and a wipe should be around the corner. We try not to use the "Berserk" term for nothing else but these kinds of timers.
* Some of the engineering items nerfed in TBC like the Mind Control Helmet will probably be un-nerfed and/or upgraded in WotLK. * Items like Rocket Boots will be changed to an enchantment allowing useable on your boots to become Rocket Boots. * WotLK now allows developpers to do "on-use enchantments" to items and they're going to use it a lot. (Parachute Cloak enchant, or something to let you shoot webs from your gloves, etc ...)
# Lightweave Embroidery - Embroiders a subtle pattern of light into your cloak, giving you a chance to cause an additional 800 to 1000 Holy damage when you damage an enemy with a spell. You can only embroider your own cloak and embroidering your cloak will cause it to become soulbound.
# Darkglow Embroidery - Embroiders a magical pattern into your cloak, giving you a chance to restore 300 mana when you cast a spell.You can only embroider your own cloak and embroidering your cloak will cause it to become soulbound.
# Swordguard Embroidery - Embroiders a magical pattern into your cloak, causing your damaging melee attacks to sometimes ignore 1000 of your target's armor. You can only embroider your own cloak and embroidering your cloak will cause it to become soulbound.
Şu an içi kesin bir recipe yok ama eminim yüzük (belki amulete) yeni Spellpower / Spellhit olayı eklenecektir.
Hiç fena değiller, en azından DKP harcamak zorunda kalmicaz Wandlar için :p
Mage için neler gelecek bilemiyorum da, önemli olan 450 Inscriptorlar için soulbound olan ne var?
Öne çıkan mesajlar
Elin debuffçısı dd ci kesildi başımıza.
/cast Cilingir Sofrasi (rank 6)
lifetab shadowbolt spamdan debuff bile atmıcaklar yakınlda :)
Ideally around 2 of each class should be in a raid. It can't be 2.5 because most raids require 7-8 healers and not 5. Changing this would be pretty difficult as it would mean adding stiffer enrage timers and other penalties for bringing too many healers. Shamans, paladins and druids (and maybe priests) are probably going to be closer to 3 per raid because their specs are so different and one of them can heal. The question remains of who goes home if the DK comes in? Though a just as valid question is who goes home if the moonkin comes.
abi kim konuşuo böle bu blizzardda dövesim gelio kim nan bu bulun şu adamı bana :D
moonkinler kovalasın seni eşşolusu dalga geçio bide ;p
Creatures that used to "Frenzy" like Magmadar, Gluth, Princess Huhuran, Halazzi, etc. now "Enrage" instead. Tranquilizing Shot has been changed to dispel Enrage effects, and the wording on all those spells and associated emotes has been changed to reflect the name change to Enrage.
Creatures that used to "Enrage", now "Frenzy" instead. This is the type of effect that typically happened at low health or some other combat trigger. Examples of this would be all the Blackrock Orcs in Redridge, Jan'alai's low health/timed increase in damage, Maexxna at low health, etc. These effects are not dispellable, you are meant to deal with the increased damage as part of the fight.
Many of our boss encounters have timers where if you do not defeat the encounter within the allotted time, the boss will suddenly do RADICALLY more damage. Players are not intended to be able to deal with the damage dealt by a Berserk boss, and a wipe should be around the corner. We try not to use the "Berserk" term for nothing else but these kinds of timers.
* Some of the engineering items nerfed in TBC like the Mind Control Helmet will probably be un-nerfed and/or upgraded in WotLK.
* Items like Rocket Boots will be changed to an enchantment allowing useable on your boots to become Rocket Boots.
* WotLK now allows developpers to do "on-use enchantments" to items and they're going to use it a lot. (Parachute Cloak enchant, or something to let you shoot webs from your gloves, etc ...)
Caster için profession seçmeli:

# Lightweave Embroidery - Embroiders a subtle pattern of light into your cloak, giving you a chance to cause an additional 800 to 1000 Holy damage when you damage an enemy with a spell. You can only embroider your own cloak and embroidering your cloak will cause it to become soulbound.
# Darkglow Embroidery - Embroiders a magical pattern into your cloak, giving you a chance to restore 300 mana when you cast a spell.You can only embroider your own cloak and embroidering your cloak will cause it to become soulbound.
# Swordguard Embroidery - Embroiders a magical pattern into your cloak, causing your damaging melee attacks to sometimes ignore 1000 of your target's armor. You can only embroider your own cloak and embroidering your cloak will cause it to become soulbound.
Şu an içi kesin bir recipe yok ama eminim yüzük (belki amulete) yeni Spellpower / Spellhit olayı eklenecektir.
Hiç fena değiller, en azından DKP harcamak zorunda kalmicaz Wandlar için :p
Mage için neler gelecek bilemiyorum da, önemli olan 450 Inscriptorlar için soulbound olan ne var?