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abi benim cok hosuma gitti walla cinematic... ilk iki cinematic cok daha gaz olsa da baymıstım sırayla farklı ırkların birbirine dalmasını izlemekten, war'un cinematic'leri de oyle simdi... terenas'ın konusması falan cok guzel olmus bence... bastan diyordum zaten arthas'ı ne kadar cok gorursek o kadar iyi cinematic olur diye eheh... ama yuzunu de gorseydik keske... gerci simdi lich king'le birlesti geyigine cıkaramıyodur o helmet'ı eheh...
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Gangren said:
Ahaha bu arada, FLAŞ FLAŞ FLAŞ


Mage DPS is too high
One thing that we've found is that some of the talents aren't as usable as we'd like them to be. [Mages] have their 51 point talents in all the different trees are like living bombs of fire tree, deep freeze tree, the arcane barrage for the arcane tree, and we're going to be massaging a lot of those. We're doing some of our early DPS testing and we're finding that the class does way more damage than we anticipated it would do like by a factor of two. So we'll be looking into why that's happening and making some adjustments based on that.

Kafadan nerf, lolzmyballz

blizzard e-been-ni
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Terenasın and I know you'll show restraint when excercising your great power demesi, ardından Arthasın buzu yarması, başta naxxın kuleleri sandığım pençelerin çıkması, vidyonun sonunda when my days have come to an end, you shall be king demesi


emo elfin hazır değilsiniz yakarışı.

Az aksyonlu güzel vidyo olmuş. Frost wrym modellemesi ayrı iyi.
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One thing that we've found is that some of the talents aren't as usable as we'd like them to be. [Mages] have their 51 point talents in all the different trees are like living bombs of fire tree, deep freeze tree, the arcane barrage for the arcane tree, and we're going to be massaging a lot of those. We're doing some of our early DPS testing and we're finding that the class does way more damage than we anticipated it would do like by a factor of two. So we'll be looking into why that's happening and making some adjustments based on that.

Iyı olmuş.
Su yapın portal açın neyinize dps.
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[quote= Koraa
Blizzard Poster
]Players are right that Mages are in some cases getting more utility now with new talents. We'll evaluate the strength of classes utility when we tweak DPS output numbers. If a Mage spell is giving more utility than a Warlock spec, obviously the Warlock should be doing more DPS.

Neymiş "more utility" sahibi imiş mageler. Bu durumda dps yapmasada olurmuş.

Herkez dps yapmamalı zaten birilerininde raide "utility" sağlaması lazım di mi?
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malygos değil, malygos kanlı canlı olarak oyuna dahil durumda , hatta quest icabı karşılaşıyoruz kendisi ile

hatta blizzard 80 raid instancelerden brininin malygos lair olacağını da söyledi zaten, buzdan çıkan wyrm çok uzun süredir orda gibi duruyor donmuş kalmış bi tip yani
sapphiron bi ihtimal ama ;

Frost wyrms are the skeletal remains of blue dragons killed by the Scourge, and the remains of other types of dragons from the Dragonblight, converted into undead minions of the Scourge.

The Great Dragonblight is a graveyard of Dragons, located in Northrend. The entrance to the Nerubian kingdom of Azjol-Nerub can be found in the west, while the mysterious Wyrmrest Temple resides in the south. The Magnataur village of Bloodmar lies here also, as well as the ruined Taunka capital of Icemist Village, and the nerubian conclave of Sundered Monolith.

The bones are zealously guarded by Malygos and his Blue Dragonflight, but the rise of the Lich King and the Scourge allowed the undead to claim many sets of bones from the graveyard and use them to create Frost Wyrms for the Scourge forces. The Dragonblight was also the home of the first humans to fall victim to the plague.

Wyrmrest Temple is an ancient Titan city located in The Dragonblight on Northrend. Formerly home to the Storm Giants, it has been taken over by the Wyrmrest Accord. It was the ancient meeting place of the dragonflights.
Many legends hold that the five great Dragon Aspects were blessed within this fortress and given their charge to watch over the budding world. Perhaps it is for this reason that dragons nearing the end of their lives come to the Dragonblight to enrich the land with their passing. Surrounding Wyrmrest Temple are five majestic dragon shrines: red, bronze, green, blue, and black, each blessed with the powers of its respective flight. In recent times the undead Scourge has laid siege to these shrines in an effort to further its attempts at raising terrifying new variations of undead dragons to serve the Lich King. In an attempt to arrest these invasions, the red Dragon Aspect, Alexstrasza, has begun recruiting heroes to aid in the fight against the Scourge.[1]
Wyrmrest Temple will include a single encounter raid instance where players fight a single boss inside the Chamber of the Aspects. Right now it is only 1 encounter but it is possible that they could add more bosses to the instance.[2] The Keep itself is a neutral town controlled by the Red Dragonflight. From here players fly up to the peak where they meet Alexstrasza and her consort, Krasus.[3]

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