Xo Mesaj tarihi: Mart 16, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 16, 2008 http://www.warcraftmovies.com/movieview.php?id=66965 ownage X( said: Hi again, 08 - 03 - 14 You might've noticed the frontpage and the fact it hans't changed that much since I first published it, but my plans was to change it to the summer because I have too much to do beside Wow. Right now everyone are busy with school and and job, so I don't think it's worth to screw up any of those just for a game movie / web page. But on the other hand I doubt anyone have noticed the lack of improvements so far anyway, except me. And I've put my time and energy on the forum instead. Anyway, about the movie I'm posting: It's about a bug that's very useful against melee and healers. Nothing is valible for a caster nowadays except mindless spaming of instant spells without CDs... kinda boring if you ask me and I don't really understand how anyone can be serious about Wow when there is no differences between WoW players anymore. But enough about the boring stuff! I was hopnig to save this for Wotlk but the simple 'trick' has been figured out and I thought it would be a good idea to share it with everyone else now while it's still possible to actually use. Even a level 1 caster without a profession can use this bug, and it's very cheap to abuse as well. It's probably the only engineering item you can rely on these days.... though it wasn't meant for pvp in the first place. And while you're on fixing this bug Blizz, why not start to work on Blink and Vanish bug at the same time? and stop adding bugs to the game just so you can keep your job for another patch? Ps. my mailbox is only 10 MB small so if you have any questions just go to the forum and ask, I'll try to stick around as much as I can.
Innuendo Mesaj tarihi: Mart 16, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 16, 2008 birkac haftadir var bu bug. simdi populer oldu hotfix gelir eheh
tunca Mesaj tarihi: Mart 16, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 16, 2008 oha bu ne lan instant büyü mü atılıyor ? nasıl oluyo tam olarak ?
PassivE_KesH Mesaj tarihi: Mart 16, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 16, 2008 tunca said: nasıl oluyo tam olarak ? fsadsad
tunca Mesaj tarihi: Mart 16, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 16, 2008 said: use Steam Tonk Controller /cast Pyroblast for Pyro blast we tested this last night and don't make the macro..... Just put the steam tonk in your tool bar and put pyroblast in a slot other than your main bar, as usually when you hit steamtonk it will switch your main bar sometimes to the steamtonks attacks. Now hit the steam tonk and then hit your pyroblast spell. While stunned mash pyro blast. Not only did we get 2 off in the space of 2 secs after the stun, but he continued to cast the next 7 of them at around 2-2.5 sec casts non stop mashing. He was Slaughtering people in duels and everyone is out the front of IF was going WTF???????? Have fun. ______________________________________________________________________ I cannot enter wow my GC expired some days ago. I can't copy my macros either because I cannot open E: folder... Jesus Christ... But you should try without macros. I had one once, which began with Steamtonk, Pyroblast, Pvp Trinket followed by fireball spam. If you synchronize this right you'll spit a swarm of spells, and if you include your half cast meta slot on helm you will get two spells with 50% less castingtime. The bug gives you two cast meters. One which is impossible to cancel. I don't know how many times I HSed out of AB. But you can transform the HS spellcast into a Mount for example; meaning your mount will have 10 sec cast but impossible to prevent. So you can run, jump and be in combat and still you'll somehow equip the mount. So try something like this: -cast steam tonk -cast heartstone -cast pvp trinket then when you have control over your char you cast mount, BUT cancel it. Ten seconds later from the moment you casted HS your mount will equip; Even thought you're on wind rider(for example). You can cast resurrection as well, and run into combat. After 10 sec your friend will be alive, but stay in range, that's all. If you're a hunter I think you can cast Steam Tonk- Aimed Shot- Pvp trinket- Aimed Shot. I tried a warlock and casted three soulfires, by using a steam tonk- waiting 30 seconds- cast soulfire- cast another tonk- pvp trinket and began casting another soul fire. You can make three campfires/portals as well. I believe; you can even make three Moon Clothes at once. I use to speed up water conjuring a little bit sometimes Same goes for those 2 day cooldown enchants or whatever people do nowadays with their professions. But remember the mats wont be free, so bring mats for 3 otherwise you'll waste your chance. == If you want a portal casted with the speed of a scorch you cast -Tonk -scorch (1,5 sec cast. You can cast Flame strike as well, 3 sec cast) -pvp trinket -portal/HS or whatever, they all get the 1,5 sec. If you want a Pryoblast to get a 10 sec casting time and move while doing it: -tonk -Hs/portal/campfire -pvp trinket (If you want to get out of stun, not important) -cast pyroblast. From the moment you casted the Hs/portal/campfire you will shot a pyro. If you spam spells before the Pyro is casted you will save the "2 castmeter" cycle. Therefore it's always best to cast spells with atleast 3 sec speed, because you will have 1,4 sec to move around before the 2nd cast meter fades. I guess you've figured out by now, that if you cast Tonk- HS- and the click on AB flag and just stand there, inside iceblock, you'll cap it anyway (If you're in range). You can cast Arcane Missiles or Drain Life for example, as long as they are instant or channeling, otherwise the flag caping will be replaces with the spell you're casting.
ad3m Mesaj tarihi: Mart 17, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 17, 2008 Biri bunla bi dps sonucu linklesin plx :P
-Wissy Mesaj tarihi: Mart 17, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 17, 2008 AB'nin icine ediyor Mage'ler instant caple...
-Wissy Mesaj tarihi: Mart 17, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 17, 2008 It's abuse and you're gonna get banned using it..
Buyse Mesaj tarihi: Mart 17, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 17, 2008 bugün karazhanda mage in biri kullanmaya başladı. direk abandım kullanma yoksa şikayet ederim diye. agro tutamıyorum lan. adam sanane falan yaptı iyi dedim. açtım ticket. baktım bu yusufladı abi tamam bıraktım iptal et falan diye. adam ettim iyice.
Gangren Mesaj tarihi: Mart 18, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 18, 2008 ya bırak ölsün salak, hiç valla tauntlamam, yatar 2.80 :p
Dragonmax Mesaj tarihi: Mart 19, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 19, 2008 lan !!! demek ondanmış. lanet olsun.. dün wsg de karşıma 2 mage çıktı. ben fireım falan ama üstüm sağlam. hacı 2 si üstüme doğru geliodu, birini focusuma aldım sheeplicem, diğerine yazıcam. aynen şu oldu: sheep sheep pyro pyro sheep sheep pyro daha ölmemiştim. sheepten bi çıkarsın, bi dragons breath basarsın, fireward, blast wave, counter spell bi sheep daha yedim ama çıktım instant birine frblast attım öteki vurdu yattım, bıraktıımda admalardan biri %5 hp, diğeri %30 daydı. ah ulan.. böle mageler yüzünden adımız lekeleniyo.
Gangren Mesaj tarihi: Mart 19, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 19, 2008 sen mage'ini geri mi aldın dragon? :D
-Neiloth- Mesaj tarihi: Mart 19, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 19, 2008 Gangren said: sen mage'ini geri mi aldın dragon? :D yazmaya üşendim yazılmışı varmış lan süpriz oldu
ad3m Mesaj tarihi: Mart 19, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 19, 2008 Kurduğun cümle daha uzun ama? sjdkf Hakkaten dragon konuş o kadar büyük konuşmuştun oysaki!!!11
geffen Mesaj tarihi: Mart 19, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 19, 2008 alsın ya charını geri. yazıktır verdiğin emekleri bişeye kızarak silmek.
ad3m Mesaj tarihi: Mart 19, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 19, 2008 Büyük lokma ye büyük laf etme dememişler boşa elderlar sdf
Kartan Mesaj tarihi: Mart 19, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 19, 2008 Gangren said: sen mage'ini geri mi aldın dragon? :DAklımdan bu geçiyordu :)
Wayne Mesaj tarihi: Mart 20, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 20, 2008 oyunu bırakmıs ve geri dönmemiş kim var allah aşkına... yani benim çevremde yok sizin varsa sölein lol
ad3m Mesaj tarihi: Mart 20, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 20, 2008 Yanlız adamdan ses seda yok bu olaydan sonra terk etti heralde buraları sdlfk
Gangren Mesaj tarihi: Mart 21, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 21, 2008 Valla ben accountu satmıştım bırakayım diye. Sonra kalleş Blizzard gitti WoW'u 40 YTL yaptı, aldım tekrardan :(
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