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Patch notes for 2.4


Öne çıkan mesajlar


* Mortal strike mechanics has been altered, it now reduces healing by 100%
* Whirlwind now has a 80% chance to trigger a Katrina style typhoon damaging all enemies in the zone by 10000 nature damage
* Death wish has been removed, all warriors are now Immune to fear mechanics at all times


* New ability: Totem of Hiroshima- Creates a totem that creates a thermonuclear explosion after 10 seconds radiating all enemies on the continent causing 100 000 nature damage over 2 years
* New talent: Octopussy: gives the shaman 2 extra pairs and automatically equips thos arms with the same weapon as the original arms, windfury will ofc procs for these arms too. However, warriors will be immune to this


* New ability: Cafeteria - Will establish a cafeteria for 1 months at the spot which will offer water and bread to everyone
* New spell: Lazer beam - 1 second casting tome, It was necessary to add this spell since the fire spells makes to little damage and warlocks, those bastards, never put up CoE anyway. Lazerbeam will ignore resistances and instant kill the target, however, there is a 3 seconds cooldown, nope sorry mages, not another instant cast you can spam, you actually have to stand still to cast this one like every other caster, try it sometime! Oh yes, warriors are immune to Lazer beam


* Sap no longer breaks from damage
* Gouge no longer breaks from damage
* Blind no longer breaks from damage
* Cheapshot now breaks from damage, gotcha!
* Warriors are now immune to all the above


* Treeform can no longer move, however they will be immune to fear


* Hunters can no longer enter the arena, the sucked too much


* Priests can now wear plate, we felt this change was needed since all of the paladins takes the healing cloth from priests


* Paladins now only have the holy tree, the other trees faded since noone payed them any attention


* Spell Fear potential duration has been increased by 0.5 seconds, warriors are immune
* All soul bags have been increased in size to hold 1 more soul shard

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böyle şeylerde dolaşıyor..

*spirit now increases your base resistance to dispel effects. at level 70, 400 spirit will roughly equal 15% resistance.

* zul’farak, sunken temple, stratholme, scholomance, and upper blackrock spire have been slightly retuned. zul’farak has been reduced to level 39-46. sunken temple to 45-50, stratholme/scholomance to 49-53 and upper blackrock spire to 55-58.
dungeon tier 1 will drop from bosses in sunken temple, while raid tier 1 will take the old place of dungeon tier 1 in scholomance, stratholme and ubrs. by doing this we aim to make the progression from 50 to 60 more fluid.
o non-boss enemies in karazhan have had their respawn timers slightly increased
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Luinir said:
böyle şeylerde dolaşıyor..

*spirit now increases your base resistance to dispel effects. at level 70, 400 spirit will roughly equal 15% resistance.

* zul’farak, sunken temple, stratholme, scholomance, and upper blackrock spire have been slightly retuned. zul’farak has been reduced to level 39-46. sunken temple to 45-50, stratholme/scholomance to 49-53 and upper blackrock spire to 55-58.
dungeon tier 1 will drop from bosses in sunken temple, while raid tier 1 will take the old place of dungeon tier 1 in scholomance, stratholme and ubrs. by doing this we aim to make the progression from 50 to 60 more fluid.
o non-boss enemies in karazhan have had their respawn timers slightly increased

gerçek mi bu
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