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BitComet ve ban(Eğet torrent kullanıyorsanız kesinlikle okuyun)

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  • Genel Yönetici
Mesaj tarihi:
BitComet kullanıcılarını artık banlamaya karar verdim dağıttığım torrentlerden , sizden de aynısını yapmanızı istiyorum.

Başka bir yerde niye olduğunu yazmışım. İşte:

[spo]bitcomet yalancı , dolandırıcı birşey. Trackerlar öncelikle dosyayı indirmeye yeni başlayanlara veri yönlendirirler , bitcomet'te bunu kullanır. Gönderilen veriler sanki yolla kayboluyormuş gibi yaparak trackerlara hep yeni başlamış gibi gösterir kendini böylece daha hızlı dosya alır ama büyük resme bakarsan bitcomet sadece torrentin sağlıksızlaşmasını sağlar ; bu nedenlede bir çok trackerdan banlanmıştır kendisi zaten. Tracker giden veriyi görmediğinden statlarında değişmez. Yani anlayacağın bitcomet kullanmak ayıp. uTorrent kullan.[/spo]

Bu da demonoid forumlarından aldığım ve çevirmeye üşendiğim bir şey:

[spo]Why BitComet Sould be Banned

In a word, it's a cheating client which robs superseeders blind and can cripple their torrents. You can easily corroborate everything I'm about to say with the most cursory of websearches (e.g., Wikipedia is a good place to start).

Here's the typical BitComet method-of-operation while gaming a superseeder: (This behavior is starkly obvious by watching the Peers tab in uTorrent.)

* A BitComet peer connects, and his client immediately lies to my (superseeding) client by reporting 0.0% file acquisition. (Most clients preferentially send pieces to "new" peers.) My client sends him a piece, and as soon as he starts receiving it, the BitComet client reports (usually) its actual percentage. (There exist hacks which keep percentage permanently at 0%.)

* During or somewhat after receiving the whole piece, BitComet reports an insanely high peer UL speed in an attempt to fool my client into thinking the peer is highly effective at retrading pieces. While this trick may fool some seeding clients, it doesn't work versus an "intelligent" superseeding client because intelligent superseeding tracks sent pieces -- if it doesn't see the piece sent to a peer show up in any of the other peers, then the first peer doesn't get any more pieces. What could be fairer than that?

* Since the trick doesn't work, BitComet gets annoyed and disconnects. It reconnects a few seconds later, reports 0.0%, and starts the whole routine all over again. BitComet therefore steals pieces faster than it retrades them. If the BitComet peer leaves the torrent before it's fully-seeded, the excess percentage must be completely reseeded by the uploader. If an old, languishing torrent is being re-seeded, the presence of a dis/re-connecting BitComet peer means that his pieces will often not be present for the "head-count" when the seeder's client is determining which pieces are missing from the torrent (i.e., BitComet peer disconnects during its leeching cycle, and while it's gone, the seeder might send pieces to other peers that the BitComet peer already has and could theoretically trade).

* The upshot of all this is that a swarm of BitComet peers can steal upwards of HALF to ALL of a seed (meaning the uploader has to UL 150% to 200% in order to fully seed rather than the 102% it'll take if he religiously bans leeches). The larger the piece-size of your torrent, the more viciously you'll be anally raped -- if you're posting a 10gig torrent with 4meg pieces, prepare for a thorough screwing. A little arithmetic: Let's say you're a typical US cable-subscriber with uploads throttled (by the provider) to 40k/s. This is about 140megs/hour; and it therefore takes over 72 hours to upload 10gigs, or three whole of days of uninterrupted 40k/s (and we all know that speeds are never perfectly maxed). Allowing BitComet to infest your torrent will therefore add DAYS to your total upload time. -- It's appears to be completely lost on the greedy dumbass leeches who write BitComet that torrents which take longer for a seeder to complete are also torrents which will take longer for ALL peers, even BitComet peers, to download -- because stealing pieces "fast" FROM A SEED means a SLOWER TORRENT.

* In Azureus, I'd highlight the cheating BitComet client and kick/ban him (but Azureus' internal block-list is a pain in the ass to later modify). uTorrent, in its infinite wisdom, doesn't have this feature, so I must log the BitComet peer's behavior to the Logging tab, observe his IP address, and slap it into PeerGuardian. (Throws roses and chocolates at PeerGuardian.)

* BitComet gets really annoying at not being able to reconnect, so it hammers my IP address. Some versions of BitComet are mildly annoyed and hammer my IP address a couple dozen times a minute. Other versions get extremely annoyed and hammer my IP address a couple dozen times a second.

* Some versions of BitComet are able to route around a specific IP address block by testing alternate IP addresses in the later parts of the range. This means I must sometimes block a whole swath of xxx.yyy.0.0 to xxx.yyy.255.255 in order to completely strangle a particularly odious leech.

* BitComet has such a bad reputation that there are patches to the program which enable it to masquerade as a different client to other peers, thereby avoiding instant-kicks by Azureus traders (see above). (I don't know whether or not these patches enable BitComet to circumvent BitTornado's total ban on connection attempts by BitComet clients.)


BitComet basically appeals to three categories of people:
* "Professional asshole leeches" -- they know and love and wrote BitComet.
* Noobs, who don't know of anything better, and are aggressively targeted by the BitLord spam-clone of BitComet.
* Peers in third-world countries who use BitComet for its one great feature: more languages than any other client.

For every 1,000 BitComet peers, there will one Japanese user with a T1 connection uploading 4megs/sec and 999 leeches and modem-using noobs uploading 1k/sec.[/spo]
Mesaj tarihi:
Ya konu ile alakasız olacak ama çok ironik geldi bana

Leecherları banlamak için bu programı kullanın ; hırsızları tüm programlarınızdan uzak tutuyor(torrent , limewire , direct connection ...).

Amacım ayar filan vermek değil ayrıca.
  • 3 hafta sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
bayadır utorrent kullanıyorum..sistemi hiç yormuyor ayrıca yukarda arkadaş yavaş oldugun söylemiş ama ben fark etmedim böyle birşey..256k adslde 25-27 arası sınırda cekiyor genelde (başka download acık degilse) webden indirirkende 30u gecemedim hiç zaten buna oranla yavaş sayılmaz.

[ Mesaj 22 Mayıs 2007, Salı - 16:46 tarihinde, Daesu tarafından güncellenmiştir ]
  • Genel Yönetici
Mesaj tarihi:
4Mbit kullanırken bazen maksimum hıza çıkamıyor , Azureus çıkarken. ( Yurdumda vardı 4Mbit , 4 kişi paylaşıyorduk. Sadece ben online iken kontrol ettim.)
  • Genel Yönetici
Mesaj tarihi:
Azureus , uTorrent tartışması yapma topiği değil burası. Toplu halde BitComet'i kötüleyelim.


  • Genel Yönetici
Mesaj tarihi:
Eğer torrent kullananların %25'i BitComet kullansaydı geriye torrent diye bir şey kalmazdı. İlk mesajda ki spoilerları oku.
  • Genel Yönetici
Mesaj tarihi:
Yanlış yapıyorsun. BiComet torrent'i sağlıksızlaştırıyor. Hepsinde uTorrent kullan. Hem uzun vadede daha çabuk indirirsin. BitComet kullanırken ratio da artmaz. Benim gibi BitComet kullanacılarını banlayan kişi de çok.
  • Genel Yönetici
Mesaj tarihi:
Banlı olduğu yerler:

ScT Torrent, Midnight Torrents, UkNova, TorrentIt.com, BitTornado, Plug-in aracılıyla Azureus, TorrentLounge.com, FileSoup.co.uk, binlerce torrent kullanıcısı, aklıma gelmeyen bir sürü tracker daha.

In early 2007, John Hoffman, the creator of super-seeding and author of the BitTornado client, harshly criticized BitComet for using abusive tactics to "game" and "cheat" super-seeding at the expense of other peers: "Since BitComet has proven itself to be a harmful codebase, and since they have forced me to take steps I'd rather not have, I will also be banning connections from that client to my own client and tracker codebases."[/spo]

[ Mesaj 22 Mayıs 2007, Salı - 20:20 tarihinde, GERGE tarafından güncellenmiştir ]
Mesaj tarihi:
ya esas olay download ediyosaniz upload da edin. bitcomet i genelde ratio sitelerinde ratio bozulmasin diye kullanirlar seni bisi indirmemis gibi gosterir. sonucta denilen dogru herkes indirip hic upload etmeseydi torrent diye bi sistem kalmazdi.
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