Greandisthas Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 evet US server`larina geliyo gelecek derken geldi ve suan dan itibaren US account sahipleri indirebilir. bu da demek oluyor ki yarin EU server`larinada patch gelecek yada bir kac gun sonra. US patch for 1.9.0;4559166;;/fileinfo.html [signature][hline]Server: Burning Legion LvL 60 Nightelf Rogue Guild: Invadoria
SoulCube Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 lan of ya daha geçen hafta ındırdım 1.8.4 ü =) neyse warriora güzellikler gelse ah ah :P[signature][hline]Night Elf - Rogue lvl 52 ( Kulak ) Magtheridon = Undead [ name : Updead] Lvl 41Chromaggus=Orc [name: Omyg ] lvl 21 tee eskiden uo oynarken nickim Azeroth du
Absolut Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Kısacası yarın lagden oynayamıcaz :)[signature][hline]Kalplerdeki Kaymak
SoulCube Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 bi günde oynama :P[signature][hline]Night Elf - Rogue lvl 52 ( Kulak ) Magtheridon = Undead [ name : Updead] Lvl 41 Chromaggus=Orc [name: Omyg ] lvl 21 tee eskiden uo oynarken nickim Azeroth du
Wendigo Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.9.0 (2005-11-23) The Gates of Ahn'Qiraj The Gates of Ahn'Qiraj will house two massive, unique dungeons -- the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, a 20-man raid dungeon, and the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, a 40-man raid dungeon. As players delve deeper into the mysteries of Ahn'Qiraj, they will discover revelations of the Silithid infestation and their shadowy masters, the Qiraji. Players will have to complete a world event of massive proportions before they can open the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj on their realm. ***During the public test of Ahn'Qiraj, the world event to open the gates will be accelerated to allow testing of the dungeon content.*** Linked Auction Houses Players will now be able to buy and sell goods with greater effectiveness using the Linked Auction House system. Auction Houses in Orgrimmar, Undercity, and Thunder Bluff will now share the same pool of Horde player-created auctions, and Alliance players will find the same to be true when visiting Ironforge, Stormwind City, and Darnassus Auction Houses. This system has been expanded to support the neutral Auction Houses as well. Tanaris, Everlook, and Booty Bay will all be linked for players of both factions to access. In addition, the "Looking for Group" and "Trade" channels have been unified among the corresponding cities, meaning, for example, that you can trade your goods or look for groups in Ironforge while in Stormwind. Multiple Battlegrounds Queues Players will be able to enter multiple battleground queues. No longer must you make the hard decision of which queue to join -- when queued for all three, you can join the first one available or hold out for that particular battleground which you've really got your heart set on. Soul Shard Bags Tailors now can make soul bags to hold soul shards. The smallest is a 20-slot bag, the recipe for which can be purchased in Gadgetzan. The recipe for a larger bag can be found in Scholomance, and one for an even larger bag can be found in Molten Core. In the main UI, these soul bags will display how many shards they contain. So long as the soul bags have room, any soul shards a warlock creates will automatically go into the bag. Raid Calendar System The raid-lockout system has undergone a significant change. The new system will have all instances reset at a certain server time, regardless of when you were actually saved to the instance. The reset schedule is as follows: Molten Core: Every 7 Days, resetting during weekly maintenance. Blackwing Lair: Every 7 Days, resetting during weekly maintenance Onyxia: Every 5 Days Zul'Gurub: Every 3 Days Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (40-man): Every 7 Days, resetting during weekly maintenance Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (20-man): Every 3 Days All resets will occur during off-hours, when the least amount of raids are active. Important Note for Mac OS X Users The minimum supported Mac OS X revision for WoW will be changed in a post-1.9.0 patch, from 10.3.5 to 10.3.9. If you are running 10.3.5 - 10.3.8 and need to get the free update, you can use Software Update or you can click here for the direct download. This change will make it easier for us to release future updates to the game, for example to support upcoming Mac models based on Intel processors. General All Disorient effects have been renamed Incapacitate effects. This includes Gouge, Sap, etc. All Confusion effects have been renamed Disorient effects. This includes Blind, Scatter Shot, etc. Food and Drink are now in separate categories, so you can only have one food effect and one drink effect on you at a time. The only effect should be that foods that used to stack with each other (you could have two food effects on you at once) no longer will stack. On-next-swing abilities will no longer cause multiple weapon procs on a single swing. PvP Several civilian NPCs, who previously would assist non-civilians, will no longer do so. Druids Bear and Dire Bear form - Effects that lower armor will now lower armor by a percentage of the druid's full armor, rather than just base (caster form) armor. However, Enrage will still only remove 75% of base armor. Omen of Clarity - Special attacks will no longer consume their own clearcasting state. All melee attacks will now be able to trigger the clearcasting state. Nature's Grasp - This spell can now trigger from special melee attacks. It will no longer be possible to cast Entangling Roots at no mana cost immediately after Nature's Grasp procs. Nature's Grace - The Nature's Grace buff will now appear on the player upon completion of casting, before the travel time of the spell. So, Wrath crits will now benefit the casting time of the next spell cast. Insect Swarm - New icon. Improved Starfire - The stun effect's duration no longer diminishes or is diminished by controlled stun abilities and spells (e.g. Cheap Shot, Hammer of Justice, Charge etc.). Omen of Clarity - This spell now works correctly with Bash
Ractamainus Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 buff mage! :P[signature][hline]is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream? Edgar Allan Poe
ombakkombak Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 said: Wendigo, 03 Ocak 2006 20:24 tarihinde demiş ki: The raid-lockout system has undergone a significant change. The new system will have all instances reset at a certain server time, regardless of when you were actually saved to the instance. The reset schedule is as follows: Molten Core: Every 7 Days, resetting during weekly maintenance. Blackwing Lair: Every 7 Days, resetting during weekly maintenance Onyxia: Every 5 Days Zul'Gurub: Every 3 Days Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (40-man): Every 7 Days, resetting during weekly maintenance Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (20-man): Every 3 Days All resets will occur during off-hours, when the least amount of raids are active. Important Note for Mac OS X Users bu ne demek şimdi 7 günde birmi MC yapılabilecek?
Helcaraxe Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Abi Bestial Wrath - Damage bonus reduced, duration increased. bu ne ya :([signature][hline]Mike, 13 Kasım 2005 22:37 tarihinde demiş ki: pardon sen nerenle karıştırıodun?
SoulCube Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 said: ombakkombak, 03 Ocak 2006 20:31 tarihinde demiş ki: said: Wendigo, 03 Ocak 2006 20:24 tarihinde demiş ki: The raid-lockout system has undergone a significant change. The new system will have all instances reset at a certain server time, regardless of when you were actually saved to the instance. The reset schedule is as follows: Molten Core: Every 7 Days, resetting during weekly maintenance. Blackwing Lair: Every 7 Days, resetting during weekly maintenance Onyxia: Every 5 Days Zul'Gurub: Every 3 Days Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (40-man): Every 7 Days, resetting during weekly maintenance Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (20-man): Every 3 Days All resets will occur during off-hours, when the least amount of raids are active. Important Note for Mac OS X Users bu ne demek şimdi 7 günde birmi MC yapılabilecek? evet öyle görünüyo[signature][hline]Night Elf - Rogue lvl 52 ( Kulak ) Magtheridon = Undead [ name : Updead] Lvl 41 Chromaggus=Orc [name: Omyg ] lvl 21 tee eskiden uo oynarken nickim Azeroth du
ombakkombak Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Warlock a nerf infernale buff buda ilginç olmuş
hikmetozsahin Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 said: Holy Shock - Now heals friendly targets and damages enemy targets. Mana cost reduced. Bonus from spell damage and healing items increased Cok ilginç olmuş.Belki bundan sonra holy shock almaya değer. said: Seal of Righteousness - Damage bonus from +Holy damage items increased, mana cost slightly increased. Bunu tam olarak anlayamadım?Right. proclarının verdiği holy hasar +heal itemlerinden etkileniyor mu diyor?Biri acıklayabilir mi?[signature][hline]doğruluk ve adalet için yasarim, dragonlarla savasir, babamin kilicini bulmaya kasarim. kilicim, kalkanim, atim benim yoldasim, er kisi hazzetmez kotulukten, pislikten... Paladin Rely On Chance
SoulCube Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Warriors Execute - Improved Execute and other discounts to the Execute ability will now correctly convert the resulting extra rage into damage. Retaliation - This ability will no longer lose charges when the attacker is behind the warrior. Sword Specialization - Special attacks now properly trigger the chance to gain an extra attack. Sweeping Strikes - Whirlwind and Retaliation will now correctly consume the charges from Sweeping Strikes. Bloodthirst - The damage component has been increased to 45% of attack power. Enrage - The talent will now grant 5/10/15/20/25% extra damage when enraged, instead of 8/16/24/33/40%. Mace Specialization - The stun effect's duration no longer diminishes or is diminished by controlled stun abilities and spells (e.g. Cheap Shot, Hammer of Justice, Charge etc...). Improved Revenge - The stun effect's duration no longer diminishes or is diminished by controlled stun abilities and spells (e.g. Cheap Shot, Hammer of Justice, Charge etc...). Şu özellik çok mu iyi olmuş bana mı öyle geldi[signature][hline]Night Elf - Rogue lvl 52 ( Kulak ) Magtheridon = Undead [ name : Updead] Lvl 41 Chromaggus=Orc [name: Omyg ] lvl 21 tee eskiden uo oynarken nickim Azeroth du
muzcu Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 hahahaha blizz artık bırak mage'i bufflamayı, sözlerini bile tutmuo. mage'den nefret ettiğini ilan edio :D hani 1 castte 10 crystal water :D ayrıca zaten en güzel yeni dizayn set de netherwing olmuş haha. ama harbi buff gelmiş mage'in 10 dakkalık impact stunu artık kısaltılamayacak. neyse ezik mage sendromune girmeyim gene :D zira iidir gene mage.[signature][hline]Frostwhisper(EU); O RLY (guild) 60 Human Mage (31a/20fire!) O RLY? YA RLY...
pandaalf Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 linked auction supper olcak, o hengamede ii para kırarız.
myster1o Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 said: SoulCube, 03 Ocak 2006 20:45 tarihinde demiş ki: Warriors Execute - Improved Execute and other discounts to the Execute ability will now correctly convert the resulting extra rage into damage. Retaliation - This ability will no longer lose charges when the attacker is behind the warrior. Sword Specialization - Special attacks now properly trigger the chance to gain an extra attack. Sweeping Strikes - Whirlwind and Retaliation will now correctly consume the charges from Sweeping Strikes. Bloodthirst - The damage component has been increased to 45% of attack power. Enrage - The talent will now grant 5/10/15/20/25% extra damage when enraged, instead of 8/16/24/33/40%. Mace Specialization - The stun effect's duration no longer diminishes or is diminished by controlled stun abilities and spells (e.g. Cheap Shot, Hammer of Justice, Charge etc...). Improved Revenge - The stun effect's duration no longer diminishes or is diminished by controlled stun abilities and spells (e.g. Cheap Shot, Hammer of Justice, Charge etc...). Şu özellik çok mu iyi olmuş bana mı öyle geldi olm nerflemişler[signature][hline]res pls Satılık orjinal Warcraft 3 + Frozen Throne Satılık WOW EU açılmamış paket satılık domain: msn: [email protected] Thias [Venture Co.], Undead Priest Fahrettin [Chromaggus], Human Warrior
SoulCube Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 harbi ha ben ters okumuşum =)[signature][hline]Night Elf - Rogue lvl 52 ( Kulak ) Magtheridon = Undead [ name : Updead] Lvl 41 Chromaggus=Orc [name: Omyg ] lvl 21 tee eskiden uo oynarken nickim Azeroth du
shippy Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 vallaha warrior cücük olmuş :D Pat yaktın bizi.[signature][hline]Zekice Ama Akıllıca Deil.
fab Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Whistle of the Black War Raptor was changed to Bind on Acquire. bu üstteki değişikliği pek anlayamadım. edit: tamam simdi durumu anladım. şuan sadece raptor Bind when used mış. onu düzeltmişler. [signature][hline]mesela beş *oky Pruna - 60 Shaman [Al'Akir] [Bu mesaj fab tarafından 03 Ocak 2006 21:23 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
cirederf Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 umarım hayırlı olur biz playerlar için :) başarılar...[signature][hline]Undead Rogue Style :Pp
Alfheim Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Bu simdi yani EU serverları için yarın mı çıkıyor?[signature][hline]Drugrosh 3x Orc Hunter BL -Mutation Team-
nuki Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 soulshard bags En sonunda :-D[signature][hline]Savaşmadan önce ölmeyi bilmek, ölmeden önce cesur olmak gerek.
porsuk Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 lan çocuklar şunu turkçeye çevirsenize komple :D[signature][hline]Düşmanlarımız aptaldır ve farklı bir bakış açısına sahiptir
Chorap Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 76mb direk Blizzard Downloaderla indirince çok uzun sürüyo. US de oynuorum ve patch i şöle bi 3 saattir indiriorum daha 70% hadi bakalım ama güzel patch sanırım...rogue lar için bi gelişme var mı?[signature][hline]War, war never changes!!!
Hergonan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 [spo1=They nerfed wallwalking!]/cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry /cry[/spo][signature][hline]Ufo!!11!1!1!!
Phlox Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 3, 2006 evet ya çok kötü oldu wallwalkingin gitmesi :( daha yeni yeni öğreniyodum inanılmaz zevkli bi olaydı :([signature][hline]Wagner - Level 60 Undead Rogue - Bladefist It's actually a popular misconception that everyone was a noob at some point. Some of us were just born pro.
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