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World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.8.0 (2005-??-??)

Disturbance at the Great Trees

Something is amiss in the Emerald Dream. Immense dragons with the shimmering emerald scales of the Green Dragonflight have been sighted guarding the portals at the Great Trees... but these once-noble creatures crawl with a new, strange menace, not the peace for which Ysera is known. Bring many allies should you dare to confront them; their powers are formidable and they will not hesitate to crush any who draw near.

The Stirring of the Silithid

The arid sands of Silithus are shifting. Something is awakening beyond the wall to the south... Aid the Druids of the Cenarion Circle as they delve into the mysteries of the desert. Seek answers behind the Twilight Hammer's presence. Discover more about the alien creatures known as the Silithid as you explore their hives. Many new endeavors await the high-level adventurer!

Hallow's End

When the decorations of Hallow's End light up Azeroth's cities, you know there's mischief afoot! Seek special vendors in Orgrimmar or Ironforge and get your hands on treats! Aid a sick orphan in a little trick-or-treating! Deathcaller Yanka, attending the Forsaken's Wickerman Festival, and Sergeant Hartman of Southshore are seeking your aid in keeping the enemy out of their holiday affairs -- are you up to the challenge?


Instant Attacks

The mechanics of most instant melee attacks have been modified to improve item balance. Previously, instant melee attacks did damage based on the damage range of the weapon, plus a bonus for the player's attack power. This bonus was then multiplied by the speed of the weapon. As a result, slow weapons did more damage than was intended, and fast weapons were considered inferior by most players. We have changed the way the attack power bonus is calculated for instant attacks. This change does NOT affect attack power calculations for normal melee attacks. Instead of multiplying by the speed of the weapon, the attack power bonus is now multiplied by a fixed number pulled from the following table:

Two-handed weapons: 3.3
Daggers: 1.7
All other one-handed weapons: 2.4

As a direct result of this, many weapons have shifted position in their relative power. In particular, many Epic (purple) quality items are now more powerful than slower Superior (blue) weapons.

This change was not made to reduce the power of instant attacks, but to correct the relative imbalance of weapon itemization. At a given level requirement, epic quality weapons should always be more powerful than superior quality weapons.
Please also note that all normal weapon swings will be completely unaffected by this change. The following abilities are affected by the design change: Sinister Strike, Ambush, Backstab, Whirlwind, Mortal Strike, and Overpower.

The cost per point of durability to repair plate, chain, and leather items has been reduced to be equal to the cost of repairing cloth items of the same quality.

You can now repurchase up to 12 items that you have sold to a vendor. There is now a buyback tab on all merchants that you can select to repurchase the last 12 items you sold since you last logged in. When your character leaves the game, this list of items will be cleared, so if you have accidentally sold something, don’t wait to buy it back. Buy it back immediately.

Perception (Human Racial) is now usable while stealthed.

There is now a spell effect when you increase your reputation to a new level.

The loading screen upon login now displays gameplay tips.

Channeled spells that are cancelled by movement can no longer be cast while moving.

Fixed bug where the debuff Tetanus was reducing stamina by one more than it should.

Pets no longer break off attacks when their target is affected by Warlock Fear.

The "Knockout" mechanic has been renamed "Disorient" and all tooltips that referenced this mechanic should be updated.


Honor System

The percentage of players that may reach ranks 6 through 14 has been increased.
Lower-level players should advance in the Honor System more quickly than they had previously (although this change does not affect the highest ranks they can achieve).


Each Battleground has an individual turn-in quest associated with its related victory/loss condition. Upon completion of a Battleground, the winning side will be awarded three Marks of Honor while the losing side will be awarded one Mark of Honor. Three Marks of Honor may be turned in to the associated questgiver for Honor Points and faction increase. Should players complete this turn-in quest, they will find that the bonus Honor Points for completion are twice that of normal turn-in conditions (individual).

Players of levels 10 - 19 will now be able
Mesaj tarihi:

Due to significant talent changes, talent points for Druids have been refunded and can be respent. Training costs for all talent spell/ability replacements have been significantly reduced.

Hurricane - No longer a talent. Now available to all Druids at level 40. Damage and Mana cost increased on all ranks. Spell is now cast on a targeted area up to 30 yards away and affected by Nature’s Reach. Multiple Druids casting Hurricane will no longer stack the slowdown effect. Radius of effect decreased slightly.

Remove Curse - Updated tooltip to reflect that it's usable on friendly targets only.

Shapeshifting - Fixed a bug where the Chilled effect caused by Ice Armor/Frost Armor was not removed properly when shapeshifting.

Swipe - Self cooldown removed.

Tranquility - Cooldown reduced to 5 minutes. Mana cost reduced by 25%.

Cat Form - The attack power bonus from the base cat form will now calculate correctly on zoning or logging in.


Counterattack - Now properly sets its cooldown.
Throw - Use of this ability will no longer cause a global cooldown with all other abilities.

Auto-shot is now cancelled when you die.

Added Lightning Breath pet ability for Wind Serpents. This ability instantly hits a single target for Nature damage at medium range.


Arcane Missiles - Should now properly report the correct "out of range" indicator on the action bar.


Judgement of Light and Judgement of Wisdom will now benefit players that are immune to Holy effects (e.g. Divine Shield).


Psychic Scream - Updated tooltip to reflect that damage caused to the feared target may break the effect. Included radius in tooltip.

Devouring Plague (Undead) - Will now properly consume the Inner Focus effect when cast.

Shadowguard (Troll) - Tooltip updated to reflect actual functionality.

Elune's Grace (Night Elf) - New icon.


Vanish - Fixed a bug where the Chilled effect caused by Ice Armor/Frost Armor was not removed properly when vanishing.

Parry - Minimum level to train this ability has been lowered to 12.

Blade Flurry - This ability will now trigger correctly off of special attacks such as Sinister Strike and Kick.

Shoot Bow/Crossbow/Gun - Fixed a bug where these abilities could be used faster than intended.

Throw - Use of this ability will now only cause a cooldown with Shoot abilities.

Ambush - Now uses normalized attack power.

Backstab - Now uses normalized attack power.

Riposte - Now properly sets its cooldown.

Sinister Strike - Now uses normalized attack power.


Lightning Shield - Tooltip updated to reflect actual functionality.

Ghost Wolf - Will now correctly have its cast time reduced by Nature's Swiftness.


Death Coil - Cooldown reduced, mana cost increased, and now causes a short Fear effect that is not diminished.

Corruption - Duration reduced and damage per tick increased. Total damage over duration approximately identical.

Curse of Agony - Duration reduced to 24 seconds and damage per tick increased. Total damage over duration approximately identical.

Conflagrate - Conflagrate will now correctly remove Immolate rank 4 from its victim when cast.

Bane - Now reduces casting time of the Soul Fire and Hellfire spells in addition to Immolate and Shadow Bolt.

Intensity - Now reduces chance to be interrupted during cast time of Rain of Fire, Hellfire and Soul Fire spells.

Pyroclasm - Now gives a chance to stun when Rain of Fire, Hellfire, and Soul Fire spells damage the target.

Soul Link - Percentage of damage split with pet has been reduced.

Ruin - Critical damage bonus reduced.

Summon Felhunter - Has a new, unique sound effect.

Improved Drain Mana - Damage caused by this talent will now cause 150% damage instead of 200% damage, which is now consistent with other damage spells.

Lesser Invisibility (Succubus) - Tooltip updated to reflect actual functionality.

Fixed a bug that would cause the Master Demonologist buff to be removed if the pet was banished.


Concussion Blow - Will now initiate combat when used.

Shoot Bow/Crossbow/Gun - Fixed a bug where these abilities could be used faster than intended.

Throw - Use of this ability will now only cause a cooldown with Shoot abilities.

Mortal Strike - Now uses normalized attack power.

Overpower - Now uses normalized attack power.

Whirlwind - Now uses normalized attack power.

Warriors can immediately charge after using trinkets to remove immobilizing effects.
Camera angles when using Charge should be improved.


Items which provide +hit chance will now be allowed to counteract the increased miss chance penalty of dual-wielding.

The 5-piece set bonus for the Warrior's Wrath set now works with Whirlwind and Retaliation.

The 5-piece set bonus for the Druid's Stormrage set now properly displays the
Mesaj tarihi:
Hımm evet benimde gözüme takıldı zaten bir nerf geldi silah swing sürelerinin kısaltılmasından , attack power normalized derken bir nerf daha gelmiş olabilir .[signature][hline]NEDAIN 24 Duelist (Recursion) Matrix online (Retired)
GUNZ LVL 1x Gunslinger
WOW - EU retail (BL) Kerbela Night elven Warrior 60 (SOLD)
RO Saratan 88 backstab master (retired)

29 haziran 18.** Murtaza demişki :
" böyle özürlü gibi vurmaya çalışınca küfür ettim kapadım oyunu... Tavşan'ı öldüremedim sinirliyim "
Mesaj tarihi:
The level 30 Mage class quest rewards are now Superior (blue) quality.

NE BU?!?!?!
şimdi mi konur bu kardeşim peh.[signature][hline]TABU Kelime: Kırbaç
Anlatan: Adam dövmekte kullanılır. Ayrıca Sextede kullanılır.
Anlayan: MALA.... MUŞTA...
Mesaj tarihi:
Qui, 29 Eylül 2005 14:33 tarihinde demiş ki:
normalized hadisesi nedir acaba..

Link temizlenmiş bu arada :)

Aşağıda anlatılan şey sanırsam.

Instant Attacks

The mechanics of most instant melee attacks have been modified to improve item balance. Previously, instant melee attacks did damage based on the damage range of the weapon, plus a bonus for the player's attack power. This bonus was then multiplied by the speed of the weapon. As a result, slow weapons did more damage than was intended, and fast weapons were considered inferior by most players. We have changed the way the attack power bonus is calculated for instant attacks. This change does NOT affect attack power calculations for normal melee attacks. Instead of multiplying by the speed of the weapon, the attack power bonus is now multiplied by a fixed number pulled from the following table:

Two-handed weapons: 3.3
Daggers: 1.7
All other one-handed weapons: 2.4

As a direct result of this, many weapons have shifted position in their relative power. In particular, many Epic (purple) quality items are now more powerful than slower Superior (blue) weapons.

This change was not made to reduce the power of instant attacks, but to correct the relative imbalance of weapon itemization. At a given level requirement, epic quality weapons should always be more powerful than superior quality weapons.
Please also note that all normal weapon swings will be completely unaffected by this change. The following abilities are affected by the design change: Sinister Strike, Ambush, Backstab, Whirlwind, Mortal Strike, and Overpower.

ayrıca av değişikleri iyi olmuş horde açısından.[signature][hline]msn: [email protected]
Mesaj tarihi:
Shoot Bow/Crossbow/Gun - Fixed a bug where these abilities could be used faster than intended.

bunu umarım eskisi gibi yapmazlar da biraz daha esneklik getirirler bir ok attıktan sonra 4 5 saniye beklemek demek pvp de kullanılamayacağı anlamına geliyor, tamam kabul etmek gerekirse şu anda da aşırı hızlı çalışıyor kaç kişiyi crosswbow umla aldıgımı hatırlamıyorum biraz delay süresini uzatacaklar orası kesin ama umarım eskisi gibi yapmazlar

şimdi bu instant attacklarda ki değişiklikler epic weapon ların damage larını buyuk oranda etkilermi acaba esas ben bunu merak ediyorum . yanı ambush ile 1500 vururken patch den sonra 1200 mü vuracağız yoksa daha farklı bir etkisi mi olacak ?[signature][hline]WoW
Neptulon (eu)
Undead Rogue
Mesaj tarihi:
Ghost Wolf - Will now correctly have its cast time reduced by Nature's Swiftness.

Yavrum be heheheyttt
insta wolf olamıyoduk olcaz artık
e iyide zaten talentla 1 saniye yapmıstık biz onu
NS acıksa zaten ns ile heal atar olurum
bi ise yaramaz ki bu be[signature][hline]OKUYUN OKUTTURUN
BonePART's Blog
Last Update: 02.09.2005

-BonePART bizim neden kız arkadasımız yok.
Mesaj tarihi:
Druid harika olmuş ya! Şimdi test serverına girip deniycem...[signature][hline]"I studied silence to learn the music. I joined the sinful to regain innocence"
Kerforn/Night Elf Druid (Invadoria)
Burning Legion

Mesaj tarihi:
Gangren, 29 Eylül 2005 10:50 tarihinde demiş ki:
Elune's Grace (Night Elf) - New icon.

Çok büyük yenilik NE priestler için :-P[signature][hline]Silvermoon , Kyane NE Shadow Priestess
Mesaj tarihi:
Haha AV öldü adamlar daha yeni korrak ı kaldırıyor , yanlız Gy lerin bayraklarını farklı yerlere koyma fikri fena değil =p[signature][hline]''Most of us walk in the light and the shadow but there are the chosen few who walk this world , carrying their own light to brighten both day and night.''
Mesaj tarihi:
Darktr, 29 Eylül 2005 17:38 tarihinde demiş ki:
ozii_x, 29 Eylül 2005 11:04 tarihinde demiş ki:
kesin fake deil mageye yine bişi yok çünki :D

fake olma ihtimali 0
magelerin hepsine oyunu bıraktıp sildirtcekler ya

Sadece "ühühü" diyebiliyorum.
Magelere yenilik yok, warlocklara nerf var, bence Blizzard'ın amacı warlockları tamamiyle nerflemek (yani silmek), daha sonra yeni bir class yaratmak. Alakasız bişi olur tabi.[signature][hline]Ufo!!11!1!1!!
Mesaj tarihi:
Copycat, 29 Eylül 2005 18:27 tarihinde demiş ki:
Gangren, 29 Eylül 2005 10:50 tarihinde demiş ki:
Elune's Grace (Night Elf) - New icon.

Çok büyük yenilik NE priestler için :-P

Nerf imba icons
Mesaj tarihi:
fake değil zate. Test realmin patch notes undan alınmış.[signature][hline]TABU Kelime: Kırbaç
Anlatan: Adam dövmekte kullanılır. Ayrıca Sextede kullanılır.
Anlayan: MALA.... MUŞTA...
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