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Zaman Çarkı -Wheel of Time-

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Mesaj tarihi:

Bitmeden açma sakin!

Bi ara dedim, rand gitti bu saatten sonra geri gelmez. Ama yine lews therin abim geri getirdi sagolsun. Ama tam anlayamadim hiç bir zaman iki kisi olmamislardi dedigi yerde neyi kastetti? Zaten ben lews therinim (en azindan olup yeniden dirilmis haliyim) diyerekten mi oyle dusundu ?
Egweneyi hiç sevmezdim ama bu kitapta bayag karizma yapti. Lanet olsun bu herife ya egweneyi bile sevdirdi ya bana
Mat gene karizmaydi takdir
Perrin eskisi gibi degildi ya, halbuki eski favori karakterimdi:/
Elaynei unuttular. Gerçi zaten sevmezdim canima minnet :D
Gawyn bi ara hollywood moduna geçti. "Adamlari dovmek daha çabuk ya nie konusmakla ugrasiym ki" filan die gicik oldum. Neymis zaman yokmus ?! Sonra ortalikta mal mal gezindi bos zaman edinip. O neydi ya bi tekme suna bi kafa buna.
Siuanin karizmayida çizdiler, 40 yillik amyrlin 1000 kere ayar yedi egweneden
Verinde gozleri yasartti vay anasini

Tebrikler Brandon abimize, bence çok iyi is cikarmis. Tamam belki havasi biraz degismis kitabin ama çok çok çok guzel olmus.

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Mesaj tarihi:

Rand hakkında This Voice Inside adında bir parça yapılmış kitabı okurken arada dinlenebilir

ilgili link 1

ilgili link 2

buda parçanın videosu


I conquered your past
I know what awaits you in the time to pass
I am your part I am your doom
I am your end I bind your hands
I scream darkness
I am the voice inside your head

I was born to feed the sheeps
Seed the wheats
A country boy like me

I never heard of tales
A boy who saves
A hero of the day

I want a life to share
With a wife to love
And my kids will grow with me

And as I am getting old
I will feel the cold
And die peacefully

I want to sleep away this nightmare

They say the darkness arriving
With tales of kingdoms crying
And I saw my lands in fear
My friends are dying
Friends are dying

My death was my own birthday
I had the power to save
But I felt the madness
Crawling inside my head
They died by my hands

I want to believe
I have a chance to change the way
Nothing to save
Get rid of this voice inside my head

I saw them dying
Trying to save me from myself
And they failed

Nations cried before me
As I cried for them alone
And I failed

Yes I failed
And I failed
Yes I have to fight it all
Yet I have to fight till the end
Just save me from my soul

They say the darkness arriving
With tales of kingdoms crying
And I saw the lands in tears
My friends are dying
I am dying

I want to believe
I have a chance to change the way
Nothing to save
Get rid of this voice inside my head

The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills

  • 4 hafta sonra ...
  • 3 hafta sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:

13.kitap haberler

kapak JordanCon dan

kapak yazısı

The Last Battle has started. The seals on the Dark One's prison are crumbling. The Pattern itself is unravelling, and the armies of the Shadow have begun to boil out of the Blight. Perrin Aybara is hunted by spectres from his past. To prevail, he must find a way to master the wolf within him or lose himself to it forever. Meanwhile, Matrim Cauthon prepares for the most difficult challenge of his life. The Tower of Ghenjei awaits, and its secrets will reveal the fate of a friend long lost. The end draws near. It's time to roll the dice.

kalın yazan yere dikat!!!

açılış paragrafı

"The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose around the misty peaks of Imfaral. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning."


Mesaj tarihi:

İngilizcesini almıştım, Türkçe gibi sarmayınca bıraktım, Türkçesini de bitmesin diye yavaş okumaya çalışarak 1 haftada bitirdim maalesef :)

Çok güzel olmuş kitap, özellikle kehaneti çok güzel bağlamış.

Üçün bir olması da, min, aven, elayne den bir ilyena çıkar mı acaba diye düşündüm.

  • 2 hafta sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
tunca said:

nasıl okucam var ya çıkınca sayfaları parçalaya parçalaya dfgfdg

abi yavas
iki kitap kaldi zaten topu topu
sindire sindire
yavas yavas
yoksa bi çirpida biter dimdizlak kalirsin ortada
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ya hangi çeviriyi almamı önerirsiniz?
çiltli 40 milyonluk ithaki yayınlarının var
20 milyona phoenix yayınlarının var ?
dnr daki kazma siparişi bilgisayara girmeyi unutmuş netten alıcamda
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