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Mesaj tarihi:


Heinz Guderian (GER)

Heinz Guderian (June 17, 1888 - May 14, 1954) was the well known "Panzer General" of the German Army during World War II, and one of the founders of the concept of blitzkrieg.

Dynamic and efficient, you are pivotal in development of strategies and operational tasks and often set the standards of what will then follow. Although your leadership style does not always mean you will rise in ranks you are still a very respected leader who does not think twice about questioning those of the highest rank.

çıktım :) Ehue[signature][hline]Blind Guardian
Eğer organize olabilseydim çok tehlikeli olurdum...

Mesaj tarihi:
Omar Bradley

Omar Bradley (February 12, 1893 - April 8, 1981) was one of the main US Army field commanders in North Africa and Europe during World War II.

Quietly competent, a self-effacing and thoughtful team player, you do not mind being a leader but you detest the waste of human lives in war. Once you make your mind up you go after your goal full speed ahead and thrive when taking calculated risks. You prefer to stay neutral in controversy, which can be seen as difficulty to make decisions.[signature][hline]shinsetsu desu..
Mesaj tarihi:
eheh apache bende omar ciktim

Omar Bradley

Omar Bradley (February 12, 1893 - April 8, 1981) was one of the main US Army field commanders in North Africa and Europe during World War II.

Quietly competent, a self-effacing and thoughtful team player, you do not mind being a leader but you detest the waste of human lives in war. Once you make your mind up you go after your goal full speed ahead and thrive when taking calculated risks. You prefer to stay neutral in controversy, which can be seen as difficulty to make decisions.
Mesaj tarihi:
George Patton, Jr. (November 11, 1885 - December 21, 1945), one of the most successful American generals in World War II.

When put in a position that will meet your potential, your "larger than life," flamboyant, charismatic and controversial personality is hard to miss. You are inspirational and your troops achieve great deeds under your leadership. Just keep in mind to always back up those great words with action.[signature][hline]valandil ownz j0o!
i said, lord, take me downtown,
i'm just lookin' for some tush.
WoW - Kelvin , the Human Mage.
Mesaj tarihi:
ben de buymuşum ama bu amcam kim :)
Harold Alexander

Field Marshal Harold Alexander, (December 10, 1891 - June 16, 1969) was a British military commander and Field Marshal, notably during World War II as the commander of the 15th Army Group.

You are a leader of exceptional ability. Not afraid to get your hands dirty, you are adored by your troops and subordinates but your peers or superiors can sometimes perceive you as too urbane and lacking authority. Your people skills make it easy for you to form partnerships across borders.[signature][hline]fedaykin, 24 November 2003 18:38 tarihinde Ainu'ya demiş ki:
Aynı senden önceki 20 kişinin düşündüğü gibi onun özel kişisi sen olacaksın, tabi tabii...
Fistan, 12 Ocak 2005 23:29 tarihinde demiş ki:
İki gün sonra "Lan Niye Patlattınız benim öğle yemeğimi?" diye Mor yatatıklar basarsa dünyayı kimse tutmasın beni nasayı üzerim ozaman.
Mesaj tarihi:
Beklemediim bi kişilik :P
Yamashita Tomoyuki

Yamashita Tomoyuki (Nov 8, 1885 - February 23, 1946) was one of the most formidable generals of the Japanese Army. His 30,000 soldiers took 80,000 Allied soldiers prisoner at the Fall of Singapore and for this he became known as the "Tiger of Malaya."
Mesaj tarihi:
fedaykin, 03 Şubat 2005 15:34 tarihinde demiş ki:
Valla ben çıktığım komutandan memnunum :)

Yamashita Tomoyuki

Yamashita Tomoyuki (Nov 8, 1885 - February 23, 1946) was one of the most formidable generals of the Japanese Army. His 30,000 soldiers took 80,000 Allied soldiers prisoner at the Fall of Singapore and for this he became known as the "Tiger of Malaya."

You are a diligent, ambitious and determined leader who always remains completely loyal to your superiors. Your strict discipline contributes to your ability to be an aggressive strategist and you will always be the last man standing. Your high standards can seem daunting for your followers who will never feel sufficient.

I am always the last man standing.
Demek komutan olsam dillere destan olcakmıshım bu da guzelmish :)
Mesaj tarihi:
Andrew Cunningham
Andrew Cunningham, (7 January 1883 - 12 June 1963), was the most famous British admiral of World War II.

You have a sharp mind and although not a good speaker like some of your colleagues, you have your own type of common touch. Many seek you out to ask for your advice and hear stories about your experiences. Ever the diplomat, your shrewd ways can sometimes come as a shock to those who admire you.[signature][hline]| Dut ağacında üzüm YETİŞMEZ !! |
Evrende bir toz bile sayılamayacak ufaklıkta bir yer kürenin üstünde küçüklüğü belki hesaba bile katılamayacak bir varlığımız var;ne var ki aklımızla büyüğüz . Aklımıza güvenelim
| Sahip olduğun gücü asla gösterme !
  • 1 yıl sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
Erwin Rommel (GER)

Erwin Rommel (November 15, 1891-October 14, 1944) was one of the most distinguished German Field Marshals and commander of the Deutsches Afrika Korps in World War II. He is also known by his nickname "The Desert Fox."

As a leader you are a performer and your area of interest is mechanical rather than artistic. You tend to save your energy until you come across a project or an adventure worthy of your time, but then you launch yourself at it. Be aware that the thrills you constantly seek might one day get the best of you.
Mesaj tarihi:
Erich v. Manstein (GER)

Erich von Manstein (November 24, 1887-June 10, 1973) was one of the most prominent commanders of German Armed Forces during World War II, attaining the rank of Field Marshal. Manstein was the mastermind behind Fall Gelb.

Your strategic mind makes you a leader that thrives in situation where this precise skill is requested. Admired by your followers and sometimes even by your enemies this can sometimes get to your head. You thrive in situations where you find yourself as the "underdog" and need to use your strengths to their full potential.

Uyuşuyor aslında.:P
Mesaj tarihi:

hım ilginç

Heinz Guderian (GER)

Heinz Guderian (June 17, 1888 - May 14, 1954) was the well known "Panzer General" of the German Army during World War II, and one of the founders of the concept of blitzkrieg.

Dynamic and efficient, you are pivotal in development of strategies and operational tasks and often set the standards of what will then follow. Although your leadership style does not always mean you will rise in ranks you are still a very respected leader who does not think twice about questioning those of the highest rank.

[ Mesaj 13 Mart 2006, Pazartesi - 19:05 tarihinde, Azure_Knight tarafından güncellenmiştir ]

Mesaj tarihi:
Albert Kesselring (GER)

Albert Kesselring (August 8, 1881 - July 16, 1960) was a German General Field Marshal who commanded Army Group C during World War II, supporting Operation Barbarossa amongst others. He was nicknamed "Smiling Albert."

You are an ambitious leader, always striving higher and pushing yourself to the best of your abilities. Unfortunately, this effort does not always lead to the type of results you are looking for. You work well under pressure and find it easy to keep a straight face when challenged.

auhzua öncekinde caponlarin en iyi piyade generali cikmistim simdikinde bu ciktim ya tanimiom ben bu adami kimdir kim deildir ama nickname mukemmel smiling albert:D
Mesaj tarihi:
Erwin Rommel (GER)
Erwin Rommel (November 15, 1891-October 14, 1944) was one of the most distinguished German Field Marshals and commander of the Deutsches Afrika Korps in World War II. He is also known by his nickname "The Desert Fox."

As a leader you are a performer and your area of interest is mechanical rather than artistic. You tend to save your energy until you come across a project or an adventure worthy of your time, but then you launch yourself at it. Be aware that the thrills you constantly seek might one day get the best of you.
Mesaj tarihi:
Yamashita Tomoyuki

Yamashita Tomoyuki (Nov 8, 1885 - February 23, 1946) was one of the most formidable generals of the Japanese Army. His 30,000 soldiers took 80,000 Allied soldiers prisoner at the Fall of Singapore and for this he became known as the "Tiger of Malaya."

You are a diligent, ambitious and determined leader who always remains completely loyal to your superiors. Your strict discipline contributes to your ability to be an aggressive strategist and you will always be the last man standing. Your high standards can seem daunting for your followers who will never feel sufficient.
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