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Raven's Cry


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Two Worlds u yapanlardan,:



Raven's Cry is a dark action-adventure role-playing video game that interweaves fictional events and characters with historical ones from the 17th century Caribbean. The game is said to feature historically accurate architecture and ruthless pirates unlike the comical ones more commonly found in pop culture.


Christopher Raven as a young Scottish boy boarded a ship with his family bound for the New World to escape the famine of the late 17th century. Near Jamaica their ship was attacked by ruthless pirates and Christopher Raven was left the sole survivor. Having lost his left hand then, Christopher sets off on the road to vengeance to find the scoundrels who murdered his family, a journey that might see him lose his soul too.


The sinister beauty of the 17th Century Caribbean is revealed in the rolling emerald waves and their secrets kept far beneath in the dark alleys and curved cobbled roads all teeming with murderous miscreants and loudly drunken braves, the prophets of the bottle, the blade, and the flintlock gun. Three major cities are found in Raven's Cry from the unsavory pirate holdfast of Port Royal to the elegant avenues of luscious Havana, to a lost Aztec City deep in the jungles of the Spanish Main.



The story is divided into chapters and in these chapters Christopher is tracking down a particular pirate known as Neville Scranton who he blames for leading the assault as well as all former pirates who took part in the massacre of the only people he has ever loved. On your path you'll hack, slash, and shoot your way through an array of environments such as typical Caribbean port towns and Aztec lands. Your missing hand has been replaced by a hook and a raven familiar is at your side to scout for enemies.


Raven's Cry also features role-playing game elements, including morality system, side-quests, and magic items which can increase character attributes. Systems for 'Fear' and 'Notoriety' make the world around you react to your actions and choices. Killing enemies makes you accumulate 'Fear' which you can use to scare enemies away or as a super attack. The consequence is that everyone in range becomes hostile if you didn't scare them off. 'Notoriety' is increased as you do your murderous thing and similar to Assassin's Creed II's notoriety system with posters on the wall you can rip off. Opponents bleed and suffer which affects the moral aspects of the game. Pirate charms will let you become invincible, summon ravens to rip enemies to shreds, boost attack speed and damage, and even cast some magic.

Naval battles and mano-a-mano duels with certain enemies are possible. Weapons like a "sword-pistol" that is a knife with a revolver attached to it or an "axe-rifle" which looks like a 17th-century version of the lancer from Gears of War are at your disposal.


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  • 11 ay sonra ...
vendetta - curse of raven's cry diye remasterladılar bunu, oyunu broken vaziyette release ettikleri için. şimdi vendetta halini bitirdim. ada, mekan tasarımları çok iyi. bir sürü keşfedilecek şey bırakmışlar, balta girmemiş ormanlarda kaybolup, yamyam kabilelerini kesiyorum dsdfg. oyunun ambiyansı, atmosferi baya başarılı. ship battlelar eğlenceli. third person combatı averaj. story ve questler fena değil.

Xenocide said:

2002'lerde falan Pirates of The Carribean vardı. Onun succesor'u niteliğinde olsa xeşke :/

buna baya benziyor oyun ama eksik kaldığı kısımlar da var. kolaya kaçıp boarding için turn based çok basit bi sistem koymuşlar. tayfa ile instance instance gemi mürettabatı ile çatışma yok. bi de factionlara düşman olursan ana limana bağlamıyorsun gemiyi, adanın ucundan giriyorsun ama bu kadarla bırakmışlar. 2003 yılının poc'da castle battle falan oluyordu eğer düşman olduğun factionın limanına yaklaşırsan top yağmuruna tutuluyordun falan. şehirdeki guardlar da düşman oluyordu galiba görünürsen. hatta şehri ele geçirip kendi himayene alabiliyordun sanırım. map overlay de çok basit noktalar çıkıyor yön değiştirip o shiplere doğru hareket edebiliyorsun ve ship battle instance'ına giriyorsun anca, serbest dolaşım yok.

assassino ile alakası yok ama gothic gibi, risen gibi bi oyun bu.
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