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Artık oyunlar erkek oyunculardan çok kadınları çekiyor:

Challenging the stereotype that video gaming is the domain of teenage boys, an industry group Tuesday reported that more women over 18 than young boys are playing games and the average age of players has risen to 29.

A poll released by the Entertainment Software Association and conducted by Peter D. Hart Research Associates found 26 percent of game players are women 18 or older, while 21 percent are boys 6 to 17.

Video gaming has traditionally been seen as the province of teenage boys locked in dark rooms and twitching away at their game consoles, although in recent years the industry has worked to publish games catering to kids, women and older gamers.

In line with that trend, adults over 50 now make up 17 percent of the gaming population, the ESA said, compared with 13 percent three years ago.

The largest group of gamers, at 38 percent, is men 18 and up, while girls 6 to 17 account for 12 percent of game players, the poll found.

"I think that what used to be the standard in games, which was the female character in distress and the big macho man saving the day, is no longer the case," said Vikki Hrody, a faculty member at the Illinois Institute of Art in Chicago, who teaches art for game design.

"I do see a lot more girls, especially the students that I'm teaching, that want to play games," she said.

A random national sample of 806 adults, covering a total of 1,048 game players including kids, was used in the poll, the ESA said.

The average gamer spends 6.5 hours a week playing games, the ESA said, while boys 6 to 17 average 7.3 hours per week of game time.

As the age of gamers has risen, so has the number of games for adults. Of all games sold in 2002, the ESA said 13.2 percent carried a "Mature" or "M" rating, up from 9.9 percent in 2001 and under 8 percent in 2000.

Hrody said she and her friends much prefer many of those mature games, like war titles, to the games specially designed and targeted by game companies at the female market, such as dancing themes or Barbie.

"They don't hear enough about what the market is. I think they just assume that it's boys that are playing these games," she said. "(Girls' games are) very boring, there's no story line, it's almost like they play it down for girls."

The poll found little difference in the relationship between game play and income, with 39 percent of gamers reporting total household income of less than $50,000 a year and 41 percent reporting an income of more than $50,000.
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klişelere bağlı kalmadan, "aha 9-17 yaş erkeği bunu ister" düşüncesiyle hazırlanmayan daha çok oyun göreceğimize işaret ediyor bu, bence güzel bir gelişme. ayrıca bilgisayar oyunlarının yasaklanması için kendini paralayan çevrelerin de başka türlü ikna olması mümkün değil..

the sims'in bu istatistiklerde herhalde önemli bir payı olsa gerek sevgili kendi düşeceği alanı kazan yetkili.. :horace:[signature][hline]Elder Scrolls forumunda ES4'ü niye multiplayer özellikli istemediğini izah eden MutantPenguin demiş ki:
People suck, if I want to game I'll do it with/against circuit boards and lines of C++ that know how to RP, not people that don't know how to string a sentence together.
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80'ler ve 90'larda oynayan insanlar da oynamaya devam ediyor, normal yani eşşek kadar insanların oynamaya devam etmesi. hatta eski "koca adam oldun hala mı oynuyorsun" söyletisi de oynamaya devam edenler sayesinde ortadan kalkacak önümüzdeki yıllarda. bilgisayar oyunlarını saklambaç yahut misketle denk gören anlayış yokolacak.. :)[signature][hline]Elder Scrolls forumunda ES4'ü niye multiplayer özellikli istemediğini izah eden MutantPenguin demiş ki:
People suck, if I want to game I'll do it with/against circuit boards and lines of C++ that know how to RP, not people that don't know how to string a sentence together.
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valla sibernetik vücut olayının olması gerek ben 80'e varmadan, doktor "ut2060'ı oynayamazsın" der filan mazallah.. :-p[signature][hline]Elder Scrolls forumunda ES4'ü niye multiplayer özellikli istemediğini izah eden MutantPenguin demiş ki:
People suck, if I want to game I'll do it with/against circuit boards and lines of C++ that know how to RP, not people that don't know how to string a sentence together.
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