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Elite: Dangerous

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Mesaj tarihi:

Şu login ekranında dönüp dönüp de aşağıdaki hata mesajını alan eeeeyyyyyy ülkemin gariban oyuncuları;

DNS'i elle girin

Bu kadar...

Ha bi de lanet olsun TTnete.

Bu da adamların her cevap için 72 saat ara verdikleri diyaloğumuz...

Thanks for getting in touch.

Firstly please try resetting your network stacks if you haven't already:

1.open a command prompt with admin privileges

2.(without quotes type following commands & press enter, don't reboot until all 3 are done)

3.ipconfig /flushdns

4.netsh winsock reset

5.netsh int ip reset c:ipreset.txt

Then if that does not work can we get a copy of your netLog, please go to the game install directory:

ED Store Version: C:Program Files (x86)FrontierProductsFORC-FDEV-D-1XXX
Steam Version: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonElite DangerousProductsFORC-FDEV-D-10XX

Paste the file AppConfigLocal.xml that's been attached to this ticket into this folder.

Start the launcher up and load the game again. After you experience the issue, please close the game. The NetLog should be located in this location:

ED Store Version: C:Program Files (x86)FrontierProductsFORC-FDEV-D-1010LogsnetLogs..
Steam Version: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonElite DangerousProductsFORC-FDEV-D-1010LogsnetLogs..
Rarely: %localappdata%Frontier DevelopmentsProductsFORC-FDEV-D-1010LogsnetLogs..

Please note that the exact path will vary a little depending on where you installed the launcher and which game version you have.

And then could you head to http://netalyzr.icsi.berkeley.edu/index.html to run a scan on your internet connection. Follow the steps it guides you through and, once it's finished, send us the unique URL relating to your results. If you are experiencing issues running the Netalyzr scan, please update your version of Java and do not use Chrome - any other browser should work fine.

This should allow us to take a very in-depth look at all aspects of your network connection and help us identify any issues and possible solutions.

Best regards,


Elite: Dangerous Customer Support Wing

AppConfigLocal.xml(213 bytes)

Thanks for getting back to us. Your network is showing a lot of problems so let's address them one by one.

Firstly, we're unable to see if UPnP is enabled for you or not. Please log in to your router and see if you have a UPnP option - it should be very obvious. If not, we need to set up port-forwarding on your router. As this is a different process for every router please visit PortForward.com and search for you specific model of router. This should guide you through setting up port forwarding and then allow the game to connect to our servers.

You will need to forward a UDP port, we usually suggest 5100.

After this has been done, we need to tell Elite to use this port instead of UPnP.

Head to your game folder:

C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonElite DangerousProductsFORC-FDEV-D-10XX (Steam installation)

Then download the attached file AppConfigLocal.xml into this folder.

Note that this file will specify that you're using port 5100, if you'd like to use another, please edit this inside the file using notepad.

Next, your network buffering is very high. Please ensure that any other connectivity - downloads, Skype etc - is disabled when trying to play Elite: Dangerous.

Finally, it looks like there's a proxy in place on your network. This is almost always instant death for online connectivity on Elite so if you're aware of what this could be - a firewall, a VPN, content filtering in your router - please disable it.

Let me know how you get on.


CMDR Tronador
Elite: Dangerous Customer Support Wing

AppConfigLocal.xml(134 bytes)

Mesaj tarihi:
Kanuni said:

Core. Giderken nebulalara ugradim birde her yildizi inceledim surface scannerla, 4-5 tane earth like buldum simdide donuste neutron star ve kara delik tarlasi varmis ona gidiyorum..

Explorerda elite status sanirim inanilmaz zor.

ne kadar para kazandıgını da yazarsın di mi bize xD

edit: ironi yok cidden soruyorum bu arada
Mesaj tarihi:
sharky said:

Insan bir Sagittarius A* ya uğrar :)

Hakaretini sikayet ettim umarim banlanirsin :D surpriz sonda cikacak.

zaugna ok yazarim ama su anda son surat sadece discovery yapiyorum surface e girmiyorum artik, arti neutron ve black hole lara bulasmadan donuse gectim. canopy catladi, az once 4 tane yildiz tarafindan yutuluyordum. bu kadar got gote nasil olusmuslarsa tam aralarinda jumpdan ciktim ne yapacagimi sasirdim.. SS aldim donunce atarim herseyi.
Mesaj tarihi:

geldim sonunda, 45 saatlik bir trip.. istasyona gelirken stres olmadim degil :) ilginc bir deneyim oldu diyebilirim. tekrar gidecegim sanirim bu sefer neutron ve bh fielde. kayniyor oralar. ama bu sefer anaconda ile giderim cunku onun jump 40ly lara cikiyor.

tabii gitmenin ana amaclarindan birisi Sagittarius A*

tam merkezde devasa kara delik. bir de yaninda devasa yancisi. core bolgesine girdigimiz anda o kadar cok yildiz var ki haritanin beyni allak bullak oluyor. kucucuk alanda milyarlarca yildiz olunca 50Ly100ly, bazen tek tek hesap ede ede 3500-4000ly mesafeyi 3-4 saatte alabildim. sag a* gir o hengameden cik tek basina 6-7 saat ve iskence.

sol'a uzaklik 25.899.99LY!!! tek gidis. tabii bu dimdik gidilirse, birde giderken daha uzuyor mesafe normal olarak.

tahminimce 45 saatte, 1800-2000 arasi jump yapmisimdir.





kizarmaya cok az kaldigim 4 yildizli eblek alan. tam iki yildizin ortasinda belirdim ve asiri yakinlar birbirlerine.


zaugna istedigin info.. 45 saatlik iskenceye asla credit icin girilmez ama tadi baska. iki rank atlatti ama oldukca dusuk bence.

before trip


after trip

Mesaj tarihi:
hmmm burda bir gariplik var. 1800-2000 jump yaptiysam ve herbirinde scanner kullandim eminim, nasil oluyorda 1000 level 3 var toplamda ki bu gidis donusden once de sattim ben baya. trailblazerdim sonucta.
Mesaj tarihi:
Planetary Landings
Players will be able to land on rocky planets with no atmosphere while other planet-types have been announced to follow after the release. Some planets will no longer be entirely spherical as they will be changed to "potato-shaped" planets.

The landings will be seamless and the planets can be explored using a ground vehicle.[2] Once on the surface, players will be able to discover constructed, as well as natural, points of interest, which can be military bases, research establishments, hideouts, starports, mining complexes, crashed ships and debris to investigate. The nature of the encounter will vary depending on where you are, the type of planet and the local topography and geology.[3]

Elite Dangerous: Horizons will add the ability to operate one ship with multiple players.[4]

Ship-launched Fighters
Large ships will be able to carry and launch small fighters which can be controlled by another player or by the AI.[4]

Commander Creator
The Commander Creator will allow players to create a custom face for their characters.[4]

Loot & Crafting System
Players will be able to find loot and craft unique equipment, using a process called synthesis. Fuel, ammo, fsd injections and auto field maintenance ammo can be made with different quality levels with certain improvements.[4]

Changes to Mission System
The mission system will see some updates, changing the military missions and naval rank-up system and introducing powerplay missions as well as chained missions.[4]
Mesaj tarihi:
Usttekiler horizons adi altinda sunulan senelik uretime bolunmus expansionun ozellikleri, ilk bastaki haric gerisi peyderpey gelecek..

Lan bu nasil exp anlayisi:)

1sene test edicez onden, sonra alanlar yasadi.
Mesaj tarihi:
update icin offline oldu server. saat 16 gmt gibi gelecekmismis tam emin degilim.


gemilerin olcekli karsilastirmasi.
Mesaj tarihi:
Olabilir aslinda ama sikinti ayni guzargahi nasil yakalayacagiz.. Kopar gideriz birbirimizden birde ben 12 saat kadar oynuyorum bu aralar.

Trade elite statuse gecince tekrar gidecegim zaten.. Hem planet landingde olacak gemilerde, degisik seyler gorebilirim.
Mesaj tarihi:
Valla bro benim az tip e ihtiyacım var. Lave ye geri geldim

Paso trade takılıcam bi asp explorer için. Preorderdan gelen Cobrayı tutup, bir tane taşıma gemisi alıym diyorum. ama 1,4m ile ne alınır ki trade e hem uygun hem de götü kollıyacak
Mesaj tarihi:
Bir hauler adder type 6 vs al fsd max A tak, takurua ya gel burada 2-3adet malzeme tasi gorevleri var ederi 600k-1000k, soloya gec bir npc dalarsa kac fsd soguyana dek, yakit yetmeyebilir bajia vs den yakit al veya fuel scoop tekrarla..

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