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Age of Wushu

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Mesaj tarihi:

Eve in robotlusuda perpetuum.

Abicim eve in fantasy si diyince direk aklinda eve mi canlaniyor. Skill sistemi sandbox vs ..

Ne eve mis arkadas 2004 de oynarken herkes wow daydi kimse gelmedi simdi degere bindi :)

Agza alinmiyor oyun ahah.
Mesaj tarihi:
Woohoo, it’s Wushu! Excellent, I have fulfilled my dumb joke quota in the first line. Now then, come reverently kneel in the dojos of intrigue. Age of Wushu, you see, might look like a typical MMO with high-flying wuxian trappings, but – at least, on paper – it actually sounds far more daring than that. Case in point: kidnapping. When you log off, your character stays in the world as an NPC. Said NPC can actually be kidnapped by other players, which I imagine will either prove cinder-block-choppingly infuriating or absolutely hilarious. Wushu also makes bold claims about being sandbox-y, pointing to systems for bounties, crime and imprisonment, random emergent PVP, a level-free advancement system, and more. Be warned, however: it also sounds dauntingly complicated, and F2P doesn’t help matters. See what I mean – first in the form of a gentle, open-palmed video and then with harsh, skull-wobbling words – after the break.
Mesaj tarihi:
Heh.. zaman gerekiyor eglencesi icin gibi.. skiller zamanla gelisiyor. Basta agir ornegin zamanla serilesiyor vs..

F2p uzak dogu ozunde :)

O havayi aliyorsun hemen ..
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Mesaj tarihi:
Age of Wulin (avrupa versiyonu) open beta'ya girmiş.

EVE online gibi offline skill kasabiliyorsunuz eğer aylık 15 dolar verirseniz.

Fena bir oyuna benzemiyor, öyle ultra süper bir sandbox beklemeyin ama sandbox kıtlığında gideri var.

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