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Ninja Tarihi
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Bugun size Book of Sonshi den bir bolum yazacagim.
Book of Strategy- Birth of Ninja
It is commonly held that Buddhism introduced into Japan around 538, at this time a Aiunu period. Many strategies are outlined in this book. Forexample; when generally engaging in war, one should first assess the potential of both sides and try to foresee victory or defeat; and when it is apparent that the enemy has the potential to win, then war has to be avoided and the conflict resolved by diplomacy. One should aim at the improvement of one`s military potential continue maneuvers that are destructive to the enemy, and fight only after the enemy`s capabilities to wage war have been weakened.
Therefore, the method of using spies to collect information on an enemy`s military potential or using spies to destory that military potential is one strategy that is out lined in this book. Sonshi says to give priority to victory with wisdom, and using wisdom, not military power, is the preferred way to achieve victory. The Soga Clan first attained and used the Sonshi along with its adoption of Buddhism. There is evidence that Sogano Umako of THe Soga Family assasinated his enemies by using kan ( a spy).
Around this time, Shotoku Taishi, a regret to the Imperial court, created a vast network to collect intelligence, especially relying on Hatano Kawakatsu, who presided over the guilds of over the guilds of entertainers and street vendors who traveled around the country to work local festivals. In addition, the Hata Family, which was granted the office of overseeing the temples and shrines of Ise and Iga, reported all useful information they came across. Their descendants, The Hattori Family, founded Iga School of Ninjutsu Finally, Taishi was close to Ohotomono Sahito. a shinobi, or a gatherer of intelligence. Since Sahito had many informants Taishi often consulted him about incidents, investigations, and trials. It is said that SSahito`s activites became one of the cornerstones of the Koka School of Ninjutsu.
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Bugun size Book of Sonshi den bir bolum yazacagim.
Book of Strategy- Birth of Ninja
It is commonly held that Buddhism introduced into Japan around 538, at this time a Aiunu period. Many strategies are outlined in this book. Forexample; when generally engaging in war, one should first assess the potential of both sides and try to foresee victory or defeat; and when it is apparent that the enemy has the potential to win, then war has to be avoided and the conflict resolved by diplomacy. One should aim at the improvement of one`s military potential continue maneuvers that are destructive to the enemy, and fight only after the enemy`s capabilities to wage war have been weakened.
Therefore, the method of using spies to collect information on an enemy`s military potential or using spies to destory that military potential is one strategy that is out lined in this book. Sonshi says to give priority to victory with wisdom, and using wisdom, not military power, is the preferred way to achieve victory. The Soga Clan first attained and used the Sonshi along with its adoption of Buddhism. There is evidence that Sogano Umako of THe Soga Family assasinated his enemies by using kan ( a spy).
Around this time, Shotoku Taishi, a regret to the Imperial court, created a vast network to collect intelligence, especially relying on Hatano Kawakatsu, who presided over the guilds of over the guilds of entertainers and street vendors who traveled around the country to work local festivals. In addition, the Hata Family, which was granted the office of overseeing the temples and shrines of Ise and Iga, reported all useful information they came across. Their descendants, The Hattori Family, founded Iga School of Ninjutsu Finally, Taishi was close to Ohotomono Sahito. a shinobi, or a gatherer of intelligence. Since Sahito had many informants Taishi often consulted him about incidents, investigations, and trials. It is said that SSahito`s activites became one of the cornerstones of the Koka School of Ninjutsu.
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Artik bu nickle devam edecegim cunku mesaj veyahut post icin yapmiyorum bu olayi. Yanlis anlasilmasini istemiyorum. Ninja-ben
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Kiryu no Sato
Kiryu no Sato means the village where a heavy fog often occurs. The location was the borderline of Ise, in the western part of Mie Prefecture. Generally speaking, any place in Iga has a lot of fog. The fog provided easy cover to hide. One of the most important Iga Ninjutsu tactics was to hide from their enemies. Akuto, a Ninja during the early times, acted fiercely in this area in 1282 according to the Todai-ji Temple Documents. In the age of Japan's civil wars (1467-1603), Iga Ninjas built their castles mostly on mountainsides, like Kiryu, Moroki, Taneo and Takaon (now they belong to Aoyama area). They fought against Oda's forces bravely in Tensyo Iga no Ran in 1581. Their main Ninja group was the Kitabatake families which Oda's forces destroyed in the previous year.
It is said that the legend of Chikata General began in the southern part of Iga. It is about "Fujiwara Chikata." According to the Taiheiki (a feudal army story), in Heian period (782-1185), Chikata resisted the government by using 4 Onis (a Japanese traditional monster, similar to Demon). Their names were, Kinki (the Gold Demon) who had a body of gold, which he used to render his enemies arrows useless. Fu-ki (the Wind Demon) who can control the tremendous wind, which he used to destroy castles. Suiki (the Water Demon) who can control the water, which he used to push down his enemies. And Ongyoki (the Stealth Demon) who was good at hiding himself, which he used to deftly break into castles. Their attacking method was thought to be based on Ninjutsu. They say the Demons were the origin of Iga Ninjas. Yet, Kino Tomoo went to battle them, and after he read the waka (Japanese old type of song) to them, they surrendered.
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Kiryu no Sato
Kiryu no Sato means the village where a heavy fog often occurs. The location was the borderline of Ise, in the western part of Mie Prefecture. Generally speaking, any place in Iga has a lot of fog. The fog provided easy cover to hide. One of the most important Iga Ninjutsu tactics was to hide from their enemies. Akuto, a Ninja during the early times, acted fiercely in this area in 1282 according to the Todai-ji Temple Documents. In the age of Japan's civil wars (1467-1603), Iga Ninjas built their castles mostly on mountainsides, like Kiryu, Moroki, Taneo and Takaon (now they belong to Aoyama area). They fought against Oda's forces bravely in Tensyo Iga no Ran in 1581. Their main Ninja group was the Kitabatake families which Oda's forces destroyed in the previous year.
It is said that the legend of Chikata General began in the southern part of Iga. It is about "Fujiwara Chikata." According to the Taiheiki (a feudal army story), in Heian period (782-1185), Chikata resisted the government by using 4 Onis (a Japanese traditional monster, similar to Demon). Their names were, Kinki (the Gold Demon) who had a body of gold, which he used to render his enemies arrows useless. Fu-ki (the Wind Demon) who can control the tremendous wind, which he used to destroy castles. Suiki (the Water Demon) who can control the water, which he used to push down his enemies. And Ongyoki (the Stealth Demon) who was good at hiding himself, which he used to deftly break into castles. Their attacking method was thought to be based on Ninjutsu. They say the Demons were the origin of Iga Ninjas. Yet, Kino Tomoo went to battle them, and after he read the waka (Japanese old type of song) to them, they surrendered.
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Evet kaldigimiz yerden devam ediyoruz;
Way of the Survive-2-
A Ninja`s costume is known as " Ninniku Yoroi" -Ninniku Armor-. Ninniku literally means `forbearance` and also refers to a Buddhist monk`s robes. Spirit of the Ninja is thus based on the principle of bearing insults and swallowing the desire for revenge. In other words, the fundamantel rule of the Ninja when faced with an enemy`s attack is evade it naturally and disappear,using Ninpou Taijutsu (concealment skills somtimes referred to as Tongyou no Jutsu). Only when no other option is left open would a Ninja make us of natural principles and methods to fell his opponent.
Ninja did not value survival because of a fear of death they Exercised endurance throughout their secretive lives in order to protect their families, their clans, and their country. Their harsh training endowed them with a though but pliant spirit and taijutsu skills suitable for comping with any situation, together with a sense of awareness that had universal appliacation. Ninjutsu is the ultimate taijutsu; Ninja shows no intention to fight, and perserveres not with some "noble cause" but simply with the spirit of enduring the cruelties of both life and death. His life is a solitary path, bound on either side, as if in a cycle of death and rebirth, by the act of Isshi Soden (transmission to a sole disciple). His aim is to attain the enlightenment described by the first words of the Buddha: Yuiga Dokuson, "Alone in the world. I am exalted. "
Bugunluk bu kadar yarin kaldigimiz yerden devam ediyoruz. Buraya kadar ozverili sekilde okudugunuz icin tesekkur ederim. Sizinle bu video yu paylasmak istiyorum. Bu vide Koga yada Koka ailesinin yetistirilis tarzini anlatir.
Ninja Documentary
Iyi izlemeler.
Way of the Survive-2-
A Ninja`s costume is known as " Ninniku Yoroi" -Ninniku Armor-. Ninniku literally means `forbearance` and also refers to a Buddhist monk`s robes. Spirit of the Ninja is thus based on the principle of bearing insults and swallowing the desire for revenge. In other words, the fundamantel rule of the Ninja when faced with an enemy`s attack is evade it naturally and disappear,using Ninpou Taijutsu (concealment skills somtimes referred to as Tongyou no Jutsu). Only when no other option is left open would a Ninja make us of natural principles and methods to fell his opponent.
Ninja did not value survival because of a fear of death they Exercised endurance throughout their secretive lives in order to protect their families, their clans, and their country. Their harsh training endowed them with a though but pliant spirit and taijutsu skills suitable for comping with any situation, together with a sense of awareness that had universal appliacation. Ninjutsu is the ultimate taijutsu; Ninja shows no intention to fight, and perserveres not with some "noble cause" but simply with the spirit of enduring the cruelties of both life and death. His life is a solitary path, bound on either side, as if in a cycle of death and rebirth, by the act of Isshi Soden (transmission to a sole disciple). His aim is to attain the enlightenment described by the first words of the Buddha: Yuiga Dokuson, "Alone in the world. I am exalted. "
Bugunluk bu kadar yarin kaldigimiz yerden devam ediyoruz. Buraya kadar ozverili sekilde okudugunuz icin tesekkur ederim. Sizinle bu video yu paylasmak istiyorum. Bu vide Koga yada Koka ailesinin yetistirilis tarzini anlatir.
Ninja Documentary
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Evet kaldigimiz yerden devam ediyoruz;
Ninja History -1-
The history of the Ninja is long and ancient. Some say it extends back for over 2500 years, but in fact there are records going back as far as 4300 years. It would be fair to say that it has been around ever since homo sapiens first appeared. The oroginal Shinobi no Mono (disguise art) would have developed a wide variety of Shinobi arts using stones, sticks, vines and the like. Old stories say that they played an important role as ` behind- the - scenes ` forces in Okume no Mikoto`s natioin-building operations and Emperor Jimmu`s subjugation of Yamato, which legends place at around 600 BC. Some old documents also state that Price Shoutoku (574-622) used Shinobi no Mono.
This venerable Japanese art of Ninjutsu was also subject to influence from overseas. Even today, the Ninpou Taijutsu legacy includes techniques called Senban- nage (throwing of thin iron plates) and Hichou- jutsu ( misunderstood by many to mean ` leaping techniques` although it actually refers to ways of neutralizing the oppenent`s own techniques.) These are part of the Gyokko school of Kosshi-jutsu and the Kotou School of Kppou- jutsu, which were apparently brought to Japan from China by Kenzou who was sailor man. He was captured in China land and he was becoming a slave. And then he was running away his cell. And then he hid in Mountains and learn Zen religion and Zen Priest`s defence techniques. And he was going back Japans again and he was living on Mountain. And they called him Tengu. And he invented first Ninpou-taijutsu.
According to the Denshou (written records) of the TOgakure School, the Togakure style of Ninjutsu was founded by Togakure Daisuke. In 1181, Taira forces set out with tens of thousands of troops in order to subdue Kiso Yoshinaka (1154-84), who had raised an army to overthrow their grip on power. Yoshinaka aimed to intercept them, and commanded his whole army from a cave overlooking the Susobana river, which flows through the Togakure (now called Togakushi) mountains. THe place where Yoshinaka stationed his troops and raised the battle cry is known even now as Lord Kiso`s Cave. Yoshinaka`s forces included a sixteen-year-old vassal named Shima Kosanta Minamoto no Kanesada, who was said to have undergone austere training in the Togakure area and to have mastered Senban- nage and Hichou- jutsu along with similar techniques peculiar to Shugendou, the mountain asceitcism which was now spreading throughout the country. Incidentally Takamtasu Sensei alsi practiced Shundeou at its most imporant site, the Mumano mountains , and became its head the " Top Tengu ". (T.Daisuke educated by Kenzou the Tengu.)
By 1184, Yoshinaka`s luck had run out and he died in battle. Kanesada had mean while been wounded in many places as he cut his way through, 3.000 horsemen under Fujiwara Hidehira, and had collapsed from his severe injuries. He was rescued by a Taoist sage known by the epithet Kasumi-gakure- " Hiding in the mist " and escaped with him to the mountains of Iga. In time the sage accepted him as his student and trained him in the martial ways of Ninpou-taijutsu. Shima Kosanto Minamoto no Kanesada later changed his name to Togakure Daisuke, and established Togakure-ryu as a new style of Ninjutsu in the Iga area.
It is the way of the world that winners do not cease attacking until they have wiped out their opponents and secured their newly gained position, while the exhausted losers try to escape by heading out into the mountains, far from human habitation. In this way, Fujiwara fugitives, as well as the warriors defeated during the Taira- Minamoto conflict, and later those from the Nothern-Southern courts (1336-92), sought refuge in places such as Iga or Kouga (Koka,Koga), and established themselves as rural Samurai. However, they were hunted down rigorously, and these rural Samurai found themselves obliged to create and refine Tongyou (evasion) techniques, so that they and their families could escape and survive. It is their research which, systematically enchanced over time, gave birth to Ninjutsu, Ninpou Taijutsu.
On the other hand, the proximity of these rural Samurai to Kyoto(Kyouto) meant that they were ideally placed to be `early adopters` of the newly imported scicence of explosives, which they combined with home-grown Ninja tolls. They were also exposed to foreign philosophies such as Qimen- Dunja ( directional divination related to Reiki and Feng Shui), which enetered Japan via the " three roads "- the two overland Silk Roads and the marine Silk Road. If the occasion arose, they would enter the field and exert themselves on the side of Justice, for example by gathering troops loyal to the Imperial Court.
Alintidir- Ninja- Way of The Survive Pack.
Buraya kadar ozverili ve ilgili sekilde okudugunuz icin cok tesekkur ederim. Yarin devam edecegiz.
Ninja History -1-
The history of the Ninja is long and ancient. Some say it extends back for over 2500 years, but in fact there are records going back as far as 4300 years. It would be fair to say that it has been around ever since homo sapiens first appeared. The oroginal Shinobi no Mono (disguise art) would have developed a wide variety of Shinobi arts using stones, sticks, vines and the like. Old stories say that they played an important role as ` behind- the - scenes ` forces in Okume no Mikoto`s natioin-building operations and Emperor Jimmu`s subjugation of Yamato, which legends place at around 600 BC. Some old documents also state that Price Shoutoku (574-622) used Shinobi no Mono.
This venerable Japanese art of Ninjutsu was also subject to influence from overseas. Even today, the Ninpou Taijutsu legacy includes techniques called Senban- nage (throwing of thin iron plates) and Hichou- jutsu ( misunderstood by many to mean ` leaping techniques` although it actually refers to ways of neutralizing the oppenent`s own techniques.) These are part of the Gyokko school of Kosshi-jutsu and the Kotou School of Kppou- jutsu, which were apparently brought to Japan from China by Kenzou who was sailor man. He was captured in China land and he was becoming a slave. And then he was running away his cell. And then he hid in Mountains and learn Zen religion and Zen Priest`s defence techniques. And he was going back Japans again and he was living on Mountain. And they called him Tengu. And he invented first Ninpou-taijutsu.
According to the Denshou (written records) of the TOgakure School, the Togakure style of Ninjutsu was founded by Togakure Daisuke. In 1181, Taira forces set out with tens of thousands of troops in order to subdue Kiso Yoshinaka (1154-84), who had raised an army to overthrow their grip on power. Yoshinaka aimed to intercept them, and commanded his whole army from a cave overlooking the Susobana river, which flows through the Togakure (now called Togakushi) mountains. THe place where Yoshinaka stationed his troops and raised the battle cry is known even now as Lord Kiso`s Cave. Yoshinaka`s forces included a sixteen-year-old vassal named Shima Kosanta Minamoto no Kanesada, who was said to have undergone austere training in the Togakure area and to have mastered Senban- nage and Hichou- jutsu along with similar techniques peculiar to Shugendou, the mountain asceitcism which was now spreading throughout the country. Incidentally Takamtasu Sensei alsi practiced Shundeou at its most imporant site, the Mumano mountains , and became its head the " Top Tengu ". (T.Daisuke educated by Kenzou the Tengu.)
By 1184, Yoshinaka`s luck had run out and he died in battle. Kanesada had mean while been wounded in many places as he cut his way through, 3.000 horsemen under Fujiwara Hidehira, and had collapsed from his severe injuries. He was rescued by a Taoist sage known by the epithet Kasumi-gakure- " Hiding in the mist " and escaped with him to the mountains of Iga. In time the sage accepted him as his student and trained him in the martial ways of Ninpou-taijutsu. Shima Kosanto Minamoto no Kanesada later changed his name to Togakure Daisuke, and established Togakure-ryu as a new style of Ninjutsu in the Iga area.
It is the way of the world that winners do not cease attacking until they have wiped out their opponents and secured their newly gained position, while the exhausted losers try to escape by heading out into the mountains, far from human habitation. In this way, Fujiwara fugitives, as well as the warriors defeated during the Taira- Minamoto conflict, and later those from the Nothern-Southern courts (1336-92), sought refuge in places such as Iga or Kouga (Koka,Koga), and established themselves as rural Samurai. However, they were hunted down rigorously, and these rural Samurai found themselves obliged to create and refine Tongyou (evasion) techniques, so that they and their families could escape and survive. It is their research which, systematically enchanced over time, gave birth to Ninjutsu, Ninpou Taijutsu.
On the other hand, the proximity of these rural Samurai to Kyoto(Kyouto) meant that they were ideally placed to be `early adopters` of the newly imported scicence of explosives, which they combined with home-grown Ninja tolls. They were also exposed to foreign philosophies such as Qimen- Dunja ( directional divination related to Reiki and Feng Shui), which enetered Japan via the " three roads "- the two overland Silk Roads and the marine Silk Road. If the occasion arose, they would enter the field and exert themselves on the side of Justice, for example by gathering troops loyal to the Imperial Court.
Alintidir- Ninja- Way of The Survive Pack.
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