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Dr. Richard Garriott de Cayeux'den mektup var


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Ultima 8 hakkinda Richard Garriott'in soyledigi seyler:

The counsel -- and sometimes it was more than just counsel -- I would get from EA was that the schedule was the dominant issue. Once we started down the path on Ultima 8, I decided I would be a good corporate citizen and walk the walk and talk the talk. And as Ultima 8 got into scheduling trouble, as every Ultima always did, rather than make a decision as we had in the past to hold the game until it was polished, we began to cut things out to stay on schedule. And we cut and we cut and we cut and the game that was finally released was not only shipped early even for the cut version (and therefore buggy), but also had its guts ripped out as far as being an Ultima."

"It's really sad because there are parts of it I think were done very well, in the sense that the tile graphics and the foundation were outstanding. It had by far the most detailed character animation of any game to date. It was way ahead of its time in many years, but just wasn't a complete game."

Soyledikleri benim hatirladiklarima uyuyor. Guzel grafikli ama Ultima serisine yakismayacak siglikta bir oyundu.
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Grafikleri çok iyiydi sanat eseri olabilir ama oyun ultima evrenine hikayesine o kadar tersti. Çocuk kesmekten tutun,virtues ile alakası olmayan tam tersi şeyleri yapmamız, oyunun çoğu mekanlarının birbirinin aynı olması, hep aynı tarz dungeon olması, saçma salak zıplama mekaniği sayesinde oyunun platform olayına dönüp ayrıca bi faillemesi, say say bitmez U8 ilk gördüğümde benide çok heyecanlandırmıştı ama Garriot ve komutanın dediği gibi oyun çok eksikti.
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romslayer said:
adam bu ise nasil basladigini anlatmis ultima serisini playerlardan gelen feedbacklere gore yapildigini falan filan. sonra demiski eaden beni kovanlar artik yok, ea in yeni elemanlariyla f2p imsi free trial i olan sonradan buy and play e donen bir oyun yapalim, cunku gidip 50 dolara oyun alip sonradan begenmemek kotu vs vs

kisaca bu.

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axedice said:

Many traditional gamers are concerned about the growth of the new social and mobile gaming and its impact on games with meaning and depth. They are doubtful that this era will provide them the Ultimate RPG experience they crave. But this new era has unearthed some powerful new tools that add to the value of an Ultimate RPG.

The install and intro to the game has been written in a way that you understand the game within minutes…not hours. After you have played long enough to know it’s worth the money, you are asked to pay by whatever method you find acceptable.

The new world will start smaller, thinner and lighter. It will have fewer features than some or most MMOs. Critical elements of the story I have just told may be missing upon launch.

Invite in your new friends who are new to gaming. They will be a new spirit and provide new ideas about what to do. They will likely not tolerate bad instructions, bad interface or huge upfront fees, which is a good thing!

Casualları hedef alan hafif bi p2win browser/ayfon mmosu yapıcaz mı diyor, ben mi paranoyak oldum?

Bende bundan korkuyorum. Acikcasi zynga olayi cok kotu oldu. Sanirim Richard ta bu tarz bisiye girmek istiyor.
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