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Sannin said:


bir sene içinde 4 milyon diyorum ben ne diyosunuz? =)

O rakamı bulabiliceğini içimdeki derin şüphelere rağmen düşünsem de o rakamı elinde tutabiliceğini sanmıyorum(bir çok kişi gw2ye kadar takılıyım modla başlıyor zaten).İşi zor gw2,d3,wow ek paket vs vs geliyor.Ne kadar oyuncusu olucağı EU ve NA bölgesine bağlı.Blizz,Asya bölgesindeki ekmeği kimseye kaptırmaz.
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Sannin said:

vallahi kendi bilir..Koca star-wars ismini tutumuşun koymuşun, dağıtım ağı ea, içerik bioware , hikaye lucas...

yani bunu da patlatırlarsa ne tutar bilmiyorum..adam akıllı oturup düşünecekelr ilerisini..

bunun üstüne de pek bişi söylenmez artık..

Çok kısa sürede çok yüksek sayıda kullanıcıya ulasabilirler ama bunları ellerinde tutmaları kendilerine bağlı.D3 daha farklı bir yerde oyuncu gözün de ama GW2 ye daha çok var o çıkana kadar sağlam bir yapı oluştururlarsa yeni amiral gemisi olabilir swtor.
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yeni gelecek content hakkında çok kısa süre önceki bir röpörtajı aktarıyorum.



As far as post launch content goes, I know you guys have been fairly locked down on features for launch for quite some time, but I'm sure that hasn't stopped you all from brainstorming or even sitting on tons of things you want to get in post launch. Can you talk about a few of your highest priority features or additions you are looking to add post-launch? How soon can we expect some of these?

What I can say, and I think there’s going to be an announcement to this effect by our very own James Ohlen in the next few days, but most of what we have planned for post-launch is direct feedback we got from our testers. Kind of going on a year in our testing program, it’s really been all about hearing what the players have to say. We have our own huge list of the stuff we think would be awesome to add to the game, but we’re making sure we prioritize based on the feedback we’re actually getting.
So, some of the things I know people have mentioned are, “Hey. When are we going to see more end game content?” Well, we’re absolutely going to be rolling that out and we’re going to be rolling that out relatively quickly and on a schedule people can count on. So the people know that when they really want to be doing cool Flashpoints and even Warzones, they’re going to be getting those on a regular basis.
In terms of features, one of the areas I know people have asked for more features is in our support of guilds. I can’t tell you specifically the extra guild features we’re going to be rolling out, but that’s another place that, again, it’s entirely based on, we also want these features, but getting the feedback from the players and saying, “Hey. You guys have been giving great feedback on the game that is there, and we’re trying to make sure that’s the best it can be, but what are the top five things you as users would really like to see in the first three months, six months, nine months of the game that makes you feel that this is a game that understands you as a user and supports you as a long term player of the game”

Arkadaşlar bu umut veriyor..Yani zaten kendilerinde ne yapmaları ne içerik koymaları gerektiğine dair koca bi liste varmış,bu listedeki sıralamayı oyuncualrdan gelen geridönüşlere göre uygulayacaklarmış..
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Sannin said:

yeni gelecek content hakkında çok kısa süre önceki bir röpörtajı aktarıyorum.



As far as post launch content goes, I know you guys have been fairly locked down on features for launch for quite some time, but I'm sure that hasn't stopped you all from brainstorming or even sitting on tons of things you want to get in post launch. Can you talk about a few of your highest priority features or additions you are looking to add post-launch? How soon can we expect some of these?

What I can say, and I think there’s going to be an announcement to this effect by our very own James Ohlen in the next few days, but most of what we have planned for post-launch is direct feedback we got from our testers. Kind of going on a year in our testing program, it’s really been all about hearing what the players have to say. We have our own huge list of the stuff we think would be awesome to add to the game, but we’re making sure we prioritize based on the feedback we’re actually getting.
So, some of the things I know people have mentioned are, “Hey. When are we going to see more end game content?” Well, we’re absolutely going to be rolling that out and we’re going to be rolling that out relatively quickly and on a schedule people can count on. So the people know that when they really want to be doing cool Flashpoints and even Warzones, they’re going to be getting those on a regular basis.
In terms of features, one of the areas I know people have asked for more features is in our support of guilds. I can’t tell you specifically the extra guild features we’re going to be rolling out, but that’s another place that, again, it’s entirely based on, we also want these features, but getting the feedback from the players and saying, “Hey. You guys have been giving great feedback on the game that is there, and we’re trying to make sure that’s the best it can be, but what are the top five things you as users would really like to see in the first three months, six months, nine months of the game that makes you feel that this is a game that understands you as a user and supports you as a long term player of the game”

Arkadaşlar bu umut veriyor..Yani zaten kendilerinde ne yapmaları ne içerik koymaları gerektiğine dair koca bi liste varmış,bu listedeki sıralamayı oyuncualrdan gelen geridönüşlere göre uygulayacaklarmış..

biowarein önemli sınavlarından biri,end-gamedeki oyuncuların sıkılmasını engelleyerek onları oyunda tutmak olucaktır zaten.Ellerinde böyle bir liste olması güzel haber.Umarım ki bu içerikler sağlam içeriklerdir.Çoğu firma oyuna başlangıçta eklenmesi gereken şeyleri eklemeyip,bunları patchlerle oyuna koyup,şu kadar patch çıkardık bla bla diyebiiyor.(Trion buna benzer işler yaptı)

Konuşmacı,diğer tüm oyun yapımcılarının söylediği,oyuncuları dinleyeceğiz bla blalarını da demiş.Bu sefer umarım gerçekten böyle olur.
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RRa said:

ultima online sizi elinde tutmak için birşey mi yapiyordu acaba? biraz oyuncular olarak bu sefer belki de oyunda tutunmaya çalışırsanız daha iyi olur, herşeyi oyundan beklemek yerine...

Birşey yapmıycaklar demedim,icraat görmek istediğimi,laflara karnımım tok olduğunu söyledim.Oyun çıkınca göreceğiz herşeyi.Ayrıca zaman artık değişti,2012 yılında bir sürü mmmo geliyor.SWTOR'un rakibi bol,oyunu beğenmezsem başlarım başka mmoya.
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