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wowaholic olmak...


Öne çıkan mesajlar

Çoğu kişinin kendinden bir cümle bulucağını düşünüyorum eu forumlarında paylaşılmış bir durum..
There is my story here.
In 2004 as a young 25years man with big plans and hopes left country and moved to other to make a life, get a family etc.
Being a foreign in new country without any documents and place to live in begin was hard, could only work on low paid jobs, rent a small flat and stuff like that.
Wasn't type of person going to bars or discos, free time was spending in front of TV or in Net cafes chatting with random people, playng chess.
In 2006, in one of those cafes saw someone playing WoW, game made me curious and took a trial account in one evening. It was amazing, only left that net cafe after 49 hours when barely could keep eyes open.
Of course imediately bought game, but since i didn't have a pc was playing at same net cafe.
Wasn't earning very much, but didn't care, all free time i had was dedicated to this game. By luck found a new job, hard work , but well paid, continued to play WoW during nights, days was busy at work. Evryone can imagine how a person become to look like after a few months with only 2-3 hours sleep in 24h. Happend twice to me to fell asleep while was driving, thanks God didn't make an accident. This didn't scare me and continued to play.
In 2007, met a woman ingame that lived in a neibhour city. We started to chat, more and more, happened 3 days in row for me to fell asleep in front of pc and to not go to work, on 4th day got fired. Because didnt pay rent for 2 months and all money spent in netcafe and food from fast-food, owner told me to leave it. With winter close and being in foreign country it was a tough situation for me. No job and no place to live.
So complained to that woman from WoW and she offered to help me by letting to stay at her place, she didn't have any relation, we kind of had same hobbies and interests and combined with my situation was happy to move to her.
Long story short, went to her, we did like each other and a nice relation started.
And since she had an impresive job i didnt have to look for one at that moment, with her money she bought other PC so we can play toghether, offered herself to help me get citizenship.It was like a dream...that period was in begin of TBC(november '07).
All i was doing was playing daily for hours. pvp, leveling alts, got into hardcore raiding guild, arena etc. She was playing too,raiding, but also working in real life.
Very soon i felt there as home and with no financial troubles started to care less and less about real life stuff. Didn't bother to make documents, didn't look for job, wasn't helping in house, started to ignore her more and more. All that counted was my gear, our guild rank, recount top. During wotlk my girlfriend, woman that offered me so much without any obligation stopped to play. She still didn't ask me to look for job or stop playing, just asked to help in house stuff. Guess what? it was to much for me, i wouldn't bother to leave arena to get trash out. And with months going on, my addiction was stronger and stronger. She was still hoping that ill get bored and stop playing, but...
Two years ago we started to fight, "silly reasons" : GF asks, want to go out tonight? my answer : no im raiding tonight. GF : want to watch a movie toghether? me same answer as 1st question; GF: can you prepare dinner tonight? me: get out , im doing arena.That was daily discusions. If she make a crysis and start yelling i just sit there quiet, waiting her to start cry and go other room and going back to WoW. She warned me more times during last year that if i dont stop with WOW we gonna break up, pretended to not hear it, didn't care, important was my gearscore. Who would believe that this situation lasted 4 years...untill last week when she told me that we break up, she found someone else and want me to leave her place. Now what i achieved in the last 4 years? there is a list:
11 x 85 characters, 629days played time, glasses( before starting to play had perfect eyes), ulcer from all that coffee and cigarets and forgeting to eat, still no documents for citizienship done even if im in country for 7 years already, no job and no place to live.
Not blaming WoW with this post, just told my story, if there are other addicted people like me and read this, think about your life, don't forget real priorietes or people who care about you, love you, don't miss opportunietes that arise while you playing.
After a week without WoW, looking behind at last years the only feeling i get is shame, feel myself very miserable. Want to somehow thank that person that helped me so much and offered me so much, but was invisble to me because i was trying heroic modes.
So people, do not let yourself become addicted, or if you have a close person, a friend that become addicted help him, before it's too late. why didn't i find wowaholics.org 2 years ago.
sorry for mystakes and wall of text.
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