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Lulzsec and Anonymous Declare Open War Against All Governments and Fat Cats

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Masakari said:

Dragonmax said:

Ne yapacaklar peki? Ülkelerin balistik füze sistemlerine girip birbirlerine füze mi attiracaklar ?

Yok bu dediğini skynet yapıyor.

[video]http://vimeo.com/25118844?feature=oembed" width="459">

Mesaj tarihi:
Breyking Nivs;
Su an itibari ile Arizona sinir guvenliginin baya bir classified datasini torrente dokmusler ehuh.

"We are releasing hundreds of private intelligence bulletins, training manuals,
personal email correspondence, names, phone numbers, addresses and passwords
belonging to Arizona law enforcement. We are targeting AZDPS specifically
because we are against SB1070 and the racial profiling anti-immigrant police
state that is Arizona.

The documents classified as "law enforcement sensitive", "not for public
distribution", and "for official use only" are primarily related to border
patrol and counter-terrorism operations and describe the use of informants to
infiltrate various gangs, cartels, motorcycle clubs, Nazi groups, and protest

Every week we plan on releasing more classified documents and embarassing
personal details of military and law enforcement in an effort not just to reveal
their racist and corrupt nature but to purposefully sabotage their efforts to
terrorize communities fighting an unjust "war on drugs".

Hackers of the world are uniting and taking direct action against our common
oppressors - the government, corporations, police, and militaries of the world.
See you again real soon! ;D"
Mesaj tarihi:

dijitalin reelden ayrık olmadığını ancak reelde güç sahibi olmayanların da dijitalde etkin olabilmesini gerçek dünya nasıl karşılayacak önümüzdeki 10sene içinde gerçekten merak ediyorum.
Mesaj tarihi:
Bu gece 50. gün hediyesi ayarlamışlar, torrent var yine. İndirmeye yine gözüm yemedi tabii:

50 Days of Lulz.txt 2.64 KiB
booty/AOL internal data.txt 63.6 KiB
booty/AT&T internal data.rar 314.59 MiB
booty/Battlefield Heroes Beta (550k users).csv 24.67 MiB
booty/FBI being silly.txt 3.82 KiB
booty/Hackforums.net (200k users).sql 111.2 MiB
booty/Nato-bookshop.org (12k users).csv 941.8 KiB
booty/Office networks of corporations.txt 3.87 KiB
booty/Private Investigator Emails.txt 2.52 KiB
booty/Random gaming forums (50k users).txt 6.08 MiB
booty/Silly routers.txt 67.7 KiB
booty/navy.mil owned.png
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