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aynı zone'a tekrar ve tekrar gelesin diye gerekli gearları buldukça, konsol olunca oyunu 2. el değiştirme aralığı uzuyore böle aldığının 3. günü geri götürüp değişmesin oyunu diye yapıyorlar öle,

moblarda hep respawn oluyo zaten :p
Mesaj tarihi:
Yesterday, Darksiders 2 Community Manager Mathew Everett took to the official forums and apologised about misleading their fans about the lack of features -- and that the team is looking into a way to release a patch to possibly address some of these issues:

During the Community Summit both Jay Fitzloff and I (Mathew Everett) were under the impression that full .config files and final keyboard/mouse and controller hookups were going to work as promised when the PC version of the game launched. That was the plan at the time from a specifications perspective.

Unfortunately, especially at the end of the development cycle, sometimes things change at the last minute, and this was one of them. This puts us in an uncomfortable spot as we were acting on the best information we had at the time, and it has turned out not to be in the final game (at this point).

Since it was always the intention to implement these features, as I type this, the development team is checking to see what items can get added into the game. While I can't promise what can be done, I can promise we are working with the proper teams and have expressed the importance of including them in a patch.

For attendees of the community event who reported the information that everyone thought was true at the time: our apologies. We did not mean to put you in a position of putting facts out there that would prove to be inaccurate: you are our partners (and our friends). Please link this post to your sites so that your fans know the error was not intentional on anyone's part and we are doing everything we can to address it. We will circle back when we have more information. And, once again, our sincerest apologies to both attendees to the Community Summit, and their fanbase for the mistake on our part.

Darksiders II Community Manager

Mesaj tarihi:
Güzel bi possessed orak buldum tüm itemları yedirdim lol, ama diğer possesed itemlardan pek bişi kazanmıo gibi, sarıları da yediremiyoruz zaten onlarda vendor junk
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