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NBA Draft 2011

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Mesaj tarihi:
enes draft öncesi kamplarda falan baya iyi gidiyor, kondisyon testi tarzı bir şeyde 22 dakika ile big man rekoru mu ne kırmış. 3-4 ten gider gibi duruyo artık.
Mesaj tarihi:
4ü verip 2yi almaya kasıolar işte. yokse hem 1 hem 2 hem 4 yedirmezler adamlara :D
realgm said:

In the trade being discussed, Cleveland would absorb Detroit's Richard Hamilton into the $14.6 million trade exception it received in last summer's LeBron James sign-and-trade with Miami, while also receiving the Pistons' No. 8 pick. The Cavaliers would then send that pick, along with their fourth pick, to Minnesota for the Timberwolves' second pick.

Cleveland would then buy Hamilton out of the $25 million remaining in the last two years on his contract, leaving the veteran shooting guard free to sign with another club as a free agent.

Read more: http://basketball.realgm.com/wiretap/213895/Cavaliers_In_Trade_Talks_With_Timberwolves_Pistons_For_No_2_Pick#ixzz1NiiYfx7x
Mesaj tarihi:
"realgm'den biri" said:
I'm watching NBA Gametime on NBA TV and just heard Kanter say that he envisions himself becoming a player that has Pau's post game, Dirk's jumpshot and Dwight's toughness

Bi yavaş ol Enesçim.
Mesaj tarihi:
Yalnız Enes harbi olur onlar. Yani yarın olmaz ama bir 10 sene sonra cidden hall of fame olabilecek kapasite de bir yeteneği var ama gel gelelim Türk adam orda 10 milyon dolar yıllık dediği gün antreman yapmayı bırakır.
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