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Dota 2


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Mesaj tarihi:
Başka birisinin hazırladığı bir cfgye bişiley ekleyip çıkarttıydım zamanında benim cfg'yi koyuyorum içinden, fps vs ne istersen alabilirsin. autoexec.cfg dosyası yarat ve onu spoilerın tepesinde gösterdiği gibi uygun klasöre ekle.


//Put into dota 2 config folder "cfg"
//C:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappscommondota 2 betadotacfg
//Press F1 if certain binds do not work or unbind everything in the games GUI control options EXCEPT the hero skills/autocast/mousebinds.

"dota_always_show_player_names" "1"

"con_enable" "1" //Derp
"developer" "1" //Developer mode

//Console output
"con_filter_enable" "1" //Enable filters
"con_filter_text" "!!!" //Write filter settings
"con_notifytime" "3" //How long to display recent console text to the upper part of the game window
"con_nprint_bgalpha" "50" //Con_NPrint background alpha.
"con_nprint_bgborder" "5" //Con_NPrint border size.
"contimes" "8" //Number of console lines to overlay for debugging.


"rate" "80000" //Total amount of bandwidth Dota 2 may use (Default "80000")
"cl_updaterate" "40" //Amount of updates recieved from server per second (Min/Max "20-40")
"cl_cmdrate" "40" //Amount of updates sent to server per second (Min/Max "20-40")
"cl_interp" "0" //cl_interp 1 / cl_updaterate * (cl_interp_ratio ) (Default "0.1")
"cl_interp_ratio" "1" //Multiplies final result of cl_interp (Default "2")
"cl_smoothtime" "0.01" //When errors occur smooth display over X time, 0 Disables (Default "0.1")
"net_graph" "1"
"net_graphheight" "64"
"net_graphinsetbottom" "437"
"net_graphinsetleft" "0"
"net_graphinsetright" "-83"
"net_graphpos" "1"
"net_graphproportionalfont" "0"
"net_graphtext" "1"
//Performance Tweaks

"fps_max" "120" //Max FPS for client to render (Default "120")
"mat_vsync" "0" //VSYNC on/off ("0" Disables "1" Enabled)
"mat_triplebuffered" "0" //Enable with vsync for a performance boost if fps is less than 60 ("0" Disables "1" Enabled)

// (Min "0" Max "1.0")
"snd_musicvolume" "0" //Ingame music volume (Min "0" Max "1.0")

//Dota related settings

"dota_camera_speed" "5500" //Camera speed when scrolling (Default "3000")
"dota_camera_accelerate" "49" //Decelerating map scroll ("50" instant stop "1" smooth slowdown)
"dota_disable_range_finder" "1" //Shows spells are withing casting range of targeted area/target ("0" Disables "1" Enabled)
"dota_range_display" "1" //Range indicator around hero showing that specific range ("0" Disables)
"dota_ability_quick_cast" "1" //Self cast spells on double click ("0" Disables "1" Enabled)
"dota_player_multipler_orders" "1" //Enables CTRL to issue command to all units including hero ("0" Disables "1" Enabled)
"dota_player_units_auto_attack" "1" //Hero autoattack stance ("0" Passive "1" Agressive)
"dota_force_right_click_attack" "1" //Force right clicks to attack anything ("0" Disables "1" Enabled)
//"dota_gamescom_althack" "0" //Alt modifier + qwe/asd to be inv keys ("0" Disables "1" Enabled)
"dota_shop_recommended_open" "1" //Recommended items for hero when open shop menu ("0" Disables "1" Enabled)
"dota_shop_force_hotkeys" "0" //Force using shop hotkeys when buying from shops ("0" Disables "1" Enabled)
"dota_sf_game_end_delay" "0" //Delay for scoreboard at end (Locked Server Side value "10")
"dota_health_per_vertical_marker" "250" //Health segmenting in the lifebar (Default "250")
"dota_health_marker_major_alpha" "255" //Opacity major healthbar divider (Default "255" "0" invisible "255" opaque)
"dota_health_marker_minor_alpha" "128" //Opacity minor healthbar divider (Default "128" "0" invisible "255" opaque)

"dota_minimap_hero_size" "600" //Hero icons on minimap (Default 600)
"dota_minimap_misclick_time" "0" //Removes delay before allowing input on minimap (Default "0.02")
"dota_minimap_tower_defend_distance" "250" //Distance from tower to iniate ping tower instead of ping map (Default "500")
"dota_minimap_ping_duration" "3" //Duration of pings (Default "3")

//Fade time on DMG done/recieved reduced to almost instant
"dota_health_hurt_decay_time_max" "0" (Default "0.8")
"dota_health_hurt_decay_time_min" "0" (Default "0.3")
"dota_health_hurt_delay" "0" (Default "0.1")
"dota_pain_decay" "0" (Default "0.8")
"dota_pain_factor" "0" (Default "3")
"dota_pain_fade_rate" "0" (Default "3")
"dota_pain_multiplier" "0" (Default "0.8")

//Custom Binds

"bind" "F1" "toggleconsole" //Toggle console "MUST use ` or F1 if to return to game"
"bind" "F2" "exec autoexec.cfg" //Exec autoexec.cfg manually "USE WHEN CONNECTING to any game server since dota 2 executes the clients game settings every connect" or unbind the keys in the GUI"
"bind" "F3" "jpeg" //Screenshot
"bind" "F4" "dota_pause" //Pause

//Proper hold position behavior
"bind" "a" "dota_player_units_auto_attack 1;mc_attack" //Attack clicks leave aggressive stance
"bind" "s" "dota_player_units_auto_attack 1;dota_stop" //Stop leaves aggressive stance
"bind" "c" "dota_player_units_auto_attack 0;dota_hold" //Hold leaves passive stance
"bind" "x" "mc_move" //Move click

//Hero skills
"bind" "q" "dota_ability_execute 0"
"bind" "w" "dota_ability_execute 1"
"bind" "d" "dota_ability_execute 3"
"bind" "e" "dota_ability_execute 2"
"bind" "f" "dota_ability_execute 4"
"bind" "r" "dota_ability_execute 5"

"bind" "TAB" "dota_cycle_selected" //Cycle through selected units
"bind" "F5" "+showgraph" //Scoreboard + apm in console
"bind" "CAPSLOCK" "+voicerecord" //Ingame Mic
"bind" "b" "toggleshoppanel" //Open/Close shops
"bind" "2" "dota_select_courier" //Courier
"bind" "v" "quick_courier" //Instant courier control
"bind" "ENTER" "say" //Chat
"bind" "h" "range" //Range Indicators (Meele Attack,"Common" Ranged Attack, Tower Range, Smoke Range, Dagger Range "1150 is ideal not to overshoot the blink")
"bind" "g" "dota_select_all_others" //Selects all units except hero
"bind" "" "switch" //Toggle script for Q/Q orbing, R/R haunting


//Courier picks up whole stash and brings it to you with speedup before returning to base
"alias" "quick_courier" "dota_select_courier; dota_ability_execute 2; dota_ability_execute 3; dota_ability_execute 4; +dota_camera_follow"

//Shows scoreboard and APM in the console
"alias" "+showgraph" "+showscores;dota_apm"
"alias" "-showgraph" "-showscores"

//Multiple range indicators
"alias" "range" "range1"
"alias" "range1" "dota_range_display 128;alias range range2;echo !!!_Melee_range_128"
"alias" "range2" "dota_range_display 600;alias range range3;echo !!!_Ranged_Attack_600"
"alias" "range3" "dota_range_display 700;alias range range4;echo !!!_Tower_Range_700"
"alias" "range4" "dota_range_display 950;alias range range5;echo !!!_Smoke_Range_950"
"alias" "range5" "dota_range_display 1150;alias range range0;echo !!!_Dagger_Range_1200"
"alias" "range0" "dota_range_display 0;alias range range1;echo !!!_Disabled"

//Puck orb teleport Q to Q, Spectre ulti R to R
alias "Switch" "Switch1"
alias "Switch1" "alias Switch Switch2;bind q puckMode;echo !!!_PuckQQKey_Enabled"
alias "Switch2" "alias Switch Switch3;bind r spectreMode;bind q normalQ;echo !!!_SpecRRKey_Enabled"
alias "Switch3" "alias Switch Switch1;bind r normalR;echo !!!_Dota_Keys_Default"
alias "normalR" "dota_ability_execute 5"
alias "normalQ" "dota_ability_execute 0"
alias "spectreMode" "dota_ability_execute 3;dota_ability_execute 5"
alias "puckMode" "dota_ability_execute 3;dota_ability_execute 0"

chat_join "Paticik"

//Useful launch options
//Disables mouse acceleration
//-noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -useforcedmparms "must have useforcedmparms to use spd/accel"
//Skips intro

// http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Console_Command_List
// http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Command_Line_Options
// http://dota2wiki.com/wiki/Console_Command_List

echo "!!! AutoExec.cfg Executed"

Mesaj tarihi:
EricCantona said:

Ben itemlerin ismini yazdığım halde hala senin gibi noobları i smash you die şeklinde eziyor olmam da trajikomik heralde.
Daha önce de benzer tartışmalar oldu burda, sizin gibi gençleri pistlerde görelim.

patron senin steam id ne ahahhahah gel pist e :D
Mesaj tarihi:
dotanin kendisi moddan cikma oldugu icin valvein da zaten kendi oyunlarinda mod olayina onem verdigi icin supriz olmamis, lan olayi da turnuvalar icin mantikli, kafasi calisan adamlar guzel isler ypaiyo iste.
Mesaj tarihi:

- Fixed sweet exploit where you could buy a nice juicy passive item, give it to another friendly hero, have that hero die and upon respawn the passive effects of the item would be granted -- Desolator would start desolating, butterfly would start buttering, etc.
Mesaj tarihi:
çok sıkıcı lan oyun, bitsede gitsek diye oynuyorum hep. grafiklerden dolayı mıdır nedir.

grafikler bu saatten sonra değişmez de oyun ve menü arayüzü hakkında bir değişiklik haberi var mı? leşler
Mesaj tarihi:
Sparkcaster said:

iyi sd felan gelmiş

şu artworklerdeki shadow demon hangi hero ya

shadow demon eredar iste. Dotaya geleli baya olmustu. Müthis bir harass herosu. shadow poison skill i ile lane de level 1 de tek basina double kill almak mümkün
Mesaj tarihi:
nası kısayol atayamıyosun ya optionstan atanıyo . misal ben ilk üç itemi 1 2 3 tuşlarıyla kullanıyorum qwer nin üstünde olduğu için daha kolay geliyor bana sen başka bişiyden mi bahsediyosun yoksa
Mesaj tarihi:
Sparkcaster said:

lan oyniyim dedim yine sildircekler

itemlara kısayol atayamıyosun delircem, gerizekalı oyun ability tuşlarıyla item tuşlarını karıştırıyo alt q alt w alt e çalışmıyo

Oyunun gerizekalı olmadığı konusunda emin olabilirsin, keybindlerle ilgili tek bug eski tip hero tuşlarını açarsan arada sırada bind'i kaybedebiliyor.

Direk tuş bindleyenlerde problem görmedim duymadım daha...
Bu konu yeni mesajlara artık kapalıdır.
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