barbu Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 24, 2004 Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 24, 2004 ya bunu 6 veya 7 kez yukledi. acaba her seferinde farkli bisi mi yukluyo. yoksa bi turlu yukleyemedi mi. bu herzaman olmuyo. mesela ayni gun icinde girdigimde olmuyo ama bir sonraki gun veya ondan sonraki gun yine ayni adi yukluyo. bu ayni yama midir sizce. yukleyemiyo mu. bir baska sey de, mesela yeni yama yuklendiginde yan tarafta o yamanin icerigi yaziyo ya. burada bendeki en yeni yama aciklamasi 9.3 un kuler. ondan sonra bu cr transferi olayi var. sizce bi sorun var mi?[signature][hline] oawaen@infinty teras kasi master Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
Hergonan Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 24, 2004 Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 24, 2004 pub10a hazırlanıyor soe, arada bir patch çıkarıp insanın sinirinin patlamasına da hazırlıyor, yavaş yavaş... Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
barbu Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 24, 2004 Konuyu açan Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 24, 2004 yani yavas yavas yukluyo bunu?[signature][hline] oawaen@infinty teras kasi master [Bu mesaj barbu tarafından 24 Ağustos 2004 21:33 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir] Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
odium Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 24, 2004 Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 24, 2004 Evet .. Fazla yüklenme olmasın diye 5-6 parçaya bölüp hergün yüklüyorlar. Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
barbu Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 24, 2004 Konuyu açan Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 24, 2004 saolun cevaplar icin.[signature][hline] oawaen@infinty teras kasi master Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
Eylul Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 25, 2004 Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 25, 2004 31 ağustada devreye alınacak. Yani o zaman kadar gene ara ara yüklemeler olabilir[signature][hline]Corbantis-Dantooine (-4307 1537) YAKINSEHIR- Master Dancer-Marksman-Artisan-Merchant-Swordsman-TKM-Medic-CM-Doctor- Pistoleer - Smuggler - Marksman (tkr)-Scout-Commando-CH-Brawler -Entertainer-Musician-ID- Architect-SL-WS -BH(devam) Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
StarBaris Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 26, 2004 Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 26, 2004 yNİ BU PUBLİSH DİERLERİNE GÖRE DAA Mİ CABUK YUKLENCEK :ROCK: Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
Mirage Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 31, 2004 Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 31, 2004 ahanda pub10 çıktı galiba. server normal bakım saatince kapandı. hala down ve pub10 update yazıları geliyor launchpad'e.[signature][hline]"Ben bir şeyi iki kere demeeeeem, iki kere demeeeeem." Sezai Gündoğdu Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
Unholy Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 31, 2004 Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 31, 2004 Evet Publish 10 bugün geldi. Dikkatli okursanız Logları yenilikleri görürsünüz umarım herşey istediğimiz gibi olur. Saygılarımla...[signature][hline]Karanlıga bakarken dikkatli ol evlat... Neden diyecek olursan;Sen karanlıga bakarken karanlıkta, sana ve senin derinliklerine bakar... Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
Sufi Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 31, 2004 Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 31, 2004 oynamayanlar p10 ile gelen değişiklikleri görsün diye: [hline] Major Features Jedi Revamp Part 2, "The Jedi Trials": There has been a great disturbance in the if millions of voices suddenly cried out in relief. An ancient path to becoming a Jedi has been altered. In its stead, it has been said that there is a new group of Force wielders in the galaxy who can help mentor those beings gifted with a sensitivity to the Force. A lost village in the Meridian sector is believed to be the hiding place. It is also said that this place has fearsome enemies. This journey begins with a single step and can last a lifetime. Bazaar/Vendor ChangesVendor item limits will now be based on player skill. (Players over the limit will not be able to add new items for sale on vendors. If a player is over his or her vendor limit they will not be allowed to place any items up for sale. He or she will get a message indicating why he couldn't place an item for sale. However, the vendors will continue to function normally with their current inventory). Artisan Business III: Grant 1 vendor that will hold a total of 100 items Artisan Business IV: Grant an additional vendor and a total item limit increase of +150 Merchant Novice: Grant an additional vendor and a total item limit increase of +500 Merchant Efficiency III: Grant a total item limit increase of +100 Merchant Efficiency IV: Grant an additional vendor and a total item limit increase of +150 Merchant Management I: Grant an additional vendor and a total item limit increase of +500 Merchant Management II: Grant an additional vendor and a total item limit increase of +500 Merchant Management III: Grant two additional vendors and a total item limit increase of +500 Merchant Management IV: Grant two additional vendors and a total item limit increase of +500 Merchant Master: Grant two additional vendors and a total item limit increase of +1000 Some examples of different Merchant Templates might be: At Merchant Novice the player would be allowed 3 vendors and 750 total items divided between those 3 as he or she chooses. If the player wants to go to Efficiency IV without any Management, he could have 4 vendors with 1000 total items. At Management IV without any Efficiency the limit is 9 vendors and 2750 items. At Master Merchant, it's 12 vendors and 4000 total items. Additional Merchant/Vendor changes Vendors that are empty will no longer be visible on the overhead map (Ctrl-V). Vendors that have been left empty or abandoned (untouched) for two weeks will be deleted (owner will receive a warning message prior to deletion). Email notifications have been added to advise vendor owners of the status of their vendor. Fixed a bug that caused items to sometimes vanish from vendors. Vendor item limits will now be based on player skill. (Players over either limit will not be able to add new items for sale on vendors). GUI EnhancementsSeveral enhancements have been made to the user interface. Some of the highlights are: Players can now put Vehicle objects on the toolbar to call/store vehicles. Radar now has "consider mode" which shows con rating of NPC's and creatures, clicking on a mission icon in the datapad will display a small summary of the mission without having to open another window, an option was added in the chat options menu to filter out chat from /afk players. For all those fans asking for it, we have added an option under "Miscellaneous" menu to disable the camera shake! Crafting Inventory Control: A new feature has been added to the options window to help organize and reference resources. Open up your options menu by pressing Ctrl-O and then the Interface button. Scroll to the bottom of the window and you will find a list of crafting values. By checking the corresponding box, your inventory will now display the number of your choice on your resources. Update Notes List Items Client Stability Enhancements Fixed a problem where experience points (XP) would not show up until you logged out and back into the game Fixed one of the most common client crashes. Resolved an issue where non-anonymous crash reporting wouldn't include the user's information if they crashed very early in the loading process. Commands Changed the /unstick command so that you can only have one pending unstuck command in the cue at a time. Furthermore, if you move, the previous unstuck command you have pending will be cancelled. A /findFriend command has been added. /findFriend will only work when the player you are trying to find has you on their friend's list. It will create or update a 'friend' waypoint to a friend's current location Datapad When clicking on a mission icon in the datapad, a small summary of the mission will be given in the UI without having to open another window. Dungeons / POI's: Death Watch Bunker The Death Watch Bunker Overlord will properly drop the jetpack stabilizer when he is defeated. Increased duration of the ti Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
Mirage Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 31, 2004 Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 31, 2004 server kaçta acılcak bilen var mı? ve bu launchpad'deki down olan serverları refresh etmenin yolu yok mu? yoksa otomatik refresh mi oluyor? ben launchpad'i açıp kapamaktan bıktım eheh.[signature][hline]"Ben bir şeyi iki kere demeeeeem, iki kere demeeeeem." Sezai Gündoğdu Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
Eylul Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 31, 2004 Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 31, 2004 DownTime bitti galiba. Gireyim dedim bir bakayim. Ve mavi Ekran:((((((([signature][hline]Corbantis-Dantooine (-4307 1537) YAKINSEHIR- Master Dancer-Marksman-Artisan-Merchant-Swordsman-TKM-Medic-CM-Doctor- Pistoleer - Smuggler - Marksman (tkr)-Scout-Commando-CH-Brawler -Entertainer-Musician-ID- Architect-SL-WS -BH-Carbineer/Rifleman(devam) Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
DadashNik0F Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 31, 2004 Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 31, 2004 said: Mirage, 31 Ağustos 2004 15:59 tarihinde demiş ki: server kaçta acılcak bilen var mı? ve bu launchpad'deki down olan serverları refresh etmenin yolu yok mu? yoksa otomatik refresh mi oluyor? ben launchpad'i açıp kapamaktan bıktım eheh. o serverlarin oldugu liste aslında internet sitesi gibi bişey :). sag tiklayip refresh diyebiliyosun.[signature][hline]Sometimes clothes just don't matter. Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
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