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Engineering (Cata)

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Tam malzeme yığmıştım engineering kasıyım diyordum ki nerfleri öğrendim: Nitro boots artık belte yapılacakış yani belte yapılacak diyer icatlar arasında seçim yapılacak, rated bg ve arenada kullanılamıycakmış ve çalışmama olasılığıda yüksekiş her kullanıldığında 3dk cd ztn biliyorsunuz.

Merak ettiğim gloves a yapılan: Spinal Healing Injector

Ve belte yapılan: Grounded Plasma Shield

Arenada kullanılabliyormu bilgisi olan varmı ?
Mesaj tarihi:
Arenada kullandırmayabilirler gene, ama belli de olmaz. yaşa ve gör diyebiliriz en fazla. şunun şurasında 2 hafta bişey kaldı zaten expansionun gelmesine, beraber öğreniriz.

Bi de isterse diğer enchantlarla unstackable olsun, gene de silmem engineeringi. JC'yi bile 4 saatte 450 yaptım, engineeringe kastığım kadar hiç bi professiona kasmadım. Bu zamana kadar hep moneysink meslek olmuştu, belki düzeltirler bu exp'te. umutluyuz :)
Mesaj tarihi:
Gnome mage'im, Engineering ve Tailoring meslekleri var. Engineering tamamen zevk amaçlıydı ama söylenildiği gibi genelde para yiyen bir meslek, eskiden kazanırdım çok para ama elim gitmiyorda para için bir tane toplayıcı meslek mi alsam... Gerçi yazık olur o kadar kastığımıza...
Mesaj tarihi:
solidhammer said:

Peki bu 359 epic helmler yeni tierler ve yüksek daha yüksek lvllı epicler gelince upgradelenebilecek yada iyisi yapılınılabileccekmi biliyormusunuz

benim tahminimce sonraki tierlarda, dungeon drop olur recipler
Mesaj tarihi:
The Cataclysm-quality Hyperspeed Accelerators for spell casting Engineers. Tanks get Quickflip Deflection Plates, and melee are (presumably) stuck with the Tazik Shocker which is (presumably) worse than our glove buff. This was the case in Wrath with their analogous tinkers, and I don't feel like doing quite a bit of testing to confirm what I'm 98% sure of, so there you have it.

On average, the gloves will grant 480 int * 12 seconds uptime / 60 seconds cooldown = 96 intellect passive, but the values will be even better than that in practice (more on that below).

As of this writing, this enchant is a no-brainer. Intellect is the primary stat virtually all dps casters want, and perhaps even healers will want this. The sheer amount of int provided shames the only other existing caster glove enchants, haste and mastery.

It gets better in practice once you consider that, often, you get to use it right when you stop moving and start ripping into a target, getting a maximum benefit from the proc at the best time to get it. Sometimes, when the buff is up and you are waiting for the cooldown to expire, you'll be moving anyway, so you got to enjoy the buff when it mattered and not miss it when it didn't (while you move). In laymen's terms, the cooldown system is a win-win. Compare that to static enchants, where any moment you aren't DPSing at your maximum, you are wasting the damage potential of that enchant, which is what makes "burst" enhancements like this so good.

"But Tolki," You whine in a nasally voice as you keyboard turn and gear for arcane resistance, "Clicking on my gloves is hard." Not true, Scrubby McTerrible! There is a very simple macro, which you only need to make once and never edit again as you get new gear, that will let you use and abuse these to their maximum benefit until the next expansion hits! And I'm giving it to you here, because I make it rain!
#showtooltip whatever your primary nuke is
/targetenemy [dead][noharm]
/use 10
/use whatever your primary nuke is
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
You stick the appropriate spell name where the underlined text is; copy and paste the rest. You could also get rid of the first line and just pick a random pretty icon if you want, I don't care, I'm not your mom. This macro will also auto-target enemies that are attackable (and not corpses), if you don't already have a target selected of course, and clear those annoying error messages from the center of your screen. I would recommend you repeat this process with every spell you cast while sitting still and doing good/normal damage. For example, making this macro for Frostfire Bolt would be smart, but making it for Ice Lance would make you legally obligated to wear a helmet in public.

Note that this "/use 10" trick also works for trinkets you have to activate, /use 13 being the top trinket slot and /use 14 being the bottom. The distinction is important, because you DON'T want to use your PvP trinket on cooldown. If you want to include trinkets in this macro too, I would only use one (/use 13) and have your equipment manager always stick your PvP trinket in the second (slot 14).

Now, as of this writing, it is important to note that Engineering, and the equipment tinkers specifically, don't appear to be finished. There are no updated parachutes, no nitro boots, no mind-control tinker, and these things are laughable. Hopefully there are more goodies to come, but that may mean this information could become incorrect. I'll check in within reasonable rates of time and keep this post updated.

And yes, I did make this to make all other posts on this page obsolete and prevent the spread of misinformation. You're welcome.
Mesaj tarihi:
Cataclysmde engineering pve ıcın son durumu hakkında bılgısı olan varmı arkadaslar mmo-champion acıklama yapmıs mesler hakkında pek ıse yarayan bır sey goremedım kı sadece helm var oda en son sevıyde bır ton masraf demek ornegın eldıvene su anda 240 haste eklı ama catada bunun ustu yok
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