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Slayers Boxer röportajı Gsl çeyrek finali öncesi

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Mesaj tarihi:
After taking down his last opponent, Boxer has entered the Ro16. After the match, he took questioned from the Korean media, and said that taking on Loner meant avoiding TvZ which was what he was most afraid of. He also said that he had watched Loner's play at Blizzcon, and understood Loner's tactics. When asked about Fake Boxer, he generously admitted that Fake Boxer was probably stronger than him at the moment.

Q: How do you feel about entering the Ro16?

A: My Ro16 opponent is Loner, my previous record against Chinese players is poor, so I must change that impression, and my minimum goal is to be a S-class player. I hope I can accomplish both goals.

I only have two days to practice, so I've got to hurry back to practice. I'm happy I can avoid the problematic TvP.

Q: You used some pretty unorthodox (cheesy) tactics.

A: In the first game I didn't want to reveal my strategy, so I canceled tech and improvised. The second game I was following a set game plan. TvP requires my full strength, so I just put my head down and executed.

In previous interviews I didn't mention who I was practicing with, because I didn't want people to find the replays. I was actually practicing with sSKS. This time he gave me lots of practice looks, and at Blizzcon, Huk helped me practice.

Q: Because of Blizzcon, do you have stamina problems?

A: After coming back to Seoul, there were some issues with the time lag, and I lost my practice notebook. I've been to the US before, and it was the same kind of discomfort. After coming back I didn't sleep much, just concentrating on practice, but I had less than one day of practice.

Q: You had a showmatch against Fruitdealer.

A: Even though it was a showmatch, there were a lot of spectators, more than GSL, so I was quite nervous. Even though I tried my best, but I still lost. Fruitdealer is a good player, I hope to play him again after I have plenty of practice.

Q: Recently people have said TvZ is hard.

A: I'm probably the one who has said it most! We've got to wait for the next patch, but for now we just try our best. I had this momentary thought in my head, that if I was eliminated I would switch races. Actually I want to go random. In internal battles, for a time, I was random.

Q: So you'll be random in future tournaments?

A: If Terran gets weakened again I might go random.

Q: Your Ro16 opponent is the Chinese player "Little Terran Emperor" Loner.

A: At Blizzcon I saw his TvP. But he lost 0-4, making me think that Protoss might be "bugged" (OP). I've played him on battle.net, so I know his style.

Q: Every one says you're the strongest TvT,

A: Well, Terran against anyone else is hard, I hope my opponents are all Terran, haha.

Q: Under the circumstances, you will probably meet Nada in Ro8.

A: If we meet, that will be interesting, and it will be a hot topic, and because we will both be S-class, we can show-off our full skills without pressure.

Q: Today the crowd was pretty fired-up.

A: At Blizzcon there were more people, but I feel even more nervous at GSL. Probably because I didn't prepare well for today.

Q: The player who has the Boxer ID has said he has permission to switch ID.

A: Objectively, he's a better player than me right now. Based on skills, he should continue to use the ID, haha.
Mesaj tarihi:
adam haklı ya insanlar CANAVARLAR karşısında çok güçsüz OLDU.Tüm toprakları zehirliyor canavarlar her yere evlerini kuruyorlar :S
Mesaj tarihi:
huun said:

imparator da onayladığına göre, bizim terran'ın zayıflığına dair dile getirdiklerimiz bundan sonra forumda ağlama sayılmayacaktır.

E yine 4 Terran var GSL çeyrek finalde. 3 Zerg 1 Toss var. Demek ki Zerg Toss'un yerini almış T hala ayakta. Demek ki İmparator'lar bile bahane arıyorlarmış ilerideki yenilgilerine.

Oymanq said:

Q: The player who has the Boxer ID has said he has permission to switch ID.

A: Objectively, he's a better player than me right now. Based on skills, he should continue to use the ID, haha.

O kadar söyledim adam iyi diye. SlayerSBoxeR'da onayladı beni.
Mesaj tarihi:
huun said:

imparator da onayladığına göre, bizim terran'ın zayıflığına dair dile getirdiklerimiz bundan sonra forumda ağlama sayılmayacaktır.

Peki tossun suçu ne
Mesaj tarihi:
Adamlar ne kadar olgun, idsini çalmış adam için "benden daha iyi oynuyor kullansın" diyebiliyor. Bizde plattaki adama top diamond adam "senden iyi oynuyorum" dese namus meselesi olur.
  • 2 hafta sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
SlayerS_BoxeR şahsi sponsorluk olayından sonra yeni klan olayına girmiş. Tahmin etmek çok zor olacağından ben söyleyeyim yeni klanın adı Slayers ya da kısa adıyla sls olacakmış.
Klana başvurmak için 1800+ diamond olmak yetiyormuş.

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(Kore dışından üye alıyorlar mı tam bilemiyorum)
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