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M&B Pati Clanı


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Banner için guide,

For putting your banner in-game, you will need these:
http://files.filefront.com/DDS+Converter+2+10/;3577988;/fileinfo.html dds converter 2, or something like it
http://www.gimp.org/ for photo editing, I use this one, free and easy to use

1) Open up your M&B folder, and your textures folder. Inside there will be a few banner textures. These files are in the .dds format, direct draw surface, which the game uses to apple to your surcoats and shields. They are called banners_a.dds, banners_b.dds etc. Select one of the banners, and make a backup in a new location.

2) Open up dds converter 2 and select one of the banners. Set the input format to .dds, and the output format to .png and set the output location to somewhere you can find. Convert it to the workable format

3) Open up your new banner in GIMP or its equivalent. You can see lots of banners side by side in about a 5 wide by 3 tall fashion. What you will need to do is copy one of the existing banners from this thread, or anywhere really, and paste it over one of the banners you won't be using. Make sure to line it up exactly. You may need to zoom in to match the banner up to where you want it. You may notice that some banners are different lengths. This is because the game uses some of them as the short style banners, and others as the tall style, and others as the long style, and still others as the forked end banners. You will need to make sure your banner is the correct length as the style you want, and paste it over the correct one. If your banner is too long or too whatever, you can re-size and re-shape it before you paste it in.

4) Save the new banner texture and open it up in the dds 2 converter. There, you need to set the input as .png this time, and the output as .dds Then, convert it, and put it back into the textures folder. You can now select your banner in-game, and the game won't know the difference.
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Bu kadar uzun değil :D
Öncelikle dxtbitmap programını indirin sonra oyunun yüklü olduğu klasöre gitin Textures klasöründen banners_a.dds yi açın send to editor diyerek bayrağı herhangi bir bayrağın yerine koyup kaydedin ve kaydettiğiniz resmi dxtbirmap programıyla açıp texutres klasörüne banners_a olarak kaydedin
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sipeyskeyk said:

Clan Ismi: Pati

Tag: PATI_isim

Flamamız bu, herkes ayarlasın. Beğenmeyen olursa eleştriye açığım :)

Bir de üye listesi oluşturuyorum, tag almış olanlar lütfen buraya isimlerini yazsınlar.

haha güzelmiş :D

bu arada oyuna girmek için direk gidip warband almamız lazım dimi sonra account yaratıp girioz başka bi halt yok bide ne kadar oyun bende alayım single sıkıldım mount&blade den
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