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türkçeden ingilizceye çeviri lazım, ama çok sağlam

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Mesaj tarihi:
Kanun’un 2. maddesinin 6. fıkrasına göre; “Bir işverenden, işyerinde yürüttüğü mal veya hizmet üretimine ilişkin yardımcı işlerinde veya asıl işin bir bölümünde işletmenin ve işin gereği ile teknolojik nedenlerle uzmanlık gerektiren işlerde iş alan ve bu iş için görevlendirdiği işçilerini sadece bu işyerinde aldığı işte çalıştıran diğer işveren ile iş aldığı işveren arasında kurulan ilişkiye asıl işveren-alt işveren ilişkisi denir. Bu ilişkide asıl işveren, alt işverenin işçilerine karşı o işyeri ile ilgili olarak bu Kanundan, iş sözleşmesinden veya alt işverenin taraf olduğu toplu iş sözleşmesinden doğan yükümlülüklerinden alt işveren ile birlikte sorumludur.”

2. maddenin 7. fıkrasına göre ise; “Asıl işverenin işçilerinin alt işveren tarafından işe alınarak çalıştırılmaya devam ettirilmesi suretiyle hakları kısıtlanamaz veya daha önce o işyerinde çalıştırılan kimse ile alt işveren ilişkisi kurulamaz. Aksi halde ve genel olarak asıl işveren alt işveren ilişkisinin muvazaalı işleme dayandığı kabul edilerek alt işverenin işçileri başlangıçtan itibaren asıl işverenin işçisi sayılarak işlem görürler. İşletmenin ve işin gereği ile teknolojik nedenlerle uzmanlık gerektiren işler dışında asıl iş bölünerek alt işverenlere verilemez”.

Alt işverenin işyerini bildirim yükümlülüğü ise Kanun’un 3. maddesinin 2. fıkrasında düzenlenmiştir. Bu fıkra 26 Mayıs 2008 tarihli Resmi Gazete’de yayınlanan “İş Kanunu ve Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 4857 sayılı İş Kanunu’nda (“Kanun”) yapılan değişiklikler ile Kanun’un 3. maddesinin 2. fıkrası değiştirilmiş olup, bu kapsamda alt işverenlere, alt- işverenlik ilişkisinin kurulmasını müteakip bildirimişyerini tescil ettirme yükümlülüğünün yanında, iş müfettişlerine de bu tescilin “bildirimi”, daha doğru bir ifade ile bildirimin temelinde yatan asıl işveren-alt işveren ilişkisinin bildirilerek, bu ilişkinin muvazaalı olup olmadığının denetlenmesi yükümlülüğü getirilmiştir.

ps: yerse
Mesaj tarihi:
biraz denedim oldu gibi

Within the same year she began appearing on TV with the serial "Sonradan Görmeler" (the Arrivisters) at TRT (Turkish State Television). She was elected as Miss Turkey and then she was elected as the first runner-up in the Miss Model of the World beauty contest in 1995. Moreover; in the same contest she was also chosen as the contestant who had the best body by Gottex suits. She pursued her modelling career in Paris for about seven months in 1996. Following her return to Turkey, she made a contract with Müjde Parizien Socks and she became the “Parizien Leg Girl” for three years. She started her TV career at the same year. Both with TV programs and serials, she became popular in the TV world. She was chosen as the best model in questionnaire carried out in public in 1996.

Between 1997 and 1998, she starred in serials like Hemşerim (My countryman) and Aynalı Tahir. She was discovered by Türker İnanoğlu at the end of 1999 and in the following years she played important roles in such TV series as “Zehirli Çiçek (Poisoned Flower), Yapayalnız (All Alone), Bizim Hotel (Our Hotel) and Çiçek Taksi”. Pursuing his modelling career, TV starring and emceeing synchronously has made her the highest tax payer of the country and the most frequently awarded model in her own sector.

She also captured foreign press’ attention and the BBC team from England asked her for representing Turkey. As a result her life story was also included among the presidents and prime ministers of five big Islamic countries.

Being the pioneer in Turkey, she released a fitness video called Fitness with Tuğba Özay which sold 30.000 sums. This work is still on the market. After a while she published a catalogue named Best of Tuğba Özay in commemoration of his tenth anniversary of career. This first-class work is the first and only one in its field. With the income of this catalogue Tuğba Özay reconstructed the school in Çubuk, Ankara that was destroyed by hurricane disaster. For this action she was honoured by the Minister of the Education of the period by being presented an award. In 2005 and 2006 she represented Turkey as the most modern face towards the West in foreign TV programs like BBC and American TV. The Israeli newspapers mentioned about her by the title “The beauty of the Middle East” at the same year.

Tuğba Özay wanted to continue her education, so he attended university entrance exams and obtained the fifth position in the conservatory department of Haliç University. She had a part in "Dün Gece Ormanda Çok Komik Birşey Oldu" (Something funny happened in the woods yester night) under the famed theatre director Ferhat Şensoy, which drew big attention. Then she went on her theatre career with the play “Tanıştırayım Burası Türkiye” (Hi, This is Turkey) that was named after by herself. She took the admiration of the audience with that play performed on Abdullah Şahin Theatre by also singing a song.

Mesaj tarihi:
google translate e sordum

Law? Un 2 Article 6 According to paragraph;? from an employer, workplace run production of goods or services to help the business or core business in one part of the business and work with the requirements of technological reasons, requiring expertise in areas of business and work for the commissioned workers receive only those workplaces where there are running jobs with other employers The relationship established between the employer receives the original employee-employer relationship is called the bottom. Main employer in this relationship, the employer's workers against lower with respect to the establishment of this Act, the employer is a party labor agreement or sub-obligations arising from collective labor agreement with the employer is responsible for the bottom.??

2. Article 7 of the According to the clause;?? fact, the employer's workers hired by sub-employer to continue to be run through the rights that can not be restricted or before the sub-employer relationship with someone that is running the office are not possible. Otherwise, the main employer and generally considered to be sub-employer relationship based on the muvazaalı process from the beginning that the lower the employer's workers can be considered the actual employer of the workers are treated. Business with the requirements of the technological and business reasons that require expertise outside the core business processes can not be divided into sub-employer?.

Lower the notification obligations of the employer workplace law? Un 3 Article 2 paragraph was organized. Official Gazette dated May 26, 2008, this paragraph? Also published? Some Laws in Labor Law and Law on Making Changes? with Labor Law No. 4857? in (?? Law??) Amendments to the Law? un 3 Article 2 paragraph have been changed, and in this context to the sub-employer, the employer of sub-relations following the establishment of bildirimişyerini obligation to be registered next to the work of inspectors of this registration? statement?, a more accurate expression of the notice with the underlying fact lower employer-employer relationship is informed of this relationship Checking whether the obligation muvazaalı was.

Mesaj tarihi:
Son paragrafi kendin cevirirsin artik. =)

According to article 2/6, the connection between the subcontractor who undertakes to carry out work in auxiliary tasks related to the production of goods and services or in a certain section of the main activity due to operational requirements or for reasons of technological expertise in the establishment of the main employer (the principal employer) and who engages employees recruited for this purpose exclusively in the establishment of the main employer is called “the principal employer-subcontractor relationship”. The principal employer shall be jointly liable with the subcontractor for the obligations ensuing from this Labour Act, from employment contracts of subcontractor's employees or from the collective agreement to which the subcontractor has been signatory.

According to article 2/7, the rights of the principal employer’s employees shall not be restricted by way of their engagement by the subcontractor, and no principal employer – subcontractor relationship may be established between an employer and his ex- employee. Otherwise, based on the notion that the principal employer- subcontractor relationship was fraught with a simulated act, the employees of the subcontractor shall be treated as employees of the principal employer. The main activity shall not be divided and assigned to subcontractors, except for operational and work- related requirements or in jobs requiring expertise for technological reasons.
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