Pluton Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 12, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 12, 2010 aboww engiye rework atmışlar. Passive: Decrease cooldown and manacost of The Keg by -7/14/21/28% Active: Range: 450 Mana Cost: 25 Cooldown: 15.0 Seconds Duration: 15.0 Seconds No longer channeling Towers +/- 10/20/30/40 Attack Speed +/- 3/5/7/9 Armor Catapults +/- 10/20/30/40 Attack Speed +/- 20/40/60/80% damage - 66% damage taken for allies Blows up enemy catapults at end of the debuff if they are still alive Steam Turret + 10/20/30/40 Damage
Pluton Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 12, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 12, 2010 -Crawler- said: aboo gumletiyorlar Bu resim ne ben bunu anlamadım
Aluriel Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 13, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 13, 2010 cok gıcık olmuş hellbringer ya. zaten güçlüydü yeteri kadar. ne gereği vardı death boile elleşmenin.
Pluton Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 16, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 16, 2010 0.1.65 gelmiş. Version 0.1.65 -------------- General - Significant Lane Creep AI changes * These all involve the assist trigger that causes the creeps to aggro you when you attack an enemy hero: 1. When a hero causes the assist trigger to go off, there is a 200ms delay before the creeps will turn and come at you 2. Creeps will chase for exactly 1600ms (down from 1800ms) 3. If a creep is in the middle of an attack animation but has not hit its attack impact point (600ms), it will de-aggro and stop its attack as long as you are out of it's short melee range * AKA: Creeps will not finish attacks they start on you if they hit the end of the trigger 4. A creep must deal damage before it can be called by the assist trigger again * This means if you tug, they must turn around and actually deal damage to a unit before it can chase again 5. You must be within 600 units of an enemy hero to cause the assist trigger to go off - Added a stringtable entry for Meatball - Updated the ramps to be better - Fixed a bunch of inconsistent in game messages that showing the incorrect killer/victim colors * Legion is now Red and Hellbourne is now Green - Kongor now has unitwalking by default * This fixes the exploits that caused him to be trapped in his lair - Updated Russian Stringtables - Added a Patch Notes button in place of the Create Account button on the main screen * This was a Mod, thanks to Thread 65344 and Sephinator - vid_meshGPUDeform false now works (only for openGL) - Fixed a bug where the "No Leaver" flag wasn't reset at the end of matches * This was causing players to see a message saying they were unable to join a game because they had too many leaves when selecting a server that was previously setup with the "No Leaver" game option. - Fixed the Pre-Query Filter button so it saves it's settings again - Added an "Official" icon to the game lobby when games are official - Updated "Invite to game" functionality to display all relevant game information Items (4) Barbed Armor - Fixed to actually return 80% damage (was returning 75%) Sacrificial Stone - Gains 25 health per charge - Gains .25 health regen per charge Portal Key - Cooldown lowered by 4 seconds Puzzlebox - Recipe now has a stock of 3 to start, with a recharge time of 10 minutes per recipe Heroes (6) Blacksmith - Slow on Flaming Hammer increased to 15,20,25,30 (from 10,15,20,25) - Flaming Hammer lowers magic armor by 2,3,4,5 of anyone it is on - Frenzy buff gives 7,14,21,28% cast speed as well Darklady - Updated effects for all abilities. Now darker! Madman - -25% Movespeed for 2 seconds after Stalk ends Moon Queen - Multi-Strike, when toggled on, will now only bounce attacks to other visible enemy heroes when the primary target is also a hero Pollywog Priest - Morph changed to instant cast time (from 300) - Voodoo Wards re-arranged to make trapping slightly easier (a hole in the middle, naturally) Vindicator - You can now deny people under the effect of Sage's Lore
Oce4n Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 16, 2010 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 16, 2010 Madman - -25% Movespeed for 2 seconds after Stalk ends Çok güzel olmuş bence ^^
Masticore Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 16, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 16, 2010 her ne kadar mad'te olsa oda bir insan yorulacak elbette
Cassiline Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 16, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 16, 2010 Nedir Madman'le alıp veremedikleri bu heriflerin anlayamadım gitti arkadaş ya. Önce CD süresini arttırırlar, sonra Barrel Roll'daki invulnerability'yi kaldırırlar, şimdi en büyük silahı olan invis'den sonra movement speed düşürüyorlar. Heronun en büyük olayı rahat kaçması/kovalaması, onu da baltalayıp duruyorlar.
Fistan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 16, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 16, 2010 madman kötüydü zaten hiç sevmezdim iyi olmus
Oce4n Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2010 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2010 Diyor ki: "0.1.66 Test Patch! Jan 19" said: We are ready to put an early version of 0.1.66 on the test client. A lot of cool stuff is in this version including: - Zephyr, Chronos, and Electrician reworks/changes - Continued hero balance - Vector Targetting - New game mode - Banning Pick - Nullstone tweaks - Toggleable Offensive Auras - Pyro can burn things! Vector targetting ne ola ki :/
Oce4n Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2010 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2010 Evet gençler ilk yorumları aliyim :D Ona göre ben de hon forumuna yorum yapiyim :P said: Chronos - Time leap does 50,100,150,200 Magic damage - Bash removed and New Ability that on hit steals 2% Movespeed and 1/2/3/4 Agility on hit. Each hit grants a charge for 6 seconds and each charge is timed independently - Rewind now heals the damage over 2 seconds instead of instantly - Allies can now move and cast while in Chronosphere, but everything they do is reduced by 90% speed (MS, AS, CS). Electrician - Grip no longer does AOE damage but does 20/40/60/80 Magic damage per second to the primary target - Electric Shield now has a 10,20,30,40 DPS magic 250 aura around the electrician while on - Electric Shield now requires 20% mana to activate. Auto-toggles off at 10% mana. - Energy Absorbtion now does 85,165,225,300 magic damage and he gains 50 Movespeed. No longer giving armor or magic armor. Still gives mana. - Cooldown lowered to 14,12,10. Ult is now SotM compatible. Chains to 2 additional targets. Zephyr - Leap removed, replaced with Gust * Zephyr targets a position and drags the mouse in a given direction. Enemies in a cone are pushed in the direction specified, stunned for 1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds and dealt 100/150/200/250 Magic damage - Cyclones reworked: * On use, consumes one cyclone instantly, healing for 50 health * No longer has a cool down * No longer restores mana * Mana cost reduced to 25 (from 75) - Wind Shield is now a passive and will now apply its buff to Zephyr for 4 seconds after a successful attack - Wind Control reworked: * The area of effect now follows zephyr for its duration * When cast, the maximum number of Cyclones are spawned around zephyr (based on the level of Cyclones) * Cool down is now 60 seconds (from 120) * Mana cost is now 75 at all levels (from 100/150/200) * The spell is cancelled if Zephyr is stunned or silenced * Radius reduced to 400 (from 550) * The speed buff is now 15/25/35% (down from 30/40/50%) * Duration is now 6 seconds at all levels (from 6/7/8) Forsaken Archer - Skeletons now die in 1 hit Anlamadığım olay chronos zaten kral hero iken bu buff ne ola??
Fistan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2010 FA'ı da iyice tinerci gibi bırakacaklar böyle devam ederse
Luriel Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2010 buff degil aslında nerf bashin kalkması çok büyük olay bide backtrackin dmgı direk absorblamamasıda direk çok büyük dezavantaj saglıcak. bu 2si bence leape ekledikleri dmgı karşılamaz. ama erken lvllarda bu sefer leapi 4 leyince karşındakini baya yorarsın bilemedim görmek lazım.
kerim Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2010 oh oh süper şu oyundaki lame herşeyi kaldırsınlar. yok madman dir yok chronostur.
Oce4n Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2010 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2010 Ultynin içinde takım arrkadaşları cast edebilcek, vurabilecek ve ayrıca bash yerine gelen skillde ise şöyle bir örnek veriyim: Level 11 civarında normal vurarak 7-8 charge oluyo. 16'dan sonra 10 ve üstü. Yani adam %20 slow yiyo olacak ve 40 agi si eksilecek. Öte yandan chronos +40 dmg ve +40 attack speed eklenmiş olacak :/ Bi bash item kasılır olur biter yani : Bufflar nerflere basar diyorum ben...
Masticore Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2010 evet Caster'lar coşucak ultinin içinde. Heralde bu %90 speed low'u cast speed dahil değildir.
Oce4n Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2010 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2010 Höö ulty pek bi buff filan değilmiş şimdi baktım da... -%90 move speed -%90 attack speed -90 cast speed :/
Quel-Thul Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2010 daha bi takım herosu gibi olmuş işte ultisinin falan degişmesiyle stunın gitmeside ilginç bi degişiklik, şans faktörünü ortadan kaldırmış ve daha stabil bi skill gelmiş yerine, güzel değişiklikler bence chronos için.
barbu Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2010 chronos'u chronos yapan bashti. baska bisi degil. onu da kaldırmıslar. kotu olmus
GEd Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2010 magebane nerfi eksik bi Sirada o mu var yoksa ?:)
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