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addon problemi.


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huun said:

Bi kontrol et bakalım "World of WarcraftInterfaceAddOns" mevcutmu
Aynen varsa "WTF" ve "WDB" klasörlerini silip dene (addon+interface ayarlarının resetlenmesine sebeb olacakdır önemli bi addon profili felan varsa silmeden önce yedeklemeni öneririm)

oha, içtim içmedim değil ama şu yukarda yazanları diyecek akdar da içmedim içemedim.

amam mantıkllı görünüyor. aynen bunları yaop
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If the button doesn't appear on the WoW interface, it's because the mods aren't installed correctly, (or alternatively, none installed at all).

► First - Make sure you only have one copy of WoW installed, and your addons are in the correct directory. It has happened before that people have had two copies installed, and just been putting their addons into the wrong one! :)

► Second - Make sure you are unzipping/uncompressing your addons. WinZip, WinRar and StuffIt (for Mac) are three common unzipping programs.
● WinZIP users: You MUST make sure the option to "Use Folder Names" is CHECKED or it will just extract the files and not make the proper folders as per the mod Authors structured directory paths.

► Third - Make sure that you aren't installing addons while WoW is running. WoW doesn't register addon changes until you logout and then back in, so save yourself some frustration and install while logged out and WoW is not running. Log in to check them, log back out as necessary to fix things.

► Fourth - Check the "Load Out of Date Addons" button on your Addons screen (when you install them properly, or if you already have some installed).

● If using the Windows VISTA system, there are peculiarities with needing to have Administrator privileges, and have all of the folders "visible." Check the Tech Support Forum for more info, there are threads there to help sort out how Vista and WoW interact. One recommendation given is to move the entire World of Warcraft folder to someplace other than C:Program Files. Vista has security features where it doesn't allow programs to make changes to files inside the Program Files folder (unless they run as administrator).

● For Mac Users, check spelling. Make sure the AddOns folder is named and matches exactly the capital letters and spelling to be: AddOns (The "O" is a capital letter and not the number zero "0")

After that...

■ THE MOST COMMON ERROR is that the unzipper program embedded them into an extra folder layer. :) If you have any questions about whether your addons are embedded one folder too deep, post a path for the .toc file of each addon

C: Program Files World of Warcraft Interface AddOns MODFolder ModName.toc < --- would be a correct pathing

C: Program Files World of Warcraft Interface AddOns MODFolder1.23.456 MODFolder ModName.toc < --- is NOT correct, and the addons will not load properly.

There should only be one path-step between the AddOns step and the .toc step, and it should be the name of the addon (most usually). Look very very closely at the directory structure, make sure that the addons folder is in the proper place. If you have any questions about whether your addons are embedded one folder too deep, post a path for the .toc file of each addon.

problemini çözmende yardımcı olabilecek bunu bulabildim inşallah işine yarar.

**WoW u daha önceden wow launcher üzerinden repair ettiysen inferface klasörünün adı otomatik olarak değişebiliyor bu yüzdende klasör ismi değiştiğinden addonları kayıt edemiyor birde bunu kontrol etmeni öneririm.
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