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Goldseller'la geçen ilginc bi muhabbet

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Mesaj tarihi:
Biraz önce bizim guildin forumlarında gördüm. Guildden bi arkadaşla çinli bi goldseller arasında geçen konusma.

Biraz uzun gerci. Ama eve gidince ben de deniycem bundan sonra (=

My adventures with Herrosir the chinafarmer.

[02:36:55][W:To] [Herrosir]: stop pretending, where are you really from?
[02:37:13][W:To] [Herrosir]: "herro" is like the most cliche misspelling ever
[02:37:28][W:From] [Herrosir]: Herro sir, we have a great offer for you today we have 30k ready to sell just £3.99 TODAY! are you interested?
[02:37:58][W:To] [Herrosir]: not, not really but
[02:38:06][W:From] [Herrosir]: why do you whisper me then sir?
[02:38:20][W:To] [Herrosir]: I will give you another 1k gold to sell if you will talk with me for 30 minutes Smile
[02:38:30][W:From] [Herrosir]: really sir?
[02:38:52][W:To] [Herrosir]: Yes
[02:39:06][W:From] [Herrosir]: No sir i dont want your gold i just sell
[02:39:34][W:To] [Herrosir]: really? but its practically free
[02:39:46][W:From] [Herrosir]: no sir i have to sell i come from a poor family

[02:39:51][W:To] [Herrosir]: where is the loss in that?
[02:40:19][W:To] [Herrosir]: how many members are in your family?
[02:40:23][W:From] [Herrosir]: 13
[02:40:27][W:From] [Herrosir]: very poor
[02:40:37][W:To] [Herrosir]: 13? in just your household?
[02:40:47][W:From] [Herrosir]: no just in 1 bedroom
[02:41:08][W:To] [Herrosir]: do you have 13 computers with people sellling wow gold?
[02:41:19][W:From] [Herrosir]: no i work for a big company
[02:41:28][W:To] [Herrosir]: what is that company called?
[02:41:31][W:From] [Herrosir]: but not good pay
[02:41:39][W:From] [Herrosir]: we get paid for how much we sell
[02:42:28][W:To] [Herrosir]: why do that for a company? and not by yourself?
[02:42:38][W:From] [Herrosir]: no computer
[02:43:15]ZOMGBlessings: Blessing of Sanctuary on Nemissa
[02:43:17]Makrura Clacker attempts to run away in fear!
[02:43:31][W:To] [Herrosir]: did you know that people who buy your gold get banned for that?
[02:43:46][W:From] [Herrosir]: Not the way we do it sir
[02:43:53][W:To] [Herrosir]: what way do you do it?
[02:44:17][W:From] [Herrosir]: We have two optional ways we go onto your account and put it in or faceto face trade
[02:46:41][W:To] [Herrosir]: I must say that for someone who is supposedly poor in english, your grammar is excellent. Mistyping the most basic word in english, "hello" is pretty much impossible for someone with your knowledge of the language
[02:48:03][W:From] [Herrosir]: well sir i am going by common chinese words mixing up l by r
[02:48:19][W:From] [Herrosir]: vice versa
[02:48:49][W:To] [Herrosir]: That is not common, that is cliche. That is what an average european idiot would think
[02:49:14][W:To] [Herrosir]: In fact, its not the chinese but rather the japanese that mix up L and R
[02:49:35][W:To] [Herrosir]: there is no reason a chinese would, except in comical hollywood movies and books
[02:49:38][W:From] [Herrosir]: sir will you just buy my gold or not?
[02:50:05][W:To] [Herrosir]: I take it you are a representative in a european country?
[02:50:19][W:From] [Herrosir]: no sir
[02:50:31][W:To] [Herrosir]: I will buy a load of gold from the first honest goldseller I meet
[02:50:40][W:To] [Herrosir]: and that seems not to be you
[02:50:59][G] [Grimjow]: gn
[02:51:05][W:From] [Herrosir]: sir if you will not buy my gold why waste my time i am pooor and i have to feed my children
[02:51:18]Grimjow has gone offline.
[02:52:28][W:To] [Herrosir]: because I find it interesting that you lie. you are a lot better at english than you pretend to be
[02:52:48][W:To] [Herrosir]: I'm not sure about your family, perhaps I would believe that if you were not trying to trick people this way.
[02:53:42][W:From] [Herrosir]: Well maybe i was well educated but the chinese society forces me into these types of works since it is so overpopulated so excuse me for trying to make some money to feed my family just because they job opptunities are so low and this was the only way to
[02:55:08][W:From] [Herrosir]: and i am not lucky enough as some to inherit the money my parents have
[02:55:54][W:To] [Herrosir]: Do you have a personal paypal account? not from the company?
[02:56:10][W:From] [Herrosir]: Why sir?
[02:56:37][W:To] [Herrosir]: because
[02:56:47][W:To] [Herrosir]: If i were to give you money
[02:57:06][W:To] [Herrosir]: I would rather give it as a charity than support goldselling in any way
[02:57:19][W:From] [Herrosir]: sir i am not here for free money i want it to be earned i would not like your pitty money
[02:57:35][W:From] [Herrosir]: may i go starving but i will not be made a charity
[02:59:03][W:To] [Herrosir]: I think charity is a more acceptable way of gaining money than participating in illegal practises and supporting a company that abuses you.
[02:59:24][W:From] [Herrosir]: so it may bbe abusive but it is the only way
[02:59:25]You can only complete 25 more daily quests today.
[03:04:58][W:To] [Herrosir]: Why do you dislike charity? Is it dishonorable?
[03:05:37][W:From] [Herrosir]: in my family it is you would but disowned so to speak and i cannot direspect the people who raised me up
[03:09:46][W:To] [Herrosir]: So if you would do something for me, it would not be dishonorable?
[03:09:53][W:To] [Herrosir]: Like making me a nice drawing
[03:10:13][W:From] [Herrosir]: sir why do you pitt me?
[03:10:19][W:From] [Herrosir]: Pitty*
[03:10:43][W:To] [Herrosir]: You told me numerous times that you live in a poor family and this is the only way for you to make the money to live from
[03:11:01][W:From] [Herrosir]: but yes that is the only way
[03:11:28][W:To] [Herrosir]: Do you not try to cause pity by saying that?
[03:11:34][W:From] [Herrosir]: no
[03:11:58][W:From] [Herrosir]: i try to speak the truth
[03:12:11][W:From] [Herrosir]: and maybe just maybe some one will buy gold
[03:12:46][W:To] [Herrosir]: But its odd. Why do you insist on selling gold, while you could be doing something that is, in my eyes, much more honorable
[03:12:51][W:To] [Herrosir]: even making a drawing is
[03:12:54][W:To] [Herrosir]: because
[03:13:21][W:To] [Herrosir]: by selling gold, you contribute to lowering the quality of this game. by making me a nice drawing, you can make me happy.
[03:13:40][W:To] [Herrosir]: i mean it
[03:14:19][W:From] [Herrosir]: sir i may be lowering the quality of the game but making a drawing whilst my bosses watch over me?
[03:14:30][W:From] [Herrosir]: If i were to be fired that will be the end of me
[03:14:53][W:To] [Herrosir]: You dont have to do it rightaway
[03:15:09][W:From] [Herrosir]: Sir the right way for me is this
[03:15:16][W:From] [Herrosir]: This si the only way
[03:15:23][W:From] [Herrosir]: so it has to be the right way
[03:16:09][W:To] [Herrosir]: Do you have time off? Your bosses dont care what you do when youre not in the company?
[03:16:19][W:To] [Herrosir]: You can sell gold all you like, and make a little extra.
[03:16:22][W:From] [Herrosir]: sir i do not go off work until saturday
[03:16:28][W:From] [Herrosir]: we only get 1hour breaks
[03:16:34][W:From] [Herrosir]: my next 1 is in approx 10 hours
[03:16:50][W:To] [Herrosir]: but you have saturday off right?
[03:16:56][W:From] [Herrosir]: no
[03:16:58][W:From] [Herrosir]: half day
[03:17:07][W:From] [Herrosir]: which i like to spend with my family
[03:17:20][W:To] [Herrosir]: you could make a drawing with your family
[03:17:31][W:From] [Herrosir]: how will that help me
[03:17:31][W:To] [Herrosir]: let them all draw their name or a smilie
[03:17:47][W:To] [Herrosir]: if you can send it, scan it, photograph it or anything
[03:17:51][W:To] [Herrosir]: ill give you 20 euros
[03:17:58][W:To] [Herrosir]: ahead if you want
[03:18:23][W:From] [Herrosir]: look sir i have no camera the comapny does not have a scanner since we do not need to scan im sorry
[03:18:45][W:To] [Herrosir]: do you live in a city? there has to be some photocopy shop
[03:18:56][W:From] [Herrosir]: photoshop costs money
[03:19:05][W:To] [Herrosir]: so i can send you money ahead
[03:19:09][W:From] [Herrosir]: I do not have the funds to do such things
[03:19:14][W:To] [Herrosir]: 20 euros should be enough?
[03:19:49][W:To] [Herrosir]: you will still have enough left
[03:19:57][W:To] [Herrosir]: how much is 20 euros for you?
[03:20:11][W:From] [Herrosir]: i do not know the currency from Euroes to the chinese yen
[03:20:35][W:To] [Herrosir]: ill go see
[03:21:36][Demoriel][Oneside] has come online.
[03:21:54]Oui has gone offline.
[03:22:00]No player named 'Herrosir' is currently playing.
[03:22:40]No player named 'Herrosir' is currently playing.


[03:24:05][W:From] [Herrosir]: sorry sir we had a brief power cut Sad
[03:25:29][W:To] [Herrosir]: ah!
[03:25:45][W:To] [Herrosir]: anyways 20 euros is 190.1544 chinese Yuan
[03:25:56][W:To] [Herrosir]: is that much?
[03:26:01][W:From] [Herrosir]: very much
[03:26:04][W:From] [Herrosir]: i get 2 yen per hour
[03:26:12][W:To] [Herrosir]: That is what I make in 1 hour :/
[03:26:27][W:From] [Herrosir]: sir please do not make my jealous with your big pay
[03:26:32][W:To] [Herrosir]: Our worlds are so different
[03:26:51][W:To] [Herrosir]: Seriously, I will send it to you if you make me a drawing for it!
[03:26:52][W:From] [Herrosir]: actually i liesir i make 4 and a half yen per hour
[03:28:30][W:To] [Herrosir]: Give me a paypal account. I will send you the money, then saturday you make a happy drawing with your family and use some of the money to scan it and email it to me at a copyshop
[03:28:34][W:To] [Herrosir]: the rest is all yours
[03:28:54][W:To] [Herrosir]: as payment, not charity
[03:32:23]No player named 'Herrosir' is currently playing.

Please come back dear Herrosir... I want a drawing :"(

I'll keep you updated if he comes back online. And btw, I really intend to keep my promise if he agrees to go with it

Mesaj tarihi:
[02:40:19][W:To] [Herrosir]: how many members are in your family?
[02:40:23][W:From] [Herrosir]: 13
[02:40:27][W:From] [Herrosir]: very poor
[02:40:37][W:To] [Herrosir]: 13? in just your household?
[02:40:47][W:From] [Herrosir]: no just in 1 bedroom

şuraya bittim ben. meaueh
Mesaj tarihi:
herif geri gelmiş bugün


[14:33:20][W:From] [Herrosir]: so you buy my gold now?
[14:34:28][W:To] [Herrosir]: We've been over this... I won't buy gold... but I will pay you to make me a drawing.
[14:34:46][W:From] [Herrosir]: Sad
[14:35:03][W:To] [Herrosir]: Or don't you like drawing?
[14:35:30][W:From] [Herrosir]: no Sad i dont have much spare time and i rather look for job or spend time with family or wife.
[14:36:48][W:To] [Herrosir]: But you can make the drawing with your wife and children. Do your children like drawings?
[14:37:17][W:From] [Herrosir]: I dont know never asked or not got them drawing things i barley pay for the schooling
[14:38:08][W:To] [Herrosir]: Drawing can be a great way to escape reality for a moment... and it turns into something you can always remember.
[14:38:32][W:To] [Herrosir]: If you can't pay for schooling, then at least let them draw. Creativity is good Very Happy
[14:38:44][W:From] [Herrosir]: i cany pay for schooling
[14:38:47][W:From] [Herrosir]: barely
[14:38:52][W:From] [Herrosir]: not all months tho
[14:38:54][W:To] [Herrosir]: ah
[14:39:18][W:To] [Herrosir]: where in china do you live?
[14:40:17][W:From] [Herrosir]: Tianjin
[14:40:58][W:From] [Herrosir]: ever heard of it?
[14:41:39][W:To] [Herrosir]: its pretty close to bejing
[14:41:52][W:To] [Herrosir]: relatively :p
[14:42:04][W:To] [Herrosir]: on the east coast side
[14:42:09][W:To] [Herrosir]: bit to the north
[14:42:48][W:From] [Herrosir]: yes
[14:42:53][W:From] [Herrosir]: bordering bohai sea
[14:43:19][W:To] [Herrosir]: yes
[14:43:27][W:From] [Herrosir]: and leaning again yuanshan mountain
[14:43:35][W:From] [Herrosir]: against*
[14:43:40][W:To] [Herrosir]: ^^
[14:44:21][W:To] [Herrosir]: whats your home adress? I can look it up on google :p
[14:44:28][W:To] [Herrosir]: or is that a bit personal?
[14:44:40][W:From] [Herrosir]: a bit sir i dont know who is very trsut worth
[14:44:50][W:To] [Herrosir]: ahah no worries
[14:44:59][W:To] [Herrosir]: no problem Smile
[14:45:41][W:From] [Herrosir]: i go now sir i have little break i might come on later with new character okay?
[14:46:02][W:To] [Herrosir]: ok, just whisper me
[14:46:07][W:To] [Herrosir]: I like talking to you

Mesaj tarihi:
ahaha bugun bunu okuduktan sonra oyunda goldseller msg geldı lvl 1 hemen dedım sana bırsey sorabılırmıyım dıe oda tabiki dedi bende nerelısın kardeş sen dedım japonum dedi artık ne kadar dogru yanlıs bılmıyorum hehe
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